Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 121 Brilliance Soars to the Sky!

"Girl from the Leng family, from the way you look, you seem to be interested in my family's Yaoting, isn't it?" Xu Wenchuan's eyes are naturally not the usual poisonous eyes, he wandered back and forth between Wan Dong and Leng Yuecui for a moment, thoughtfully asked.

When Wan Dong heard this, he almost burst into tears.This old man is simply not able to open the pot and lift the pot. He couldn't hide, but Xu Wenchuan directly brought it up.

Leng Yuecui's face turned red immediately, her head was about to be buried in her sizeable breasts, she kept rubbing the corners of her clothes with both hands, but she didn't say a word, she was obviously ashamed It's the default!

Wan Dong's heart sank immediately, it seemed that his feeling was right, what should I do?Don't hurt the girl in the future.

"Oh, this..." Xu Wenchuan also got into trouble, and together with Ning Shan, his eyes kept scanning back and forth between Leng Yuecui and Tang Xinyi, obviously secretly comparing each other.

"My lord, you... what do you see me doing?" Tang Xinyi didn't think anything was wrong at first, but when Xu Wenchuan saw it, her face also turned red.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect wow, my Xu Wenchuan's grandson is so charming, much better than my son!"

"Father! Your daughter-in-law, I'm still here!" Ning Shan was also happy. As a mother, who doesn't want her son to be more popular with girls.

"Ah, a slip of the tongue, it was the old man who made a slip of my tongue, haha..." Knowing that he had slipped his words, he smiled happily, showing that he had no sincerity at all.

"I... I have entered the palace, and the princess is still waiting for my report!" Tang Xinyi wanted to escape in embarrassment.

Wan Dong opened his mouth and stopped her, "Don't worry, I haven't finished expressing my thanks yet!"

Tang Xinyi was taken aback for a moment, and asked nah, "Didn't you already give me 200 million taels of gold?"

"That's just for you to drink tea with your brothers! I think you Xiangfengwei must really need Blood Steel, right?"

Tang Xinyi smiled wryly, and said, "Nonsense! Anyone who cultivates martial arts, does anyone need blood steel? After returning, I will ask Her Royal Highness to take out 200 million taels of gold from the 100 million taels you gave me. Buy 1000 yuan of blood steel raw stone, if you are lucky, you may be able to get more than a hundred pieces of blood steel, at least you can create thousands of first-rate magic soldiers, and Feng Xiangwei's combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved!"

"Now the price of the blood steel rough stone has already mentioned 2000 taels of gold, and it seems that 100 million yuan can only buy 500 yuan rough stone." Wan Dong said with a smile.

Tang Xinyi obviously didn't expect that after being reminded by Wan Dong, she immediately looked distressed. She gave Wan Dong a hard look, and said, "It's all your fault! You made a lot of money, but others will suffer. The loss of Tianbao Pavilion The money on you will be taken back from other people."

"So, it's best to uproot Tianbao Pavilion, so that he will never have another chance to make money in our Qingyun Empire!"

"Where is it so easy? Tianbao Pavilion has been operating in the Qingyun Empire for so many years, and it has long been deeply entrenched. I don't know how many people in the court are working for them openly and secretly. If you want to uproot Tianbao Pavilion, I think you need to replace more than half of the court. Sir!"

Xu Wenchuan also shook his head slowly. Obviously, it is not easy to uproot Tianbao Pavilion.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart! However, General Tang, if you have money, there is no need to give it to Tianbao Pavilion. If you want blood steel, I have it here. Why do you bother?" Seek far away instead of near?"

Tang Xinyi shook her head and said, "You only have five or six hundred yuan of blood steel raw stone here, and you can get five or sixty yuan of blood steel at most. You still need to use some, and the rest is very little, which is of little significance to Feng Xiangwei."

"General Tang, what did you say? No matter how small his mosquito is, it's still meat, isn't it?"

Tang Xinyi thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Let's forget it! Each rough blood steel stone costs 2000 taels of gold, which is obviously unreasonable. I will find a way to get Her Royal Highness to come forward and ask Tianbao Pavilion to lower the price."

"Really forget it?"

"Well! Forget it, but thank you anyway."

"You don't regret it?"

"What is there to regret?"

Wan Dong laughed a few times, turned to look at Xu Wenchuan, and said, "Grandpa, we don't have a stone-resolving knife, so we can only borrow your sword."

Xu Wenchuan's sword was bestowed by the former emperor of the Qingyun Empire. The blood steel content exceeded 60.00%, which almost reached the limit. It is sharper than ordinary stone-resolving knives!The servant brought the sword, and Xu Wenchuan pulled out the sword edge in a jerk. The dark red streamer and the starlight matched each other, gorgeous and dazzling!

"Grandpa, I'm injured, so I'll trouble you!"

Xu Wenchuan laughed and said, "What's the trouble?"

Amidst the laughter, the sword edge in Xu Wenchuan's hand suddenly swept away, and a dark red sword energy roared up immediately, sweeping obliquely towards the pile of blood steel rough stones, Xu Wenchuan's swordsmanship is amazing, his skill is powerful, this sword Sweeping over, it immediately cost five or sixty yuan blood steel raw stone, which split in two, which is much faster than those stone calculus in Tianbao Pavilion.

Going down this way, it was like opening a box full of rubies, fifty or sixty blood-red brilliance rose up at the same time, dazzling everyone present, and even the eyes couldn't be opened.

"What!?" Xu Wenchuan never expected that his sword would have such an effect. His whole body was petrified on the spot, and his mouth was wide enough to stuff an egg into it.

Leng Yuecui and Wu Yang had expected such a result before, but when the five 60 yuan blood steels were shining at the same time, it still made their hearts go crazy and they couldn't control their excitement.

"This... this..." Tang Xinyi opened her mouth several times, but she couldn't say a complete sentence. She kept rubbing her eyes with her hands until they hurt, and she still couldn't believe what she saw.

The scene suddenly fell into a deathly silence. For a long time, I didn't open my mouth to speak. I just stared at the ruby-like blood steel of 60 yuan, and was in a daze.

"Grandpa, keep going!" Seeing that everyone couldn't wake up for a long time, Wan Dong had no choice but to speak.

He still has injuries on his body, if this delay continues, there is no guarantee that he will not be in danger of dying from serious injuries.

"Oh? Oh!" Xu Wenchuan finally came to his senses, clenched the sword in his hand, took a long breath, and more than ten sword qis interweaved in the air to form a sword, covering all the blood steel rough stones.

Every time there was a clicking sound, a piece of blood steel shot up into the sky, which was tried and tested repeatedly.In the blink of an eye, the original stone of 600 yuan blood steel has completely lost its lead, and the entire palace is almost covered by the light of 600 yuan blood steel, covering it like a sea of ​​blood, with blood red everywhere.

"I...I must be dreaming, I..." Tang Xinyi seemed to be a little dizzy, her body trembled several times, and she murmured as if she was dreaming.

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