"I'll wipe! I'll wipe!! I'll wipe!!!" As soon as Wan Dong turned his gaze, Wu Qiujun roared in his heart. His fists were clenched tightly, and his nails were inserted into his flesh. He almost felt less than.

He had already felt that Wan Dong must have malicious intentions, but he never dreamed that Wan Dong would be waiting for him here.A piece of blood steel raw stone was changed from the original 1000 taels of gold to 2000 taels of gold. This was announced by Wu Qiujun in public.But...but this shit was a decision he made out of anger, if Wan Dong hadn't reminded him, he would have almost forgotten it.

At the beginning, he suddenly doubled the price because he wanted to annoy Wan Dong. Who would have thought that at this moment, it would turn into a stone that hit him in the foot?Wu Qiujun couldn't help but wonder, maybe this guy had thought about it a long time ago, so he deliberately stimulated him to double the price of the blood steel rough stone?If that's the case... Wu Qiujun couldn't help shivering several times.Can this Nima be called an evildoer? She is simply the evildoer among evildoers!

Duan Lengyan was also dumbfounded at this time, her lovely and alluring cherry lips stretched straight into an O shape, she stared blankly at Wan Dong, not knowing what to say at all.

"Huh? Wu Qiujun, what's the matter with you, your complexion doesn't look very good." Wan Dong looked at Wu Qiujun's complexion, and asked solemnly, with the concern of a 'relative' on his face.

Leng Yuecui, Wu Yang, and Zong Qi almost couldn't hold back their laughter, Nima Wu Qiujun is probably about to vomit blood with anger at this moment, can his complexion look good?

"Wu Qiujun, what the hell is going on?" Qiu Yunchong was really angry, his face was uglier than before.

Tang Xinyi couldn't help turning her head to look at Xu Wenchuan, and murmured, "My lord, what...what's going on here?"

Xu Wenchuan shook his head lightly, with an uneasy expression on his face. It's beyond people's imagination to let a person like Xu Wenchuan, who has gone through life and death, show such an uneasy expression.

"Girl, I came later than you, you don't know, how would I know? But 2000 two hundred taels a piece of blood steel raw stone, this deal is really a good deal!" Xu Wenchuan's old smiling face was like opening The flowers are average.He is getting more and more satisfied with this grandson.

"I..." Wu Qiujun was so angry that his head was about to explode for a moment, and he didn't know what to say to Qiu Yunchong at all.A pair of eyes stared fiercely at Wan Dong. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has the heart to eat Wan Dong alive at this time.

"What's the matter, Mr. Wu, do you want to go back on your word? No, definitely not. Who are you? The owner of the Tianbao Pavilion, rich and famous in the world, is there any reason why what you say doesn't count? This How can the golden signboard of Tianbao Pavilion be smashed as soon as it is said, right, I must be overthinking."

"You..." Wu Qiujun's body trembled a few times, and a glaring blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

No way?The famous owner of Tianbao Pavilion, Wu Qiujun, was so angry that he vomited blood?Xu Wenchuan's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.Although Wu Qiujun vomited blood, [-]% of it was due to injury, but [-]% of it was because of Wan Dong's anger.

"No! Two hundred taels in 2000, I absolutely cannot accept this price!" Looking at Wu Qiujun's appearance, Qiu Yunchong knew that what Wan Dong said was definitely true.Although I don't know why Wu Qiujun suddenly doubled the price because of his brain twitching, but this price is far beyond his bottom line.The Qiu family is rich, but the Qiu family is not willing to be taken advantage of.

"General Qiu, give me an extra [-]%. You proposed this yourself. You can't slap yourself in the face!"

"Yes, the general proposed to pay 1000% more, but that is based on [-] taels of gold for each raw blood steel stone. How do I know that Wu Qiujun will have a brain twitch and double the price?"

"Qiu Yunchong, please be more polite!" Wu Qiujun yelled sharply, his eyes glaring like a cow.

Qiu Yunchong also lost his temper, snorted coldly, and said, "If you were the one who was tricked, can you speak politely? Oh, by the way, Wu Qiujun, could it be you and Xu Yaoting who joined forces to lay a blow on this general today?" Set it up?"

"Fuck your sister!" Wu Qiujun shouted angrily, and couldn't help but want to slap Qiu Yun in the mouth.

Damn, he wants to eat Wan Dong so much, would he set up a trap with him?Wu Qiujun yelled at Qiu Yunchong in his heart, he was simply the product of inbreeding, a brain-dead family!

Qiu Yunchong's heart was already in a mess, and under the anger, his IQ was also infinitely lowered, and he didn't even bother to guess the reason. He waved his hand and said, "Anyway, the general only pays 1000 two hundred taels for each yuan, and there is no more than one tael." out!"

"General Qiu, you are going to buy and sell by force, isn't it too overbearing?" Wan Dong frowned and complained.

"You are overbearing, sister! I'm fucking bullied to the point of crying, why am I being overbearing?" Qiu Yunchong rolled his eyes at Wan Dong several times, cursing in his heart.

"Xu Yaoting, you must be kind!" Qiu Yunchong was not the only one who wanted to cry, Wu Qiujun's expression was uglier than crying.

"Wu Qiujun, what are you talking about? If I am not kind, I will serve as a peacemaker for you two? If I am not kind, will I kindly give up the blood steel raw stone? If I am not kind, I will not care about you two If you two die together, I will be happy!"


"What are you?" Looking at Wu Qiujun who was shaking like a stroke, Wan Dong said impatiently, "Well, I'm not greedy for the taels, just 2000 taels of gold. If you don’t want me, I’ll let someone move the original blood steel stone back.”

Wan Dong wants to move the blood steel rough stone back?How about that?Qiu Yunchong has been staring eagerly at this batch of blood steel rough stones for not a day or two.If this failed, it would be no wonder he was depressed to death.

Before Wan Dong's words fell to the ground, Qiu Yunchong raised his head and stared at Wu Qiujun, and said word by word, "Wu Qiujun, no matter how powerful your Tianbao Pavilion is, it is still on the territory of my Qingyun Empire. My father said a long time ago, who If he dares to play tricks on our enemy, we will let him never be reborn!"

Qiu Yunchong's threatening words, in exchange for Wu Qiujun's sneer, is it true that your Chou family can't play tricks?Isn't Xu Yaoting playing very well, and playing one after another, so that you can't even find the north, right?

Qiu Yunchong was about to lose his temper when Duan Lengyan suddenly took a step forward and said in a crisp voice, "It is true that we were wrong in the first place, and our Tianbao Pavilion should bear the corresponding responsibility. In this way, isn't General Qiu willing to give 1000 taels of gold a piece? The remaining 800 taels will be borne by our Tianbao Pavilion!"

"Leng Yan, is it necessary for our Tie Zhan Dynasty to confess to them?" Wu Qiujun shouted at Duan Lengyan with a face full of resentment.

Duan Lengyan shook her head gently, and said to Wu Qiujun in a low voice, "Master, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

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