The attack power of this second wave of blood-clothed men is similar to that of the first wave, but the number has more than doubled.However, under Wan Dong's 'Samsara' sword, he was still not an opponent, and after a while, he was all wiped out.However, as Wan Dong expected, the second wave of blood-clothed men had just been wiped out, and the third wave of blood-clothed men appeared again. The combat power of the blood-clothed men alone remained the same, but the number of blood-clothed men doubled compared to the second wave .

With nearly 400 blood-clothed people rushing forward at the same time, the scene can already be described as 'magnificent'.Looking from afar, it looks like a tumbling wave of blood, which is amazing.

This time, Wan Dong used his sword energy like a vast sea of ​​clouds that vanished into thin air. After several rounds of rolling between heaven and earth, he finally wiped out the third wave of blood-clothed men.

There were three waves before and after, with a total of nearly [-] blood-clothed men. The Dao Qi released after the destruction actually increased the Dao Qi reserve in Wan Dong's body by more than [-]%.If it continues like this, it won't take long for Wan Dong to rely on the accumulation of Dao Qi to directly hit the peak of the earth wheel.

This secret realm is obviously more rare than the treasure land of trials!The blood-clothed people seem to be born at any time, and when one wave is eliminated, the second wave will appear immediately, as if the endless stream is endless!

Promoting the rapid improvement of dao qi by killing the blood-clothed man is rare, but what Wan Dong values ​​more is that he has actually fought with the blood-clothed man here, and accumulated rich practical experience. To a certain extent, this This kind of actual combat experience is more precious than the increase of dao qi.

Through the future he saw in the blood realm, Wan Dong already knew that the blood skeleton was behind the catastrophe, and its greatest support was the bloody coat that was as vast as a sea of ​​smoke and as numerous as grains of sand in the vast sea. People, in other words, this blood-clothed man will be the most direct opponent of Wan Dong and all Taoist monks!It would definitely be a great thing if he could accumulate rich experience in fighting with them before this.

Wan Dong was already pondering in his mind at this moment, when Luo Xiao, Wang Yangde and others' cultivation had reached a sufficient level, he would send them here and hone them hard again!

This steady stream of blood-clothed men will surely forge them into an army of surprise soldiers that will make the blood-clothed men fearful in the future!

Not long after the third wave of blood-clothed men was wiped out, the fourth wave of blood-clothed men reappeared.

Wan Dong took a closer look and saw that the number of blood-clothed people in the fourth wave had decreased significantly, only one-third of the first wave of blood-clothed people, about thirty or so.But the combat effectiveness of this fourth wave of blood-clothed men is obviously more than one level stronger than the previous three waves of blood-clothed men.Wan Dong roughly estimated that the cultivation base of the first three waves of blood-clothed men was around the peak of Xuanhen, but the fighting power of the fourth wave of blood-clothed men was comparable to that of monks at the peak of Earth Wheel.Therefore, although there are only 30 people, the power released is much stronger than the third wave of blood-clothed men.

"Interesting!" As Wan Dong's understanding of this secret realm increased, his interest became more intense. He let out a chuckle, and his figure formed a neat and beautiful arc in the air, landing directly on the blood-clothed man. in the crowd.

A sword of reincarnation, as if it had come to life, turned into a spirit snake, flashing streaks of silvery and glaring cold light, and exploded.Wherever they went, the people in blood burst into blood mist one after another, and none of them could resist their sharpness.

After the fourth wave, the fifth wave with a total of about sixty blood-clothed men came again.With the rise of Wan Dongsha, no matter how tall he was, the blood slaughtered for thousands of miles, and the sharp edge that disappeared in smoke rose up in turn among the blood-clothed crowd, stirring up a storm of 'sea of ​​blood' one after another!

When the sixth wave of blood-clothed men rushed in, Wan Dong finally felt a little strenuous.A total of nearly a hundred blood-clothed men at the peak of the earth wheel is already a very powerful force.If released, it would be enough to easily injure a powerful third-rank family.

Wan Dong finally understood why the threshold for entering and exiting this secret realm had to be set at the mid-level Tiange. Non-middle-level Tiange monks simply couldn't withstand the wave after wave of attacks.Especially this sixth wave, once it falls into it, and cannot enter the teleportation array in time, there will be death and no life.

However, this sixth wave of blood-clothed men showed Wan Dong's strength even more!I saw his figure, like a sky-shattering dragon, dancing among the blood-clothed people, seeing him as if he had entered a land of no one.He used the reincarnation sword to the extreme. With a random swing of the sword, at least two or three blood-clothed men burst to death.

If Huangfu Qing were here at this time, she would be so shocked that her eyes would pop out!This kind of combat power is by no means incomparable to her.

Even if Wan Dong is so powerful, the sixth wave of blood-clothed men took nearly half an hour of Wan Dong's work.And beads of sweat were evident on Wan Dong's forehead, obviously he had exerted all his strength.

