Huangfu Xun glared at Wei Shaoqing with resentment on his face, and said through gritted teeth, "Wei Shaoqing, you are really deliberate!"

If by this time, Huangfu Xun still can't understand that all this is a trap set by Wei Shaoqing, then he is simply a stick, let alone be the future head of the Huangfu family.

At this moment, the deal is done, Wei Shaoqing no longer hides it, and laughs wildly up to the sky, saying, "Huangfu Xun, you said everything yourself, I didn't force you!"

"You don't need to provoke me with your words. I, Huangfu Xun, have never said anything that counts. Anyway, it seems that today, the sky is going to kill me!" Huangfu Xun slowly raised his palm with a sad expression.

"Brother, don't!" Seeing that Huangfu Xun was really going to commit suicide, Huangfu Qing was shocked and shouted loudly in haste.

Huangfu Xun turned her head to look at Huangfu Qing, feeling even more sad in her heart.Although Huangfu Xun cared about her own life and death, she was able to face it directly, but when she thought that after her death, Huangfu Qing would fall into Wei Shaoqing's clutches and suffer all her life. To Huangfu Xun, this was worse than death. Be miserable.

"Wei Shaoqing, if you dare to harm my sister, even if I, Huangfu Xun, turn into a ghost, I will cut you to pieces!" Huangfu Xun burst into grief and rebuked Wei Shaoqing.

Wei Shaoqing, however, was not threatened at all. With a cold smile, he said sarcastically, "I'm not afraid of you alive, so why are you afraid of turning into a ghost? I'm defeated!"

Huangfu Xun let out a sigh, and the raised palm suddenly fell down, which meant to end her own life.At this critical moment, a figure, faster than the lightning, stood in front of Huangfu Xun with a whoosh, and blocked Huangfu Xun's palm with a wave of his hand.

"It''s you?" Huangfu Xun looked up, and was obviously taken aback when he saw that it was Wan Dong.

"The boy is looking for death!" Wan Dong smiled, and was about to speak, when there was a burst of shouting, which sounded suddenly.

One of the two purple-clothed powerhouses jumped up and rushed towards Wan Dong like a fierce god, as if to tear Wan Dong's corpse into thousands of pieces.

Lin Yingyang at the side snorted coldly, and followed closely, his figure was like an indestructible mountain, unceremoniously blocked in front of the purple-clothed strong man, and protected Wan Dong.

Lin Yingyang is a strong man at the peak of the divine way, and the strong man in purple didn't dare to be presumptuous. Halfway through, he stopped his palm forcefully and shouted sharply, "Lin Yingyang, the rules have been set long ago, anyone Don't interfere, don't you want to go back on your word?"

Huangfu Xun was defeated in a blink of an eye, and Lin Yingyang didn't even have time to think of a way to rescue him. Seeing that Huangfu Xun wanted to commit suicide because of his defeat, he was even more anxious.But helplessly, his brain was very weak, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't think of a proper way.Seeing Wan Dong rushing to the stage suddenly made him feel happy.Although he didn't have much contact with Wan Dong, Wan Dong's unexpected way of dealing with things always brought him "surprises". At this time, he couldn't help but pour all his hopes on Wan Dong.

"Who's going back on his word? The contest between Wei Shaoqing and Master Xun, the old man didn't intervene, he has already followed the rules! Otherwise, such a result would never have happened!"

The two strong men in purple looked at each other, and had to admit that what Lin Yingyang said made sense.After all, this is the territory of the Lin family, and Lin Yingyang is a strong man at the peak of the divine way. Even if Wei Shaoqing can't be killed, it is still possible to forcefully end the contest.

"Lin Yingyang, Huangfu Xun was defeated and committed suicide. This is also a part of a normal martial arts competition. You can't stop it either!" Another strong man in purple said again.

Lin Yingyang snorted softly, and said, "When did I stop you? I just stopped you from hurting my disciple of the Lin family."


"There's nothing wrong with it! Even if you can't wait for Master Xun to die, are you not in a hurry at this moment?"

"Hahaha... You two get out of the way, I want to see what kind of tricks this low-level disciple of the Lin family can play." Wei Shaoqing laughed, waved his hand, and let the strong Ziyi Those who stepped back.

Lin Yingyang sighed in his heart, there was only so much he could do, and the rest was up to Wan Dong.

"You...what are you doing here?" Huangfu Xun came back to his senses and said angrily, staring at Wan Dong.He is the young master of a first-class family, looking up at Wan Dong like this makes him very upset.

Wan Dong chuckled, and said, "If I don't come up again, you idiot, you will die!"

"Idiot!? You... Are you talking about this young master?" Wan Dong is definitely the No.1 who dared to add these two words to him and say them in front of him so far.

"Isn't it? You obviously fell into someone else's trick, but you still foolishly want to cut yourself according to the pre-set rules. Pigs are smarter than you?"

"A plan... a plan?" Huangfu Xun asked in a daze after being startled.

Wan Dong snorted, pointed at Wei Shaoqing, and said disdainfully, "This bastard is nothing but a piece of shit. His cultivation is so bad, even your toes are worse..."

