Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 11028 Wan Dong VS Wei Shaoqing!

Huangfuxun bared his teeth, and his expression was slightly pained, "It's not serious, but I can bear it. I didn't expect Wei Shaoqing's cultivation to improve so much after a year. I lost because of Huangfu. Xun’s steel-framed iron fan has joined Duantian Steel, but after all, my cultivation base is slightly inferior to his. Qing’er, this kid named Xu Yaoting has a good mouth, but his cultivation base is far behind. Confronting Wei Shaoqing, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good."

Huangfu Qing's face was full of worry, her expression was very heavy, why didn't she think so?I just don’t want to provoke Huangfu Xun and make him more worried, so he forced a smile and said, "Brother, don’t worry about Yao Ting. Although I have known him not long ago, I know that Yao Ting is full of schemes and never does anything wrong." If he dares to challenge Wei Shaoqing, he must rely on something. You just need to relax!"

Huangfu Xun smiled wryly, and said, "This kid is indeed a bit evil! I hope he can give us a surprise as you said!"

It is a shame for Wei Shaoqing that a kid who is only at the peak of the yellow race dares to challenge Wei Shaoqing, who is a middle-level genius.At this time, the two stood facing each other, Wei Shaoqing's face was already full of murderous intent.In this battle, no matter what, he would not let Wan Dong walk down the stage alive!

"Lin Yingyang, no matter what you say, this kid is a disciple of your Lin family. If I don't say anything to you, I will kill him. It seems that I don't understand the rules. But fists and feet have no eyes. It's up to me to control it, and when the time comes, won't you blame me?" Wei Shaoqing glanced at Wan Dong coldly, then turned to Lin Yingyang and said.

"This..." Lin Yingyang's heart sank, Wei Shaoqing was clearly trying to talk the truth.Once he let go, Wei Shaoqing would immediately put Wan Dong to death without hesitation, but if he didn't let go, he would appear too petty, which really made him a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, before Lin Yingyang could come up with a countermeasure, Wan Dong had already raised his voice and said, "You're right, your fists and feet have no eyes, if I accidentally kill you, the blood skeleton won't trouble me? "

"Fart your mother! If you really have that ability, I will kill you as you please, and the blood skeleton will definitely not trouble you!"

Wei Shaoqing's eloquence before made Huangfu Xun nearly pissed off, but he never dreamed that the retribution would fall on him in the blink of an eye.Every word Wan Dong said made him tremble with anger.Huangfu Xun's feeling just now is almost ten times stronger than him at this time.

"Then stop talking nonsense! Come on, let everyone see your real ability!" Wan Dong hooked his finger at Wei Shaoqing, that contemptuous look, like a sharp knife, pierced Wei Shaoqing fiercely. Qing's heart.

Wei Shaoqing was by no means an impulsive person, but Wan Dong's words were harsh, coupled with his undisguised provocation, Wei Shaoqing almost went crazy.

The steel-framed iron fan was withdrawn suddenly, and Wei Shaoqing's palm was like lightning, a powerful palm force comparable to the strength of a thousand tigers, surging like a wave, pouring straight towards Wan Dong.

"Hmph... You little bastard, you are not worthy of my master's full strength, just one palm is enough to wipe you out!" Wei Shaoqing groaned coldly, just waiting to see Wan Dong melt under the strength of his palm. Make a ball of pureed meat.

"Hey...Wei Shaoqing, you can die if you don't brag!" Wan Dong smiled, his body was as motionless as Wei Shaoqing, his right palm was raised high, and there was a golden light in the palm, shining like a blazing sun, a strand of light The pure and vast aura instantly diffused, covering the entire audience.

As soon as Wei Shaoqing felt this momentum, he almost jumped up without any surprise, and couldn't help cursing in his heart, "Bastard bastard, is this an offensive that the peak of the yellow race can send out?"

Not only Wei Shaoqing, but also the two strong men in purple clothes with blood skulls widened their eyes in shock on the spot, and the brows were full of shock and disbelief, as if they saw a small revolver the size of a palm and launched a fire. Tomahawk missiles in general.Wan Dong's realm does not match the combat power he displayed at this time.

Lin Yingyang used to think that Wan Dong was eccentric and courageous. When he was promoted to a second-line disciple, nine out of ten it was because of Huangfu Qing's face. He never thought that Wan Dong's cultivation was so good fear.With his experience at the peak of the divine way, he couldn't help opening his mouth in shock at this time.

And Huangfu Xun was stunned on the spot, he thought that Wan Dong had prepared some trick to deal with Wei Shaoqing, but he never dreamed that Wan Dong would be so domineering and directly confront Wei Shaoqing.What made Huangfu Xun even more unexpected was that Wan Dong's cultivation was so high that he was not inferior to him in the slightest.

"Qing'er, where did you meet this friend?" Huangfu Xun couldn't help looking back at Huangfu Qing with his eyes shining and asked.

Seeing Wan Dong showing off his might in public, Huangfu Qing was more excited and excited than anyone else.Hearing Huangfu Xun's question, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed, "Brother, how do you think my friend compares to you?"

Huangfu Xun couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and said with some complaints, "You girl is becoming more and more unkind. You knew that this kid is powerful, so you should have reminded me earlier. You almost made me a big fool!"

