Although Hu Yue and Wu Yang grew up fast, compared with Lin Feng, their cultivation was still far behind. Lin Feng was so shocked that he couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground.It's just that how can the two of them care about these now?Before they could catch their breath, they jumped up in unison and rushed to Lin Feng again, but this time the two of them learned how to behave, they didn't dare to make any moves, and obediently stopped a step away from Lin Feng He straightened his figure and looked at Lin Feng eagerly.

"Brother Lin Feng, repeat what you said just now." Hu Yue asked tremblingly, with an extremely nervous expression, for fear that he had misheard just now.

Not only Hu Yue and Wu Yang, but everyone including Xiao Lang pricked up their ears at this time, for fear of missing any word.

Lin Feng patted the dust on his body, looked at Xiao Lang, and said with a wry smile, "I thought what made you angry, big brother. I dare you to love Yao Ting. I didn't lie to you, Yao Ting really didn't Dead, not only did not die, but lived better than us."

Lin Feng was put in confinement by his family, and Xin Wuhen was kicked out directly, but Wan Dong was happy all the way, and even got the favor of Miss Huangfu, isn't he living a better life than them?

"Ahem, ahem...Lin Feng, I've already told them everything, you don't have to hide it anymore, you should tell the truth..."

"Say you big-headed ghost!" Before Ling Tianhua finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Feng's explosive roar. Lin Feng vented all his anger on Ling Tianhua without leaving a trace, until Ling Tianhua He cursed: "You bastard, how did I tell you back then, and how did you promise me? It's only been a few days, and you sold me? You're still a man, I think Your mouth is Biaozi's waistband, loosen it if you say so!"

"You..." Ling Tianhua stared blankly like this and was scolded by Lin Feng, his face was almost green, but he couldn't refute a single word, and he almost suffered internal injuries.

Xiao Lang frowned, and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, this is a big deal, you have to tell the truth!"

Of course Xiao Lang hoped that Wan Dong was still alive, but Ling Wushuang and Ling Tianhua, brothers and sisters, said that Wan Dong's death had their noses and eyes, and it was hard for him to believe it.

Not to mention Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others.To them, when they heard the news of Wan Dong's death, it was like the world falling apart.As a result, Lin Feng said that Wan Dong was not dead, which made them both happy and surprised, but at the same time they couldn't believe it.

Lin Feng gave Ling Tianhua a hard look, and then said to Xiao Lang, "Brother, when we were in the Eternal Wasteland last time, the two elders of the Ling family really said that they saw Yao Ting being involved in the Blast Sword Tomb with their own eyes." In order not to make you too sad, I chose to hide it from you. But Yao Ting is still alive, and we were talking together just now. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Wu mark!"

"Wuhen?" Xiao Lang immediately turned his attention to Xin Wuhen.

Xin Wuhen also knew that Wan Dong's life and death meant a lot to everyone, so he didn't dare to pretend, nodded his head hastily, and said, "What Lin Feng said is true, Yao Ting is indeed alive and well. And he has already voted for the Lin family." Under the sect, he became a second-line disciple of the Lin family."

"That kid is really still alive?" Ling Tianhua seemed to be a little excited, and leaned forward to ask for confirmation again with his eyes wide open.

Lin Feng was angry in his heart, he didn't want to see him at all, he rolled his eyes at him, and turned his head away.

Although a little embarrassed, Ling Tianhua's heart has settled down.Thinking that Wan Dong gave him the only teleportation stone on his body, but he died without a whole body in the strong wind of the Blast Sword Tomb, Ling Tianhua's conscience could not be at peace for a moment.This is why some people would rather bear a debt of tens of millions of dollars than a debt of favor.

Debts of money are easy to repay, but debts of favor are likely to be repaid in a lifetime!

Xin Wuhen's words don't seem like lies at first hearing, and they are also very easy to verify. Xiao Lang was startled at first, and then he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, "I knew it, I knew it was not so easy for Yao Ting to die. ! Hahaha... this brat, his life is very hard!"

Luo Xiao and the others can turn their sorrow into joy. After losing it, everyone knows how to cherish it even more!

"Brother, don't laugh, Yao Ting is still alive, but just now, he...he disappeared again." Lin Feng said with a bitter expression.

"Missing? What do you mean?" Xiao Lang really couldn't laugh, and asked blankly.

Lin Feng glanced back at Xin Wuhen, told about Wan Dong being sent to nowhere by the teleportation stone, and finally asked, "Boss, did you really not see Yao Ting coming in?"

Xiao Lang shook his head solemnly, and said, "Before you came in, the teleportation array had never been activated."

"Then... then, is there another secret realm hidden in this trial treasure field? Or Yaoting did not pass through the teleportation array here, but was directly teleported to the secret realm?"

Xiao Lang shook his head again, "That's impossible! In the past few days, all of us have visited the entire treasure trial site. If there were other hidden places, we would have discovered them long ago."

