"Hehe... I knew you were going to use this 'Cloud Piercing Strike' move, and I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Under Huangfu Xun's gun, Wei Shaoqing seemed to be able to handle it with ease, amidst an evil laugh, he flicked his wrist, The steel fan flew up automatically, blocking the tip of the Silver Star Spear.

There was only a tingling sound coming from the scalp, and the steel fan was made of unknown material, but it was actually indestructible. Even if Huangfu Xun used all his strength to stab, he couldn't. Pierce it.On the contrary, under the rapid rotation of the steel-framed iron fan, Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Spear was pushed back.

"Hey... I've seen enough of your Lingyun marksmanship, do you have any new tricks?"

"You are too wordy!"

Huangfu Xun finally got a little impatient, with a flick of his wrist, the tip of the silver star gun in his hand suddenly trembled violently.A burst of strength gushed out from the tip of the spear, turning into fearful strength like giant dragons in the air, roaring and galloping.

"It's barely interesting, but it's not enough to watch!"

Wei Shaoqing's complexion finally turned serious, and he let out a low shout, and the steel fan in his hand seemed to come alive, dancing and writhing in front of him automatically, stirring up the spirit of heaven and earth that was floating between heaven and earth , raising a frightful gust of wind,

One after another, the sky-shattering loud noises followed one after another, and the strength of the two was extended for a while, forcing everyone present to retreat back.

For two young juniors to fight to such an extent, it can be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.Several elders of the Lin family hurriedly joined forces to form air barriers in the air, forcing the strength of the two to be suppressed within a certain range so that they would not hurt others.


The silver star gun and the steel frame iron fan collided again in the air, Huangfuxun and Wei Shaoqing's bodies were shocked, and then each took three steps back.It seemed that it was an evenly divided situation, but Wan Dong's brows could not help but frown. Compared with the two, Wei Shaoqing was obviously more relaxed.

"Huangfuxun, you're pretty much done playing, now it's time for me!" Wei Shaoqing had been only defending, but at this moment he sneered, let go and launched an offensive.

Compared with Huangfu Xun's opening and closing, which was fierce and tough, Wei Shaoqing's offensive was obviously more feminine and tricky. A steel fan was like the poisonous snake's trustworthy child, erratic and unpredictable.Huangfu Xun didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and kept the Silver Star Spear Dance impenetrable. It seemed that he was very brave and kept Wei Shaoqing away from thousands of miles away, but in fact, his way of fighting was the most exhausting. It is definitely not a good strategy for a long battle.

"After tossing and tossing for a long time, it's almost over, Huangfu Xun, you should wake up!"

Just when Huangfu Xun was resisting Wei Shaoqing's offensive with all his strength, Wei Shaoqing's offensive suddenly changed, and blood-colored energy burst out from the iron fan, layer upon layer, and trapped Huangfu Xun. live.And as soon as this bloody energy came out, Wei Shaoqing's whole aura suddenly changed. If he gave people the impression of evil before, now he makes people feel violent and ferocious.

As a matter of course, Wei Shaoqing's sense of threat also soared like a rocket.

Huangfu Qing couldn't help but opened his mouth and let out an exclamation, and shouted in a trembling voice, "This... what kind of move is this?"

Wan Dong let out a sneer in his heart, he had expected Wei Shaoqing to be reserved, and as expected, he finally showed his trump card.It's just that this violent and bloody aura is somewhat similar to those blood-clothed men.Wan Dong had suspected that there was some connection between the blood skull and the catastrophe, but now it seems that he can't be wrong.

Surrounded by streaks of blood-colored energy, Huangfu Xun felt as though he was trapped in a battle of tens of thousands of enemies.Threats hit him from all directions, with almost no dead ends.In order to resist this ubiquitous danger, Huangfu Xun had to mobilize every trace of Dao Qi in his body and run it with all his strength.In fact, he is like a caged animal at this time, and his defeat is already doomed!

Seeing this situation, Lin Yingyang immediately became nervous. If the young master of the Huangfu family made any mistakes in his house, he would not be able to explain it at all.Although it was intentional to intervene, those two strong men in purple made him very afraid.Although the cultivation base of the two is inferior to his, it is not difficult to separate one of them and entangle him.And with just one breath, another man in purple can completely put Huangfu Xun to death.But this is because he didn't follow the rules first, and I'm afraid he won't even be able to find justice.

"How about Huangfu Xun, how does my 'Ghost Fan Blood Prison' taste? This is a 'big meal' I specially prepared for you, don't waste it! Hahaha..."

Trapping Huangfu Xun in the 'Blood Prison', Wei Shaoqing not only spoke unforgivingly, but also showed no scruples in his hands.With a dance of the iron fan, several thorn-like vigor shot towards Huangfu Xun's whole body, which was even more sinister than the most vicious hidden weapon in the world.

Huangfu Xun was at a loss, not to mention the dangers, and felt extremely useless.He and Wei Shaoqing have always been on the same page, and of course he couldn't accept the sudden loss to Wei Shaoqing's hands.