Huangfu Xun was really lucky, especially when he thought that he kept saying that he wanted to teach Wan Dong a lesson just now, and he was even more frightened.If he gets angry with him, if he comes to a fight with him, his face might be thrown to the country of Java.

At this moment, Huangfu Qing was full of confidence in Wan Dong, she held Huangfu Xun's hand and said, "Brother, look, Yao Ting will definitely vent his anger on you!"

When everyone in the audience was shocked, Wan Dong on the stage struck out with a palm, instantly annihilating Wei Shaoqing's palm strength.With a shake of his body, he said with a bit of sarcasm on his face, "Wei Shaoqing, if you don't pay attention, you will have no chance at all!"

"You little thief, you keep saying that I am playing tricks, I think you are extremely cunning! You are already at the Tiange Realm, but you want to pretend to be the peak of the yellow race, it is shameless!"

Being swayed by Wan Dong in this way, the anger in Wei Shaoqing's heart can be described as a volcanic eruption. He pointed at Wan Dong and reprimanded him sharply.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "I don't like to hear your words. I never said that I am the peak of the yellow race. You are obviously blind and self-righteous. Can you blame me?"

"You!" Wei Shaoqing's face turned livid.

Wan Dong waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Are you going to fight or not? If you don't fight, throw in the towel and get out!"

"Fart! I said I want you to die, so you don't want to live!"

With a roar, Wei Shaoqing regained his stature, this time using an iron fan instead of bare hands.

In order to lure Huangfu Xun into being fooled before, Wei Shaoqing deliberately suppressed it, and did not truly display the power of the steel-frame iron fan, but at this time, he hated Wan Dong so much that he had no reservations. In his hands, it can be described as ever-changing and unpredictable.

One after another fan shadows burst out one after another, layer upon layer, looking from a distance, it was like waves in the sea, full of violent energy, using the power of the fan to erupt and wreak havoc, it was very likely to swallow Wan Dong alive.

Wei Shaoqing made a serious move, Wan Dong stopped flirting, his expression became solemn, the law of wind was infused in Dao Qi, and he rushed straight into Wei Shaoqing's fan shadow.

If it were Huangfu Xun, he would never dare to do this.But Wan Dong has the true wind step in his body, but he has nothing to fear.His figure rushed into Wei Shaoqing's fan shadow like a mountain and sea, but it was like a butterfly falling into a flower bush, and it was difficult for a leaf to touch his body.

Wei Shaoqing became more and more frightened as he fought more and more. Wan Dong was like an extremely slippery fish. No matter how hard and fast he used the steel fan, he couldn't even touch the corner of Wan Dong's clothes. .

"Hey...Wei Shaoqing, the movement technique you used in the battle with Huangfu Xun just now seems to be a bit worth seeing, why don't you show it at this time, let me see it?"

"Agility?" Huangfu Xun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that Wei Shaoqing suddenly appeared above his head for some reason, which caught him off guard and resulted in a complete defeat.At this time, Wan Dong said this, and then he realized that Wei Shaoqing not only took advantage of the weapon, but also secretly learned a superior body technique.

After realizing it, Huangfu Xun felt even more annoyed, this Wei Shaoqing really put a lot of thought into dealing with him, it can be said that his heart can be punished!

"Boy, stop being crazy!"

Before, it was Wei Shaoqing's words that teased Huangfu Xun, but now it's completely reversed, making Wei Shaoqing annoyed and hated!With his feet swaying, his figure turned into a blood-red, faintly invisible phantom in front of everyone's eyes.

Huangfu Xun immediately widened his eyes in shock, only then did he realize that Wei Shaoqing's movement skills were by no means ordinary subtleties, no wonder they were able to hide from his eyes and appear strangely on top of his head.

As soon as Wei Shaoqing showed his posture, Wei Shaoqing's figure was everywhere in the entire martial arts arena, making people dazzled and hard to tell the truth from reality!

Huangfu Xun couldn't help sinking in his heart, he had to admit that even if Wei Shaoqing didn't rely on the strength of weapons, he would still be defeated in a [-]% chance based on his body skills alone.

"Wei Shaoqing's movement is so terrifying, that kid is probably in trouble."

Huangfu Xun's words hadn't landed yet, and the martial arts field was changing again.However, the leader of this change is no longer Wei Shaoqing, but Wan Dong.

"Your agility is not bad, but it's still not enough!"

With a clear drink from his mouth, Wan Dong's True Wind Walk was fully unleashed!Ever since he thoroughly comprehended the true meaning of wind, and the True Wind Step has been perfected, there has not been a real opportunity for Wan Dong to fully unfold the True Wind Step.

The reason why Wan Dong forced Wei Shaoqing to show his body skills was that he had the idea of ​​using him to test the True Wind Step.

At this moment, without any hesitation, Dao Qi poured into his feet, and Wan Dong suddenly turned into a gust of wind.

Although Wei Shaoqing's body skills were exquisite, he still left an afterimage on the martial arts arena. However, Wan Dong was lucky. As soon as the true wind step was launched, his figure disappeared completely, leaving only gusts of strong wind raging on the martial arts arena. ...

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