"Then... what should we do now?" Lin Feng didn't pay attention.

Xiao Lang said in a deep voice, "The teleportation stone does not emit white light, but red light. Presumably Yaoting was indeed teleported to another place. I think there is probably a treasure trial place similar to here, so you don't have to Too worried. Lin Feng, Wuhen, the two of you should go back quickly, maybe Yaoting found something wrong and sent it back."

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen nodded hastily.

Xiao Lang said again, "If Yao Ting returns safely, you must come back and report to us, we will wait here forever."

"Miss Qing, is Yao Ting back?" Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen asked Huangfu Qing impatiently as soon as they left the treasure land.

Wan Dong, Lin Feng, and Xin Wuhen disappeared one after another, leaving only Huangfu Qing anxious in the room, already in a depressed mood, and hearing the two ask such questions, the crescent eyebrows became even tighter.

There was no need for Huangfu Qing to answer, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen knew that Wan Dong hadn't come back just by looking at her face.

"Hey! Why is Yao Ting's body so evil?" Lin Feng sighed and sat heavily on the chair. At this time, he did nothing but wait with Huangfu Qing way.


"This is definitely not a place for trials!" Wan Dong realized it just as he stepped out of the teleportation formation.

Looking around, everything in sight is bloody!Even that day, that place seemed to be shrouded in a layer of blood mist. Compared with the paradise-like beauty of the trial treasure land, this place is simply a bloody hell, and there is an extremely depressing atmosphere everywhere, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Breathless.

What Wandong can be sure of is that this place, like the Treasure of Trials, should also be a secret realm.It's just that the aura of heaven and earth permeating here is no longer rich. On the contrary, it is extremely thin, almost negligible, even worse than the ordinary small world.

Just when Wan Dong was puzzled and didn't know where he was, suddenly, a 'blood cloud' in the distance rushed towards him like waves blown by a strong wind.

It was not the first time Wan Dong had seen such a scene, and it immediately made his heartstrings stretched to the tightest.

"In this secret realm, how could there be a 'blood-clothed man'?!"

No one gave Wan Dong an answer, and Wan Dong didn't have time to think about the answer. The blood-clothed people in waves, like the tide, came in an instant.Without even thinking about it, Wan Dong saw the sacrifice of 'Samsara'.

Now Wan Dong's cultivation has not only been raised to the middle level of the earth wheel, but he also has a complete 'Reincarnation' magic weapon, and his combat power has more than doubled?

With a sway of the sword's edge, 'Blood Slaughter Thousand Miles' was launched immediately.

After Wan Dong suddenly realized the true meaning of the sword recorded in the "Sword of the Immortal", the power of Xuetu Qianli unleashed from his hands also increased by more than [-]%, completely comparable to the previous "Smoke Dissipated"!

When the sword swung, it could be described as a roar of mountains and tsunamis.The blood-colored sword light swept across the crowd of medical students in a fan shape, and the blood-clothed people, like punctured balloons, burst one after another immediately, turning into waves of blood mist.Nearly a hundred blood-clothed men, none of them survived Wan Dong's sword.

A large thick, almost insoluble blood energy poured into Wan Dong's body like a gust of wind, and merged with Wan Dong's own Dao Qi, forcing Wan Dong's middle-level cultivation of the earth wheel to ruthlessly A big step forward.

Sure enough, this secret realm is exactly the same as the trial treasure land!It's just that the Explosive Tiger was replaced by the blood-clothed man.However, the Dao Qi released by the blood-clothed man after his death was much stronger than that of the Exploding Flame Tiger.

Nearly a hundred blood-clothed men fell to their deaths, leaving scattered, about ten pieces of teleportation stones on the ground. Wan Dong recruited them casually, and found that these teleportation stones were almost exactly the same as those exploded by the Flame Tiger in the trial treasure land.Reminiscent of the teleportation stone that teleported himself here, Wan Dong can be sure that whether it is here or the teleportation stone that exploded in the trial treasure land, they are fundamentally the same.

But if they were the same, why was Wan Dong sent here instead of being sent to the Trial Treasure Land?

After much deliberation, Wan Dong could only think of one explanation.That is these teleportation stones, not only have the power of teleportation, but also can detect the combat power of the user!

right!The basis for the teleportation stone to distinguish users is not the realm, but the combat power!

Only in this way can it be explained why Wan Dong was teleported here because he only had the middle level of the Earth Wheel, but Huangfu Qing and Qi Xuan could neither enter the Trial Treasure Land nor enter here.

Although Wan Dong's cultivation base is only at the middle level of the earth wheel, his combat power has steadily reached the middle level of Tiange.Perhaps, reaching the middle level of Tiange's combat power is the threshold for entering this secret realm.The threshold for entering the trial treasure land is that the combat power is below the first level of the Tiange Realm.

When Wan Dong figured out this level, not far away, another cloud of blood rose into the sky, which was obviously more ferocious than the previous wave...

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