Wan Dong heaved a sigh of relief until he personally sent Ning Shan back to the room and took care of her to sleep. A deep sense of tiredness swept over him, and before he could react, he fell headlong go down.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yang and Xu Wenchuan immediately panicked, and Xu Wenchuan hurriedly looked at Sun Daobai and asked, "Why is this happening?"

Sun Daobai shook his head, and said with a bit of pity, "If you were tortured like this, you would be like this. It's okay, Yao Ting is just too tired, send him back to rest."

"I'm coming!" As soon as Sun Daobai finished speaking, Wu Yang stepped forward and carried Wan Dong on his back.

"Wu Yang, it's better to let the servants come. Before it's too late, you should go back quickly. As far as I know, your father doesn't seem to like your association with Yao Ting very much, lest he teach you a lesson!" To Wu Yang In the past, Xu Wenchuan was not even willing to give it a straight look, but now he is a little fond of it, and the factor of love for the house and black can not be ruled out.

As soon as Xu Wenchuan's words fell, Wu Yang shook his head resolutely, and said, "No! I have already recognized the boss, so I have no regrets. No matter how strict my father is, he can't interfere with my right to make friends! If I Father must let me leave the boss, I can only argue with reason!"

Seeing Wu Yang's serious face, Xu Wenchuan and Sun Daobai looked at each other for a moment, then Xu Wenchuan smiled and asked, "As far as I know, your father has a bad temper. If you irritate him, his ass will be punished." !"

"What's the matter with being boarded? Boss is willing to risk his life for me, so why can't I get boarded for him?"

"Okay! I'm very pleased that you and Yao Ting can form such a friendship!" Xu Wenchuan nodded slightly and praised.

Wu Yang smiled, didn't say any more, carried Wan Dong to the room, carefully placed him on the bed, and carefully tucked his back, then turned to Xu Wenchuan and said, "Grandpa Xu, wait until the boss wakes up." After you come, please tell him that I may not be able to see him these few days, and I will definitely do well what he told me!"

Seeing Wu Yang's dignified and resolute face, Xu Wenchuan couldn't help asking curiously, "What does Yao Ting want you to do? Judging by your expression, what Yao Ting wants you to do may not be easy?"

Wu Yang shook his head, didn't say anything, turned around and left Dingshan Palace with great strides.

Looking at Wu Yang's not-so-broad back, Sun Daobai smiled lightly and said, "I didn't see it before, this son of Wu Jinhun seems to be not simple!"

Xu Wenchuan nodded and said, "One hero and three gangs! I hope he and Yao Ting will support each other and create a more brilliant career!"

Sun Daobai frowned, turned his head to look at Sun Xiaoya who was beside him with disdain on his face, and said, "Xiaoya, you will be very close to Yao Ting and the others in the future. You are a daughter, and I don't expect you to be successful." It's a great achievement, but if you can get Yao Ting and the others to take care of you in the future, you will be able to rest assured after a hundred years for grandpa."

"Cut! Who will take care of whom in the future!"

Seeing Sun Xiaoya's increasingly disdainful expression, Sun Daobai shook his head with a wry smile at Xu Wenchuan.


"Master, you're back!" Before Wu Yang entered the house, a middle-aged man approached hurriedly, looking at Wu Yang with even more worry in his eyes.

"Uncle Jiang, what's the matter?" The Uncle Jiang mentioned by Wu Yang is the housekeeper of Wu Mansion. He came to Wu's house when Wu Jinhundu was still young, and it has been decades in a flash.Although he is a servant in name, in Wu Yang's eyes, he is no different from his own uncle.

As for Wu Yang, Uncle Jiang watched him grow up, and Uncle Jiang treated him like his own son.Wu Yang's mother died early, and Wu Jinhun was extraordinarily strict with him. It was Uncle Jiang who gave Wu Yang a lot of comfort.

"Master, Zhao Shengtian, the director of the city governance department, brought the supervisor Wang Tianbiao to the mansion today, and sued you!"

"Wang Tianbiao came to sue me?" Wu Yang was slightly taken aback.

"That's right! Wang Tianbiao said that you and Xu Yaoting, the grandson of King Dingshan, just made trouble in public, and forced Wang Tianbiao to ask Zhao Shengtian to resign on his own initiative. The young master also knows that the master has always disapproved of your association with Xu Yaoting. Listen to what Zhao Shengtian and Wang Tianbiao said. As soon as I said it, I became furious, and I am waiting for you in the main hall now!"

"What?! Wang Tianbiao said so?" Wu Yang stared, his face full of anger.

Uncle Jiang nodded and said, "Yes, young master, the master is getting angry right now. If you go in now, a violent beating is unavoidable! The reason why I am waiting for you here is to inform you in advance so that you can avoid it first. When the master's anger passes, come back!"

"Hmph... Uncle Jiang, did you survive the first day of the junior high school and the fifteenth day of the junior high school?" Just as Uncle Jiang finished speaking, Wu Yue turned out of nowhere, and said with a gloating smile on her face.

"My lady, no matter what, the young master is your own younger brother. You should try to persuade the master to stop making such sarcastic remarks." Uncle Jiang frowned and said dissatisfied.

Wu Yuexiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "Uncle Jiang, don't spoil this kid anymore. Look at what he looks like now. He hangs around with a villain like Xu Yaoting every day. Can he learn well? City Secretary, How big of an official position is that? Our young master, if you ask someone to resign, you have to obediently resign, how arrogant! I think it will only be good for him to let my father punish him this time, and there will be no harm! "

"Miss, you just hold your hand high and let the young master go. Uncle Jiang is begging you, can't you?"

"No! Uncle Jiang, it's not that I don't give you face today, but if I continue to protect him like this, I'm afraid this kid will really be ruined!" Uncle Jiang refused politely, Wu Yue stared at Wu Yang , said, "Wu Yang, since I've caught you, don't try to run away again! Go back with me obediently, or I'll beat you hard first!"

Wu Yang took a long breath, looked at Wu Yue who was looking at him like a thief, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

From Wu Yue's point of view, under such circumstances, Wu Yang should have been frightened out of his wits. He never imagined that he could still laugh at this time. He couldn't help being surprised, and asked "Boy, dare you laugh?"

When Wu Yue asked, the smile on Wu Yang's face became wider, and he opened his mouth and said, "Sister, in fact, if you are willing to smile more, you will definitely be more beautiful than now!"

"You... you kid still have the heart to tease me?" Wu Yue was even more stunned when she heard that.

"Young master, you..." Uncle Jiang also looked surprised. Wu Yang's behavior at this time was completely beyond his expectations.

Wu Yang looked at Uncle Jiang, his eyes were full of gratitude, and said, "Uncle Jiang, you have loved me the most since I was a child, and you always protect me, but I have always taken it for granted and never said thank you to you, yes I shouldn't."

"Master, why did you suddenly say these things today?" Uncle Jiang was moved and surprised, and asked blankly.

"It's nothing!" Wu Yang raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "My sister is right, this kind of thing can't be escaped, and I think I should face it, and I shouldn't run away!"

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