Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 127 Leng Shuangrong is very depressed!

This feeling made Leng Shuangrong very annoyed, and she snorted coldly, "Little beast, don't think I can't see what kind of tricks you are playing. It's just to let myself live for three more months. You think I will be fooled by you." ?”

Leng Yuecui's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley, she and Leng Shuangrong had the same idea, the three-month engagement was just Wan Dong's plan to delay the attack.Now being seen through by Leng Shuangrong at a glance, this is very bad.

However, Wan Dong's expression was as calm as ever, without any fluctuations at all, let alone the panic and embarrassment of being exposed face to face. His eyes were bright and energetic, and they were full of deep self-confidence. Mixed with some sarcasm, he didn't say a word, just looked at Leng Shuangrong quietly.

Wan Dong didn't need to speak, his expression at this moment had already clearly expressed the words deep in his heart, "If you don't agree, come and kill me, if you agree, I'll see you in three months! I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

"You kid..." With Leng Shuangrong's identity and arrogance, she couldn't control Wan Dong at all. On the contrary, she herself was ridiculed by Wan Dong repeatedly. Leng Shuangrong hadn't felt such cowardice for some days. Trembling all over.

But no matter how angry Leng Shuangrong was, she would not really kill Wan Dong just like that.Firstly, it was to hinder Xu Wenchuan's face, and secondly, what Wan Dong said was right, she had to consider her reputation and honor.

"Okay!" After a long pause, Leng Shuangrong suddenly yelled angrily, and said in a very sharp voice, "I will give you three months, and after three months, you will go to my Leng's house to lead you to death yourself! If you want to use these three months to escape, that's up to you, but your grandfather and your mother will die in your place!"

"You dare to hurt my grandfather and my mother, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" As soon as Leng Shuangrong finished speaking, Wan Dong's face was as cold as frost, and he suddenly took a step towards Leng Shuangrong, and shouted sharply .

Leng Shuangrong wanted to intimidate Wan Dong, but she didn't expect Wan Dong to be more violent than her.Saying this sentence, Leng Shuangrong's face changed wildly again.

"Okay! You have the guts!" Such a bold young man, Leng Shuangrong didn't want to be convinced, she let out a deep drink with a cold face, turned her head to look at Leng Yuecui, and shouted, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Let's go!"

"I won't go! If you want to go, you go!" Leng Shuangrong was so indiscriminate and aggressive, which made Leng Yuecui very annoyed. In addition, Wan Dong suffered so much grievance today, she really felt distressed. Wanting to stay and comfort Wan Dong in detail, it is natural that one thousand and ten thousand refused to go with Leng Shuangrong, so they blurted out without thinking.

"What did you say!?" In Leng Shuangrong's memory, this was the first time Leng Yuecui disobeyed her words, and she immediately became furious.

In the past, if Leng Shuangrong just stared, Leng Yuecui would be frightened into giving in, but at this time, she doesn't know where her courage came from. Even though Leng Shuangrong shouted like thunder, Leng Yuecui was still It was fixed there like a nail, motionless.

"It's the opposite! Do you still have my grandma in your eyes?" Leng Yuecui's disobedience made Leng Shuangrong even more angry, and she was about to vomit blood.

"Anyway, in the eyes of the mother, there is always only my sister. I am superfluous. It doesn't matter if I have it or not!" Leng Yuecui simply gave it up, and said the words that had been buried in her heart for many years in one breath.

" can you say such things to me? I'm your own grandma!"

Leng Yuecui showed her stubborn side, turned her head aside, her eyes were red, and she didn't speak.

"Okay! Even if you don't see me as a grandma, you are still a descendant of the Leng family anyway! Today, you must go back with me! I must not just sit and watch you mix with the little bastards of the Xu family and become corrupted." My cold family reputation!"

"Since grandma is so afraid of me ruining the Leng family's reputation, you should kill me now!"

" think I can't!?" Leng Shuangrong was really angry, and suddenly raised her palm.

Wan Dong didn't understand Leng Shuangrong, a crazy woman. Seeing that she was so murderous at this moment, she might really do something like a tiger's poison, so he hurriedly shouted, "Stop!"

"Xu Yaoting! How dare you meddle in my Leng family's affairs?" In Leng Shuangrong's eyes, Leng Yuecui's rebellious behavior was completely influenced by Wan Dong, and Wan Dong was the culprit.If it weren't for the previous three-month agreement, she couldn't help but make a move.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, ignored Leng Shuangrong's anger, looked up at Leng Yuecui, and said softly, "Yuecui, go back with your grandma!"

Wan Dong's voice is soft, but his words are very firm.

"No! I don't want it!"

Once Leng Yuecui became stubborn, it was really amazing.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Yue Cui, you go back first. If you insist on leaving Leng's house, I will personally pick you up from Leng's house after three months!"

"You... are you telling the truth?" Leng Yuecui was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes shone with fire-like light, she stared closely at Wan Dong, and asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"Of course! When I speak, I, Xu Yaoting, always keep promises!"

"Okay! I'll wait for you!" Wan Dong's promise was like a treasure to Leng Yuecui.The joy and excitement on the face reached the point where it couldn't be added.

Looking at the joyous Leng Yuecui, Wan Dong cried out in his heart. Could this silly girl take this as a promise of love?

"Hmph! After three months, he will become a dead person. How can he come to pick you up?" Leng Shuangrong's ability to spoil the scenery is definitely deeper than her cultivation.

As soon as Leng Yuecui heard this, the excitement on her face immediately receded like a tide, and was replaced by deep worry, "No, still don't want to go..."

"Hahaha...Silly girl, don't worry, did I, Xu Yaoting, die so easily?" Wan Dong laughed out loud, and comforted Leng Yuecui.

"Hmph! Three months later, if he doesn't go to Leng's house to lead his death, I guarantee that more people will die by then!"

Leng Yuecui was really fed up with Leng Shuangrong's indifference and domineering, she stared at her and said, "That's good! Three months later, at worst, I will die with Yao Ting!"

"You girl..." Leng Shuangrong was furious again.

"Okay! Then you are obedient and go home first, okay?"

Leng Shuangrong is simply a metamorphosis, irritable and cold, and it may not be a good thing for Leng Yuecui to be by her side, Wan Dong really moved his mind to take Leng Yuecui out of Leng's house.

Leng Yuecui now only has Wan Dong in her eyes, and she directly ignores Leng Shuangrong.Hearing Wan Dong's words, even though his heart was filled with reluctance, he gave a gentle hum, took a deep look at Wan Dong, turned and left.

From Leng Yuecui's back, Leng Shuangrong suddenly felt that there was a huge gap between herself and the granddaughter who usually obeyed her, which made her shiver violently.

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