Not to mention Tang Xinyi, even a person like Xu Wenchuan, who has seen the world, looked dazed at this moment, as if his soul had come out of his body.Xu Wenchuan has seen hundreds of pieces of blood steel piled up together, but he has never seen such a high output rate of [-]% blood steel, or even heard of it.How did my precious grandson do it?Xu Wenchuan looked up and down, sizing up Wan Dong.

"Zong Qi, today I see that you don't hesitate to rob to get a piece of blood steel. This blood steel must be very important to you. Take ten yuan yourself!" Wan Dong looked at Zong Qi who was stunned with a smile.

"This... I can't take this, it's too expensive..." Zong Qi said repeatedly with a look of panic.

"Hahaha... Precious eggs! They're just some red stones, and they don't count as bullshit with your boss. Is ten yuan enough, not 20 yuan, 30 yuan, you can take as much as you want!"

Hearing Wan Dong's unrestrained laughter, Tang Xinyi couldn't help but look up at the sky, God wouldn't kill this guy, why is there such a thing, pinkie!

"Then...then thank you, Boss!" It was obvious that Zong Qi really needed blood steel very much, so he nodded, but he only took away one piece, and refused to take any more.

Wan Dong wanted to ask Zong Qi what he wanted the blood steel for, but he thought that this might involve Zong Qi's desires, so he swallowed the words that came to his lips, and the boss couldn't be too lenient.

"Yao Ting, can you see through the blood-steel raw stone?" Xu Wenchuan was stunned for a while, raised his white eyebrows, and opened his mouth in shock.

Wan Dong had expected that Xu Wenchuan would ask such a question a long time ago, and said with a smile, "It seems to be so, but I don't know what's going on, maybe it's because of walking through the gate of hell." Tang Xinyi blinked narrowly.

"Die once, can people have such a change? Xu Yaoting, or you can kill me once." Tang Xinyi looked at the bloody steel full of hills in front of her, and she really had the urge to die.

Xu Wenchuan also felt strange about Wan Dong's resurrection from the dead, but even he had never experienced this kind of thing, and he couldn't explain the reason for it, but such an ability to change his tai was definitely a gift from heaven.Xu Wenchuan's heart is still based on happiness, his grandson is promising again!

"By the way, Yao Ting, you picked out all the rough stones that contain blood steel, that...the one that Qiu Yunchong bought..." Tang Xinyi's face brightened suddenly, and she looked at Wan Dong with bright eyes.

Before Tang Xinyi could finish speaking, Wan Dong laughed and said, "That's right! Qiu Yunchong spent 600 million taels of gold, but he just bought a bunch of rotten stones, and I didn't even leave him a piece of blood steel!"

"Ah~~~Xu Yaoting, are so handsome!" Although Tang Xinyi is older than Wan Dong, she still can't escape her girlish nature. Shouting, shouting and jumping, he wished he could rush up to save Wan Dong, rubbing him into his arms hard.

Looking at the inexplicably excited Tang Xinyi, Wan Dong smiled and said, "How about General Tang, you are still angry with me now, do you still think I have fallen into the eyes of money?"

Tang Xinyi's giggles rippling in the night sky, her voice was like a jade compass, "That's right, you just fell into the trap of money, a pile of rotten stones made you sell a full 1000 million taels of gold, didn't you?" What is it if it falls into the eyes of money? But... I like it! Hehe..."

"Like? What do you like?" Such a sensitive word, how could Leng Yuecui be indifferent, and jumped out suddenly.

"What do you think, little sister!" Tang Xinyi was in a surprisingly good mood, she didn't know if she had intentions or just wanted to tease Leng Yuecui, she said with a charming smile.

"Hey! You say who is young, how small is he, you are slandering!"


Seeing Tang Xinyi teasing Leng Yuecui, everyone thought it was funny, and the surrounding immediately burst into laughter, which made Xiao Nizi's cheeks flush and her eyes charming. Under the cover of the misty moonlight, she... She looked so much like Mu Lian .

Wan Dong was stunned for a moment, the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time surged like a flood breaking a bank.In his mind, he could no longer control it, and Mu Lian's elegant figure occupied his entire mind.

Every frown, smile and every move of the beautiful woman made Wan Dong feel heartbroken.The little things between the two, warm and beautiful, are unfolding in front of Wan Dong's eyes like a movie.A deep and indelible sadness also quietly occupied Wan Dong's eyebrows.

Tang Xinyi and Leng Yuecui were arguing, and suddenly turned their heads to look at Wan Dong in unison, just in time to see a drop of heroic tears slowly dripping down his cheek.

It is said that a man bleeds but does not shed tears, just because he has not reached the sad place!A man who weeps is more sad than a woman who weeps.

In an instant, Tang Xinyi and Leng Yue Cui Qiqi were shocked.The two hearts were held tightly by an invisible hand at the same time, and the grip became tighter and tighter, the pain was so real.

"Yao Ting?" Xu Wenchuan and Ning Shan obviously saw Xu Yao Ting like this for the first time, and they couldn't help but looked at each other, all surprised.

Especially Ning Shan was even more surprised and distressed.If it is not a real sad person, it will never show such an expression.But she, as a mother, doesn't know what sad things are hidden in her precious son's heart.

"Ah?" Wan Dong shuddered and suddenly woke up. Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, his heart sank.Just now he missed Mu Lian so much that he showed his true feelings, so it must be a show?

Hastily stretched out his hands and touched his face randomly, hehe he laughed a few times and said, "It's okay, the injury on my body hurts so much, tears came down from the pain, it's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing, hehe..."

Whether it's body pain or heart pain, everyone can feel it naturally.Hearing Wan Dong say this, he obviously didn't want to mention it more, and everyone could only suppress their doubts with difficulty. It's better not to touch other people's sad things casually.

"It's okay, Sun Daobai will be here in a while, and you won't be in pain by then." Xu Wenchuan stepped forward, patted Wan Dong's shoulder lightly, his eyes were full of affection.

Wan Dong glanced at Xu Wenchuan gratefully, turned around and saw Tang Xinyi staring at him with big sparkling eyes, and said with a smile, "General Tang, today must be your lucky day. I decided to give you 200 yuan for free Blood Steel! How about it, am I generous? Haha..."

"Xu Yaoting, you..." Tang Xinyi's heart ached again as she looked at the tears that had not been completely wiped away from the corners of Wan Dong's eyes.

"Why, you don't want it? If you don't want it, I will take it back!"

"Who said I don't want this general anymore! Can I pay so much for you today?" Tang Xinyi yelled loudly, while quietly turning her back and rubbing her eyes.

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