"Ah?" Wu Yue couldn't believe her ears. She stared at Wu Yang with her big eyes, as if she was looking at an alien. Is this still her younger brother? "Boy, are you... are you crazy?"

It's no wonder Wu Yue asked such a question, if he had known that Wu Jinhun was waiting there to beat him up, he would have run away with oil on his feet.In Wu Yue's view, there are only two situations in which such a situation can occur.One is that she is dreaming, and the other is that Wu Yang has gone crazy.

Wu Yang came in front of Wu Yue, put his hands on her shoulders, and the smile on his face was very sunny, "My dear sister, I am not crazy, but... I have grown up!"

Wu Yang's smile made Wu Yue dazzled, and Wu Yang's words made Wu Yue's heart tremble even more.

It's definitely not that Wu Yue doesn't love Wu Yang as her younger brother. In fact, Wu Yue's concern for Wu Yang is beyond people's imagination.It's just that Wu Yang is usually too careless, always making troubles everywhere, love turns into hate, hate iron can't turn into steel!Hearing Wu Yang say such words at this time, Wu Yue was naturally greatly shocked.

"Master, you... You should think about it again, the master is very angry this time, I'm afraid..."

"There's nothing to be afraid of! Uncle Jiang, my father is waiting for me in the main hall, right?" After finishing speaking, before Uncle Jiang could answer, Wu Yang had already stepped through the gate of Wu Mansion with firm movements without any hesitation.

When Wu Yue was staring at Wu Yang's back in a daze, Wu Yang stopped suddenly, turned her head and grinned at her, and said, "Sister, I'm afraid I'm going to have a good beating today, such a wonderful scene, you Won't you come and watch?"

Wu Yue was taken aback for another moment, then hurriedly followed up, and said, "Of course I want to see, I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd!"

Wu Yang shook his head, leaving Wu Yue with a back view and a series of hearty laughter.Is this going to be beaten, or to receive an award?Wu Yue was completely messed up in the wind...

What Uncle Jiang said was right, Wu Jinhun was really angry, his lungs were about to explode.He is an upright and honest official, focused on his own responsibilities, although he is a general with a heavy army in his hands, he always persuades others with reason in everything, and what he hates most is bullying others!Unexpectedly, Wu Yang relied on his power to force a city supervisor to resign. This completely exceeded his bottom line and was something he could never tolerate.

"Master, the young master is back, you..." Uncle Jiang rushed into the main hall ahead of Wu Yang, frequently casting pleading glances at Wu Jinhun.

But Wu Jinhun not only ignored it, but suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Wu Yang, get out of here!"

Wu Jinhun's loud shout was even mixed with a bit of real energy, which can be described as shocking.Uncle Jiang was taken aback, not to mention, even Wu Yue, who was always very lovable in front of Wu Jinhun, couldn't help but her heart trembled and her complexion changed suddenly.It is naturally impossible to say that she is not worried about Wu Yang's younger brother at all.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Wu Yang, only to see that Wu Yang's figure couldn't help but tremble, and her eyes showed panic involuntarily, and Wu Yue's heart immediately surged with a deep sense of intolerance, maybe just now Just let Wu Yang escape.

However, what Wu Yue didn't expect was that the look of fear only stayed in Wu Yang's eyes for a very short moment, and then disappeared. The previous firmness and calmness returned to his face again, which made Wu Yue suddenly I was taken aback.

The prestige that Wu Jinhun had built up in Wu Yang's heart over the years could not be completely eliminated in a day or two. Facing Wu Jin Hun's fury, it was natural for Wu Yang to show fear unconsciously.But at the moment when Wu Yang felt panic, Wan Dong's figure flashed in his mind.Thinking that even though Wan Dong was seriously injured, he could calmly deal with Leng Shuangrong's anger and even death threats. Now that Wu Yang was facing his own biological father, what was there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Wu Yang's steps became brisk again, and he stepped into the hall with one step, his eyes did not dodge, he looked straight at Wu Jinhun, his eyes were calm, without any waves.

Wu Jinhun hadn't seen such a look on Wu Yang for a few days, but he was so angry right now, he couldn't think of that much at all, and immediately opened his mouth and shouted, "Get off!"

Without any hesitation, Wu Yang knelt down with a plop, kneeling straight.

"You know why I made you kneel?"

"You are my father, you make me kneel without any reason!"

According to Wu Jinhun's previous 'experience', the sound of him kneeling down was enough to scare half of Wuyang's soul away, let alone reply.But this time, Wu Jinhun was taken aback. Wu Yang not only replied, but also replied with such a sentence...a sentence that made Wujinhun not know what to say.

Did my younger brother just eat the bear's heart and leopard gall, or did he become a spirit? How did he become so promising?

Wu Yang's words not only shocked Wu Jinhun, but also shocked Wu Yue.Some couldn't believe it, the person kneeling there was her younger brother Wu Yang.

"That's why you knelt down?" Wu Jinhun was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and asked sharply.


"You... don't you really know what you did wrong?"

"Father please teach me!"


The father and son asked and answered very smoothly, but this... this is too unreasonable.Not to mention Wu Yue, even Wu Jinhun himself couldn't help but start to wonder if the bold boy in front of him, who faced his anger with a calm expression and fluent answers, was really his son.

"Let me ask you, did you hang out with Xu Yaoting again today?"

"Xu Yaoting is the boy's friend. The boy is in normal contact with him. I don't understand what father means by fooling around?"

"Bastard! I have warned you so many times that you are not allowed to associate with Xu Yaoting. You have ignored my words?"

"The child only hears that marriage is the order of the parents, and the words of the matchmaker. He has never heard that making friends must be ordered by the parents! The child thinks that his father is busy with state affairs and military affairs, and he is already very hard. I really shouldn't bother my father with such trivial matters as friends."

Bull x!Wu Yue really feels that Wu Yang is awesome!Look at what Wu Yang said, if it were Wu Yue, she wouldn't even have the guts to say it.

"Boy, are you crazy?" Hearing Wu Yang's words, Wu Jinhun couldn't help but widen his eyes, and asked the same words as Wu Yue.

"Stinky boy, you have been beaten up today, and you can't escape. If you don't hurry up and say soft words to beg for mercy, you still say these bold and reckless nonsense, you...you boy, this is clearly the rhythm of death!" Wu It was the first time in Yue's life that she felt admiration for Wu Yang, but at the same time she was very annoyed, so she hurriedly leaned into Wu Yang's ear and persuaded her in a low voice.

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