Wei Shaoqing was shaking his folding fan lightly, waiting to see what Wan Dong would do with a smile. Hearing him say this suddenly, the smile on his face froze immediately, and his complexion turned livid. He was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.However, Huangfu Xun listened secretly, and couldn't help but smile on his handsome face.

"Then Brother Yao Ting, tell me, what kind of strategy is this bastard using?" Happily, Huangfu Xun's attitude towards Wan Dong also became warmer.Brother Yao Ting, really very close.

Wan Dong snorted again, and said, "This bastard is stupid by nature, and he can't come up with any decent strategies. It's nothing more than using words to provoke you first, making you emotionally discordant and distracted, and then he will take advantage of you not paying attention. , Relying on the advantage of the weapon, cut off your Silver Star Spear, that's all, it's not worth mentioning."

"So that's how it is! Let me tell you, during the fight just now, Wei's surname seemed to be possessed by a biao. So many words were intended to provoke me on purpose. Also, this bastard obviously used Tiangang The iron fan was recast, but it was disguised as exactly the same as the original one, clearly to hide it from my eyes and lure me into being fooled!"

Huangfu Xun looked suddenly enlightened, and Wei Shaoqing was so angry that he wanted to go crazy, he couldn't bear it and let out a loud shout, "Fuck your mother! Brat, if you dare to insult me ​​like this, I will cut you to pieces!" Wan Duan!"

"Chop into ten thousand pieces? Just rely on you? I'm yuck!"

Wan Dong spat out a mouthful of saliva, and the disdain and contempt on his face became even stronger.

"You said I insulted you, then I might as well prove it to everyone today! Open your dog eyes and see what state I am in?"

Although Wei Shaoqing and Huangfu Xun were equal in status, his reputation was far superior to Huangfu Xun's. At such a young age, there were already countless masters in his hands.Seeing Wan Dong embarrass Wei Shaoqing face to face, it is absolutely impossible to say that Huangfu Qing is not worried at all.But right now, the hope of saving Huangfu Xun can only rest on Wan Dong, no matter how worried Huangfu Qing is, there is nothing she can do.

"Hmph! I thought you were a god, but it turns out that you are just a small peak of the yellow race. I stretch out a finger, and I can crush you to death countless times!"

Wei Shaoqing was dazzled by Wan Dong's anger, and he didn't notice Wan Dong's cultivation at first, but when he took a closer look at it, he almost couldn't help but laugh.A junior at the peak of the yellow race was indeed like an ant in front of him.

"Hmph...then do you dare to fight me?" Wan Dong snorted coldly, his expression suddenly turned sharp, and he shouted loudly.

"You... what did you say?" When Wan Dong said this, Wei Shaoqing was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Not only Wei Shaoqing, but everyone present had the same expression as him.A peak of the yellow race dared to challenge the mid-level Tiange. Is there anything crazier than this in this world?

Although Huangfu Qing knew that Wan Dong seemed to be only at the peak of the yellow race, but her real combat power was still higher than hers, but could Wan Dong be able to deal with Wei Shaoqing, who even Huangfu Xun couldn't defeat?As for Wan Dong's ridicule towards Wei Shaoqing before, I'm afraid only a blind fool would take it seriously.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen were also worried to the extreme, but they knew Wan Dong's temper, and knew that it was useless to persuade him at this time, so they could only pray in their hearts.

"Are you a lunatic?" Wei Shaoqing looked Wan Dong up and down, and asked in a concentrated voice.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "Of course I'm not crazy, I just can't see you pretending to be big here! If I beat you with my own hands, it means that what I said is right, you are completely useless and only show off Clever, tricky clown."

Wei Shaoqing was not only cunning, but also very cautious. He didn't accept the challenge without hesitation just because Wan Dong was only at the peak of the yellow race, but turned his head to look at the two strong men in purple behind him.

The two strong men in purple nodded lightly at the same time, and Wei Shaoqing's heart immediately settled down.Even if he might be wrong, there is absolutely no reason for the two supernatural beings to be wrong.

"Hmph... Brat, since you are looking for death, how can I not grant you a reason? Alright! I will accept your challenge and send you to the Underworld by the way!"

Wan Dong smiled disdainfully, turned his head and said to Huangfu Xun who was still there in a daze, "It's none of your business here, you can go down!"

"Damn!" Huangfu Xun couldn't help but open his mouth to curse, Wan Dong's tone and demeanor, people who didn't know thought he was the young master of Huangfu's family.

But it's always good if you don't die, Huangfu Xun didn't say too much, and said "be careful" to Wandong, then turned and retreated.

Wei Shaoqing raised his eyebrows, and said loudly, "Huangfu Xun, don't think that the bet between us is over when this kid comes out to mess with each other. When I take care of this ignorant little bastard, you will die as well!" "

Huangfu Xun snorted heavily and ignored it.

Huangfu Qing rushed forward like a cloud of smoke, seeing him supported, "Brother, is your injury serious?"


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