"I'm fighting with you!" With a loud roar, the silver star gun in Huangfu Xun's hand suddenly swung horizontally, and all the energy in his body was poured into the gun body almost instantly.A silver gun turned into red gold in an instant, shining brilliantly and scorching eyes.

With Huangfu Xun Tiange's mid-level cultivation base, coupled with the first-grade martial skill 'Lingyun Spear Technique', the power of this spear is really not ordinary astonishing.

The golden light burst out, and the bloody energy surrounding Huangfu Xun evaporated like snow under the scorching sun in an instant.Huangfu Xun's whole person was like a giant dragon out of trouble, out of control, the body of the gun vibrated violently, turning into a golden light, carrying a suffocating power, and at an astonishing speed, it went straight to Wei Shaoqing's heart.

"Brother, you're doing well!" Seeing Huangfu Xun breaking through the shackles and launching a desperate counterattack against Wei Shaoqing, Huangfu Qing shouted excitedly.

However, Wan Dong's mood suddenly became extremely heavy at this moment, and before he knew it, Huangfu Xun seemed to have fallen into Wei Shaoqing's trap again.

Sure enough, the moment Huangfu Xun's golden spear was about to stab Wei Shaoqing, Wei Shaoqing's gloomy voice sounded again, "Huangfu Xun, do you know when a person is most vulnerable? "

"Whoever talks nonsense with you, go to hell!" Huangfu Xun ignored him, angrily scolded, the golden light condensed by the silver star gun directly pierced Wei Shaoqing's body.

"Okay... what!?" Huangfu Qing's cheers turned into deep shock before they could be fully uttered.

Wei Shaoqing's body pierced by Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Spear suddenly turned into a layer of mist, and quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"Remnant image!?" Huangfu Xun also realized that something was wrong at this time, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Hey... Let me tell you, when a person is weakest, he thinks he is the strongest, just like you now!"

Wei Shaoqing's evil laughter reappeared, this time it actually appeared above Huangfu Xun's head.Huangfu Xun's heart exploded, and Wei Shaoqing actually appeared on top of his head without hiding it from his eyes. To him, this was unimaginable.

But the facts are the facts. When Huangfu Xun's heart was shaken, Wei Shaoqing was not idle at all. The offensive that had been accumulated for a long time exploded in an instant. The blood-red light wrapped the steel-framed iron fan, With a condescending attitude, she landed straight towards Huangfu Xun.

The hairs all over Huangfuxun's body stood on end one by one, and he hurriedly raised the silver star gun in his hand, trying to hold Wei Shaoqing's steel fan.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the silver star gun and the steel fan were about to intersect, Wei Shaoqing's steel fan suddenly flashed a colorful light, which was very beautiful.

"Duantiangang!? Your fan..."

This colorful brilliance lit up, and Huangfu Xun shouted in shock, his face was full of horror.Even Lin Yingyang was obviously taken aback.

"Hey... Huangfu Xun, I just said you are an idiot! I didn't find out that my steel-framed iron fan has been recast until now. You are undefeated, what is the reason for it!?"

With a series of sinister laughter, Wei Shaoqing's steel-frame iron fan slammed on Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Spear.

Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Spear looked like it was forged from an extremely rare metal, and it was extremely solid, but no one thought that Huangfu Xun's Silver Star Spear would crack under Wei Shaoqing's iron fan. With a sound, it was broken into two pieces.

Huangfu Xun was stunned, staring straight at the silver star gun that had been broken into two pieces, unable to recover for a long time, but Wei Shaoqing seized the opportunity and flew a kick, right in the middle of Huangfu Xun. chest.

Wei Shaoqing's kick was so powerful that it sent Huangfu Xun flying seven or eight feet horizontally, a bloody arrow spewed out from his mouth, and his complexion turned dark in an instant.

"This...it's not true, it's not true..." Huangfu Qing couldn't accept Huangfu Xun's defeat at all, let alone accept that she would become Wei Shaoqing's woman from now on, she seemed to be in a daze , standing there, whispering non-stop.

"I didn't expect that the blood skull could even find the legendary Duantian steel, and it was perfectly melted into Wei Shaoqing's steel fan. The Duantian steel can break even the sky, let alone the silver star gun? "Lin Yingyang repeatedly shook his head and sighed.Wei Shaoqing was clearly prepared long ago, but Huangfu Xun was lured into the trap step by step, how could he be invincible?

"Hahaha... Huangfu Xun, you lost!" Wei Shaoqing floated to the ground, closed the iron fan, and pointed at Huangfu Xun, with contempt and contempt on his face.

"I..." Huangfu Xun opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back, with a dejected look on his face.

"Why, do you still want to deny it? Even your silver star gun has been broken in two. If your skin is really so thick, then I will allow you to deny it! Hehe... But from now on, your Huangfu family You will lose face completely!" Wei Shaoqing laughed even more wildly.

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