However, the amount of Dao Qi contributed by the sixth wave of blood-clothed men to Wan Dong is also astonishing.After fully absorbing it, the Dao Qi in Wan Dong's body has already approached the peak of the Earth Chakra. Right now, he lacks a little bit of comprehension, and he can completely break through!

Among his peers, although Wan Dong's realm is not the highest, but his combat effectiveness is far ahead of the crowd!

After the sixth wave of blood-clothed men ended, the seventh wave of blood-clothed men did not appear immediately as before, and a rare calm was restored between heaven and earth.Wan Dong couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief, if it really happened like this, wave after wave, continuously, then I'm afraid that even the powerhouses of the Divine Dao Realm and the Holy Soul Realm couldn't resist it.

But whether there will be a seventh wave of blood-clothed people, and whether the seventh wave of blood-clothed people will be stronger than the sixth wave, Wan Dong is still a little curious.

About half an hour later, when Wan Dong had almost adjusted his breath, the seventh wave of blood-clothed men appeared.However, Wan Dong soon discovered that the combat power and number of the seventh wave of blood-clothed men were exactly the same as those of the first wave. Waves are similar.

This is like a reincarnation with six waves as a round, repeated continuously.

Although Wan Dong was a little disappointed, he also felt that this should be the case.This is a secret realm used to improve people's cultivation, not a slaughterhouse for killing people!If the infinity that is stronger than the last wave continues, then who can walk out of here alive?

Wanting to understand this truth, Wan Dong didn't continue to entangle with the blood-clothed man. Before the eighth wave of blood-clothed men arrived at the bottom of the sink, they rushed into the teleportation array.

Huangfu Qing, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen didn't know where Wan Dong was teleported, let alone when Wan Dong would come back, and they didn't dare to leave without authorization, they had been waiting bitterly.After one or two hours, it was really a torment for the three of them.

Especially Huangfu Qing, who thought about east and west for a while, and his mind was never at peace for a moment.Just when the three of them were burning with anxiety and were about to collapse, a red light suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air.

"I'm back!" Huangfu Qing subconsciously let out a cheer, and got up to get closer to the red light.

But before she got close to the red light, an unusually strong bloody murderous aura burst out from the red light.The murderous aura was so strong that people felt as if they were trapped in thousands of corpses. Huangfu Qing's cheers turned into screams, and at the same time, her body trembled backwards as if she had touched an electric grid. Blast back.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen were also taken aback, and in the blink of an eye, their complexions were already pale and green, and their brows were full of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

It felt like it wasn't Wan Dong that was being teleported back, but a bloodthirsty and frenzied eternal beast!

"What's your expression?" Wan Dong stepped out of the red light, and seeing the strange expressions on the faces of the three of them, he couldn't help being surprised, and asked in surprise.

"You... Where did you come back from, hell?" Huangfu Qing looked at Wan Dong and asked blankly.

Wan Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood.Although the blood-clothed man was not a human being, he was in human form after all. Wan Dong killed thousands of blood-clothed men in one breath, which was no different from Qian Rentu. Naturally, he was inevitably tainted with a strong bloody and murderous aura.

Hastily mobilized Dao Qi silently, swam around for a while, and tried to calm down as much as possible, the terrifying bloody aura and murderous aura on his body slowly dissipated.

Huangfu Qing, Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen felt better, and their expressions relaxed.

"Yao Ting, where have you been teleported?" Lin Feng was very curious and asked hastily.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I don't really know, but I guess, there should be another secret realm overlapping with the trial treasure land. Once your combat power reaches the mid-level Tiange, you will also be able to was teleported there."

"What!? You mean, your cultivation has reached the mid-level Tiange?"

Huangfu Qing didn't care much about the secret realm, but she was very sad about Wan Dong's cultivation, and asked with surprise on her pretty face.

Wan Dong shook his head and said, "I'm talking about combat power, not cultivation."

Huangfu Qing gave a wry smile, and said, "Aren't you even more perverted? Your cultivation is not even in the Heavenly Realm, but your combat power is already at the middle level of the Heavenly Realm. Then when your cultivation reaches the Heavenly Realm, won't you even be able to reach the Divine Dao?" Do you not pay attention to the strong in the realm?"

What Huangfu Qing said was not an exaggeration, when he reached the Tiange Realm, Wan Dong really wanted to meet a strong man in the Divine Dao Realm.The two elders of the Ling family, Ling Gang and Ling Wei, have both reached the elementary level of the divine way, but in Wan Dong's view, it seems that they are not so far away.

"Yao Ting, what is there in that secret realm? Is it also filled with countless treasures of heaven and earth just like the treasure of trials?"

Lin Feng was already very aware of Wan Dong's abnormality, so his focus was completely different from Huangfu Qing's. What he wanted to know more was Wan Dong's newly discovered secret realm.With the experience of testing the treasure land, Lin Feng is full of interest in this new secret realm discovered by Wan Dong.

"Do you still remember the blood-clothed man we met in the Eternal Wasteland?"

"Of course I remember! Those ghost things almost killed us, and I will never forget them in my life!"

"Haha... In that secret realm, there are no natural treasures, only endless blood-clothed people!"

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