Tang Xinyi felt good in her heart, but her face was still as cold as ice, and she said coldly, "No thanks, I'm regretting it now! If I had known earlier, you are such a greedy person, I wouldn't bother to save you!"

"I said Xinyi, Yao Ting is my grandson after all, if you don't give him face, you should give me face too?" With the bitter look on Jiang Wandong's face, Xu Wenchuan felt distressed.

"My lord, you... Hey! Well, I didn't say anything. Now that Xu Yaoting has arrived home safely, and the original blood steel stone has also been moved back, then I will take people back."

This Tang Xinyi really has a clear distinction between love and hate, it's all on her face, her temper is more straightforward than that man's, and she leaves as soon as she says it.

"Wait a minute!" Wan Dong subconsciously straightened up from the chair in a panic. With this movement, the injury immediately flared up, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Ning Shan's face turned pale from fright, and her tears were like broken tears. The threads fell down like beads.

"Come on, hurry up and ask for a doctor, hurry up!" Xu Wenchuan jumped up in a hurry, and the whole palace could hear his roar clearly.

Tang Xinyi, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped, and hurriedly turned her head to check on Wan Dong's situation. Most of the anger and resentment in her eyes disappeared immediately, replaced by deep care and concern.This girl is obviously cold-faced and warm-hearted, even if she wants to pretend to be a cold-faced Bodhisattva, she can't act like it.

Wan Dong hastily mobilized the residual Dao Qi in his body to suppress the injury, looked at Tang Xinyi with a wry smile on his face, and said faintly, "You really have a knife mouth and a bean curd heart!"

"Get out! If I wasn't afraid that the old prince would be worried about you, I wouldn't care about your life!" Tang Xinyi said so, but even Leng Yuecui could see that Tang Xinyi's words were clearly inappropriate.Feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, he hurriedly stood beside Wan Dong, staring at Tang Xinyi warily.

"You helped me so much today, don't you even give me a chance to thank you?"

For some reason, Tang Xinyi's heart suddenly softened as if she was discouraged when she saw Wan Dong's brows full of tiredness.He pouted and said, "You should take good care of your wounds first, thank you or something, it won't be too late when you recover."

"Let's talk now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance if it's too late..."


"Freeze said!"

"Yao Ting!"

Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Tang Xinyi, Leng Yuecui and Xu Wenchuan shouted together.Especially Leng Yuecui, tears streaming down her face.Wan Dong couldn't help being startled when he saw this, this girl must be getting deeper and deeper.

"Yao Ting, you have already climbed back from the gate of hell once, how can you die so easily? From now on, you must never talk nonsense again."

"Yes, Yao Ting, if you die, will mother still be alive?" Ning Shan choked up.

Tang Xinyi opened her mouth, but said nothing, but her mood was extremely complicated.When Wan Dong said that sentence just now, she clearly felt a heart-wrenching pain. This...why is this?

Looking at the tense and reproachful expressions on everyone's faces, Wan Dong felt both warm and amused. He shook his head and said, "Where are you all thinking? I don't mean that. I mean, if I don't thank Commander Tang now , I'm afraid that when I get well in the future, I won't be able to bear it, you know, I'm actually very stingy!"

"Pink egg!" After listening to Leng Yuecui, she raised her pink fist in annoyance, and wanted to punch it, but she felt distressed after all, so she paused in the air, and then retracted it.

Tang Xinyi, on the other hand, couldn't help laughing, and burst out laughing. It's so strange that Wan Dong still has the leisure to tease the poor at this time.

"Okay! Then how do you want to thank me properly? However, if you dare to say something strange that promises you with your body, I will cut it with a sword!" Now that everyone laughed, Tang Xinyi's face was no longer tense. , the snow melts and the ice disappears, it is warm and sweet, which makes people enchanted.

"Promise with your body? You think beautifully! Am I, Xu Yaoting, such a tasteless person?"

"You're looking for a fight!" Tang Xinyi barked her teeth and claws, but of course she wouldn't really fight.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Tang Xinyi and Wan Dong quarreling together, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help but burst out laughing, thinking to himself, this daughter-in-law is probably about to enter the house.

Leng Yuecui's small mouth was pouted, with a face of reluctance, her small fists clenched tightly, um, it's quite cute too!

After laughing and making trouble, Tang Xinyi also felt relieved.Even if Wan Dong didn't sell the blood steel rough stone to Qiu Yunchong, Qiu Yunchong would buy it from someone else sooner or later.Moreover, Wandong was sold at a sky-high price of 2000 taels, which can be said to have cheated Qiu Yunchong and Tianbao Pavilion severely. Thinking about the expressions of Qiu Yunchong and Wu Qiujun at that time, Tang Xinyi was quite relieved.

He took out a stack of gold tickets from his bosom, worth about 200 million taels, and Wan Dong handed them to Tang Xinyi without even looking at them.

Looking at this thick pile of gold tickets, Tang Xinyi was stunned, and she couldn't help but be stunned, Tang Xinyi had never seen so much money in her life.

"There's a little meaning here, you can take it to drink tea with Xiangfengwei's brothers."

"Drink...tea? Two...two million taels?" Tang Xinyi was so shocked that she couldn't even speak. If she took the two million taels of gold to drink tea, would she die after drinking it?Go crazy!

"Boss, I...I want to drink too..." Wu Yang couldn't sit still anymore, and rushed up, hugging Wan Dong's thigh and howling.

"If you want to drink, pour it yourself, fuck off!"

"Unfair! No human rights! I want to drink tea!!!" Wu Yang was dragged out and beaten by several subordinates of the palace with a series of wolf howls.

One shot is 200 million taels of gold, this domineering, rare in the world!It's rare for my grandson to treat money like dung like this, and he really has a future!Xu Wenchuan wiped away his tears with a smile. He bought 200 million taels of gold, and he wanted to drink tea.

Looking at the weird smile on Wan Dong's face, Tang Xinyi immediately understood that this place was for her to drink tea, this was for Xiang Fengwei.The 200 million taels of gold is really timely rain for Xiangfengwei, and it is still a heavy rainstorm. For a long period of time, Xiangfengwei will no longer have to worry about money, and can buy some weapons, equipment, and even It is military expansion.Just thinking of these, Tang Xinyi was already trembling with excitement.

"Yao Ting, do you know what this 200 million taels of gold means to us Xiangfengwei and the princess?" Tang Xinyi held the gold ticket as if she was holding a mountain, her hands trembling.

Wan Dong chuckled and said, "On behalf of you Xiangfengwei, you won't have to worry about running out of tea for a long time to come."

"On behalf of Her Royal Highness, on behalf of every fighter in Xiangfengwei, thank you!" Tang Xinyi shook her head, and then bowed to Wan Dong very solemnly.

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "No need, as long as General Tang doesn't hate me and show me face in the future, then my 200 million taels of gold will be worth it! Hehe..."

"Don't say that, if you want to hate, it's you who hate me..."

"Hehe... I never hated women, especially beautiful women."

"Actually, you are quite handsome..."

"Hey, hey, you are enough!" Leng Yuecui had no choice but to jump out, and if the two of them continued talking like this, they would have to flirt and scold in front of her, so what's the point?

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