"Yao Ting? Hmph... so affectionate!"

"Ah? I..." Looking at Leng Shuangrong's sharper eyes, Leng Yuecui panicked completely.

Leng Shuangrong said again, "Don't think that I don't know anything because I live in seclusion on weekdays, and I'm so easy to fool! This little bastard is hooking up with you, someone will tell me!"

"Sister Leng, who are these people telling stories and talking nonsense in front of you? You can't believe everything!" Xu Wenchuan said angrily.If he were to know who this gossiping bastard was, he would have to find out and skin him.

Leng Shuangrong said coldly, "I may not believe in other things so easily, but you don't know what your grandson is? A long time ago, this little bastard started to play tricks on my granddaughter. Am I wrong? gone?"

"Big Sister Leng, that's all in the past, the Yaoting now is different from before..."

"Enough! How much do you, Xu Wenchuan, care for the calf? How many do you know in the entire Qingyun Empire? Even if your grandson has sores on the soles of his feet and thick spots on the top of his head, in your eyes, he is as beautiful as a flower! I Lengshuang Rong has eyes, so she can see!"

"Sister Leng, how can you beat someone to death with a single stick? I admit that Yao Ting's previous behavior was not very good, but he has reformed himself now, you can't insult him like this!" People insulted like this, even if facing someone like Leng Shuangrong, Xu Wenchuan would never give in half a step.

"Hmph! Just your grandson, can he reform himself? I see what you said, and you don't even go into details when you say it. Let me tell you Xu Wenchuan, long ago, when your grandson pestered my granddaughter, I had the heart to kill her." He later let him go because of your face. But who knows, he didn't repent, and today he almost killed Yue Cui, because of this, I definitely can't forgive him today! "

"Grandma, Yao Ting and I are just friends, not as you think..."

"Friend? Even a waste like pig and dog like him deserves to be your friend? How can you be so depraved! Where do you put the dignity and honor of my Leng family?"

I wanted to try my best to persuade grandma a few words, but I didn't expect that what Leng Shuangrong said was more than one sentence. To Leng Yuecui, it was like knives that kept piercing Xu Yaoting's heart. To Xu Yaoting, this was really too cruel.

Leng Yuecui ignored Leng Shuangrong's anger, and turned her concerned and guilty eyes to Wan Dong. Wan Dong was still injured, how could he be so stimulated?What if I was provoked to do something good or bad?

But when Leng Yuecui cast her eyes on Wan Dong, she was stunned.I saw Wan Dong's expression was calm and calm, where did he seem to be agitated?It was as if the person Leng Shuangrong insulted was not him.

Leng Yuecui's feeling is really not wrong. From Wan Dong's point of view, Leng Shuangrong was not the one who scolded him, so of course he would not be stimulated.What's more, he snatched Xu Yaoting's body from him, and took the blame for him, which is only natural.Therefore, no matter how sharp Leng Shuangrong's words were, they became meaningless when it came to Wan Dong.

Wan Dong's indifference, but in Xu Wenchuan's and Leng Yuecui's eyes, it turned into a calm demeanor and a heart of galloping and racing, which made the two of them admire and applaud secretly.

Leng Shuangrong was extremely disdainful, she naturally wouldn't think the same way as Leng Yuecui and Xu Wenchuan.In her eyes, Xu Yaoting was a rotten wood that couldn't be carved, and mud that couldn't stick to the wall. He was already hopeless, and his skin was thicker than the city wall. Naturally, he was indifferent to her scolding.

"Senior Leng, I think there must be a misunderstanding, you first..."

Xu Yaoting was his own son, how could Ning Shan just ignore all of this, but she stood up, and just half a sentence before she was stared back by Leng Shuangrong's blizzard-like gaze.

"It's a shame that you still have the face to stand up and speak for your son. How could you give birth to such a bastard who insults the family? If you were the daughter-in-law of my Leng family, I would have kicked you out a long time ago!"

"Senior Leng, you..." Ning Shan's eye circles were red, and her voice was choked up.Wan Dong, who was sitting quietly by the side, suddenly changed his face, stood up abruptly, his eyes were as red as blood, and a streak of anger spread all over his body.

"Old godmother! You can scold me, even if you kill me, but I will never allow you to insult my mother! I want you to take back your bullshit immediately and apologize to my mother!"

Wan Dong was really angry, Xu Yaoting didn't care, but Ning Shan, he cared very much.This is a woman who makes him feel his mother's love again, and has a supreme status in his heart, even far surpassing his own life.Seeing Ning Shan being humiliated, with tears in his eyes, it's no wonder Wan Dong can sit still.

Xu Yaoting, who was in a rage, inevitably touched the wound, a gust of blood gushed up from his throat, but Wan Dong gritted his teeth tightly, shut his mouth tightly, and swallowed it back!

"Yao...Yao Ting?" Leng Yuecui was stunned, such Wan Dong broke her heart.

"Ting'er..." Seeing her son defending herself like this, Ning Shan smiled, but the tears flowed more violently.

"Little bastard, are you crazy? How dare you talk to me like this?" Leng Shuangrong came here with anger, and now she was filled with righteous indignation, her face was full of murderous intent, and her expression was extremely frightening.

"Yao Ting!" Xu Wenchuan was a little worried. If Leng Shuangrong went crazy, ten Wandong would have to finish playing.

"Grandpa, since I caused the disaster, let me bear it!"

Wan Dong's words were categorical, and his expression was even more resolute.All of a sudden, Xu Wenchuan felt that his grandson had really grown up, had the courage, and dared to take responsibility!Xu Wenchuan seemed to see the shadow of himself when he was young, and Lao Huai felt very comforted.

Nodding heavily, Xu Wenchuan said loudly, "Okay! But don't forget, I will always be your grandfather and your strongest backing!"

With one sentence, Xu Yaoting burst into tears, and with one sentence, Xu Wenchuan was full of passion!

What about Leng Shuangrong, what about Leng's family, and what about a master with a lot of qi, it's all nonsense!

Anyone who dares to touch my grandson - die!

The aura of the grandparents and grandchildren of the Xu family burst out with passion in the air, which made Leng Shuangrong's heart tremble, and a slightly surprised look appeared on his face.

"Boy, I think you want to die!" Leng Shuangrong came to get angry today, but she didn't want to be trampled on. She shook her head slightly and yelled at Wan Dong again.

"Grandma, if you want to kill Yao Ting, kill me first!" I don't know if it was out of love, or because of the infection of the grandparents of the Xu family, Leng Yuecui suddenly burst out with amazing courage. in front of Wan Dong.

[Author's digression]: Crying to death, only one leader, or the friendly sponsorship of the editor-in-chief of the station, woo woo woo...

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