Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 114 Let the Bleeding Steel Raw Stone!

"Xu Yaoting, what kind of trick do you want to play?" Wu Qiujun was really a little afraid of Wan Dong, this kid had too many ideas, and it made people feel that it was impossible to guard against.Wu Qiujun has encountered countless powerful enemies in his life, but there are really not many, who can make him suffer one after another like Wan Dong, almost eating him to death.

Wan Dong frowned, and said with a depressed face, "Wu Qiujun, what did you say? It really hurts people's hearts. I really can't bear to see you and General Qiu both hurt. We are friends, why bother?"

"Hmph! No wonder!"

Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and shouted in unison, which made Wan Dong stunned, and touched his nose with an unnatural expression.Bitten by a snake for one year, afraid of well ropes for ten years, not to mention Wan Dong is much more powerful than a snake.

Seeing Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong facing Wan Dong with very apprehensive expressions, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help smiling.A seventh-level true qi, a ninth-level true qi, a first-class expert, and a super expert, but they all showed such expressions to their grandsons, which made it difficult for Xu Wenchuan not to be proud.

Wan Dong coughed and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I really have good intentions..."

"That's enough, stop talking nonsense here! What kind of monster do you want to be, just say it!" Wu Qiujun stared bitterly, thinking to himself, out of good intentions?Does this word have something to do with your kid?

"Okay, okay, no nonsense, let's talk about business. I also understood just now that General Qiu seems to have a very urgent need for blood steel raw stones, and Wu Qiujun, because of a moment of memorization, you gave the blood steel that should have been delivered to General Qiu. The original stones were all lost to me, so now you can’t explain to General Qiu, is that right?”

Wu Qiujun snorted, and said to himself, "Yes, I, Wu Qiujun, in front of your kid, never fail to recite."

Wan Dong didn't expect Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong to respond to him, so he chuckled and continued, "Actually, this is just a trivial matter, so why should the two of you go to war? Look, so much blood and steel I can't use the rough stone myself, and if I take it back, it will be dusted, if General Qiu needs it, I'll just let it out!"

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong were slightly taken aback. How could this kid be so kind?Tang Xinyi yelled directly, "Xu Yaoting, are you crazy, you want to give up the original blood steel stone to Qiu Yunchong?"

Tang Xinyi's staring eyes were full of anger and disbelief, she really wanted to step forward and slap Wan Dong hard.

Qiu Yunchong needed the blood steel rough stone so urgently, and anyone with a discerning eye would know why.The military situation in the border town is urgent, which is obviously nonsense.Qiu Yunchong is eager to arm his army, increase its combat power, sharpen his sword, and prepare to attack the princess.A total of 5000 yuan blood steel raw stone, according to the most common explosion rate, will also explode at least 500 yuan blood steel.A full 500 yuan of blood steel, what kind of concept is that, it is enough to forge thousands of unparalleled sharp blood steel swords, and what terrible fighting power it will explode, just thinking about it makes Tang Xinyi shudder.

Finally, God has eyes, and let Qiu Yunchong's urgently needed blood steel raw stone fall into Wan Dong's hands, which directly disrupted his deployment plan. Fortunately, Wan Dong actually wants to let it out. Door clip!

Wan Dong turned his head and glared at Tang Xinyi, saying, "Men talk and women don't interrupt!"

" can't! I will never agree to this!" Tang Xinyi was dizzy with anger, and shouted tenderly.

Wan Dong burst out laughing, looked Tang Xinyi up and down for a while, and said quietly, "You are talking like these blood steel rough stones are yours."

"This...I..." When Wan Dong said this, Tang Xinyi's pretty face immediately turned red. "My lord, should say something." Seeing that Wan Dong could not be persuaded, Tang Xinyi hurriedly cast her eyes on Xu Wenchuan.

At this moment, Xu Wenchuan also had some inscrutable feelings about Wan Dong, and he couldn't figure out what was going on in his precious grandson's mind.In just a few days, his precious grandson has grown to such a state that even he can't see through it, which greatly shocked Xu Wenchuan's heart.But there is one thing Xu Wenchuan can be sure of, that is, Wan Dong will never take advantage of Wu Qiujun and Qiu Yunchong.Seeing that Tang Xinyi was about to burst into tears, Xu Wenchuan waved his hands and said with a wry smile, "Xinyi, I'm the same as you. I have no say in this batch of blood steel rough stones!"

"My lord, you..." Tang Xinyi couldn't tell, Xu Wenchuan didn't intend to help, and his face became more anxious.

Xu Wenchuan didn't answer, just shook his head and smiled lightly.

"Xu Yaoting, are you really so kind?" Wu Qiujun asked suspiciously, but he couldn't figure out what Wan Dong was thinking.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "You won't believe me even if I tell you. You just say, do you want this raw blood steel stone?"

"Yes, of course!" Qiu Yunchong, like Wu Qiujun, was worried about Wan Dong ten thousand times, but the blood steel rough stone was always real, so what the hell could Wan Dong do?

"That's good! Then let's talk about the price, hehe..."

Wan Dong smiled treacherously, but Qiu Yunchong's heart settled down, and he thought to himself that this kid is only after money.If this is the case, then it will be easy, Qiu Wanli is in charge of Qingyun Empire's treasury, will he still be short of money?

"Okay! Xu Yaoting, I didn't expect that you are also a straightforward person. Since you took the initiative to let the bleeding steel rough stone, then the general will not treat you badly. I am willing to pay more on the basis of the price offered by Tianbao Pavilion." Twenty percent of the price!"

"Twenty percent? Seriously!" Wan Dong's eyes lit up, revealing a greedy expression.

Seeing this, Qiu Yunchong became even more at ease, and nodded heavily, even smiling a little more on his face.

Tang Xinyi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, not to mention 5000% more, even [-]%, [-]%, Qiu Yunchong could afford it.It seemed that the [-] yuan blood steel rough stone was going to fall into Qiu Yunchong's hands most likely. Tang Xinyi hardly dared to think about the terrible impact this would have on the princess.However, apart from this point, what made Tang Xinyi even more sad was Xu Yaoting's performance.

Several times, she felt that Xu Yaoting had completely changed, and almost completely reversed the bad impression Xu Yaoting had left in her mind, but now, she realized that she was wrong.

"Tianbao Pavilion's price for the blood steel raw stone is 2000 taels of gold, plus 2000%, that is [-] two hundred taels..."

Wan Dong was counting with his fingers, but the smile on Qiu Yunchong's face froze suddenly, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Why... why is it two hundred taels in 2000, Mr. Xu, you... you made a mistake Bar?"

"No, if you don't believe me, ask the owner of Tianbao Pavilion?" Wan Dong turned to look at Wu Qiujun innocently.

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