Wan Dong finally understood that the tiny light spots in the Ming Soul Jade are more terrifying. Massive information directly impacts people on the spiritual level, and the pain is by no means something ordinary people can bear.And those huge light spots should be formed by the condensation of Dao Qi. As long as you don't overestimate your capabilities and swallow the elephant rashly, it will only make his cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, but it won't bring you much pain.

Fortunately, it was not the first time Wan Dong had experienced it, and this time he absorbed less information than the first time, and the degree of pain was also slightly less.Gritting his teeth and crying for a while, the severe pain finally subsided gradually.But even so, Wan Dong was already dripping with sweat.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​smoke in front of him, with countless light spots, big and small, Wan Dong's heart was pounding.If he wants to grow into an existence like the Xuantian Great God, what is unfolding in front of him at this moment is clearly a 'sea of ​​bitterness'.

After the second ray of light submerged into Wan Dong's body, the 'Starry Sky' immediately began to shrink, and turned back into the appearance of Ming Shenhun Jade, retreating quickly, and Wan Dong's surroundings were shrouded in darkness again.Wan Dong really wanted to stop all this, but he couldn't do it. Here, it was completely out of his turn to dominate. This feeling made Wan Dong unhappy and helpless.

When the darkness completely enveloped the Mingshenyu space, Wan Dong was immediately kicked out mercilessly.

Turning over from the bed and standing up, he glanced outside, the sky was just getting bright.After stretching his muscles and bones, Wan Dong was delighted to find that his injury had completely healed, no different from when he was not injured.Moreover, with just a slight movement of his thoughts, Dao Qi immediately gathered in countless ways, and the scale was more than twice as large as before.

Wan Dong secretly compared. His current state should not be weaker than a warrior at the peak of the sixth level of true qi.

In Ming Shenhun Jade, only a spot of light the size of a ping-pong ball can bring about such an earth-shaking change in his cultivation base. If he didn't experience it personally, who would believe it?

Although this made Wan Dong very happy, it also made Wan Dong more vigilant.

The big world of Taoism is really not comparable to the small world of ordinary people. Compared with the big world of Taoism, warriors living in the small world of ordinary people are probably like frogs in the bottom of a well.The enemy he faced was definitely much stronger than he had imagined.

Shaking his head, Wan Dong put all these screens out of his mind. Now is not the time to think about these things. In his mind, there is still a huge amount of information waiting for him to sort out.

After calming down, Wan Dong's heart-stirring scenes immediately appeared in Wan Dong's mind.In this part of Xuantian Damingshen's memory, a considerable part of it records the battles he experienced.

I really don't know if I don't look at it, but my soul flies away when I look at it!The battles in the Taoist Great World are by no means ordinary brutality.

A mountain peak was rolled up by the flip of the hand, and the sky and the earth collapsed by the hand.

In the sky, all kinds of brilliance flew back and forth like a rainbow, even faster than the lightning.Pulling it closer and taking a closer look, the colorful lights are actually flying swords.

This flying sword is so sharp that all things in the world are thinner than paper and thinner than cloth in front of its sharpness. It is irresistible.Looking directly at Wan Dong, his blood was boiling. If he could have such a flying sword that could take someone's head thousands of miles away, who else could compete with him in this ordinary small world?


Just when Wan Dong was tickled by the flying sword, three big golden characters suddenly caught his eyes.

"Could it be..." Wan Dong exclaimed, and hastily sank all his thoughts into it, browsing carefully.After a while, Wan Dong looked up to the sky like he was going crazy, laughing wildly.That's right, Xuantian Damingshen is not only amazing in martial arts, but also a master swordsmith who is famous in the Daomen world!In this part of memory, it is all the research and experience of Xuantian Great Ming God on the way of sword casting, which is extremely detailed.

Wan Dong knew that this time, he really picked up the treasure.After learning this sword casting technique, still worried about not being able to get a flying sword?Thinking of the scene of him holding the flying sword and trampling Li Baiyi under his feet, Wan Dong was so excited that he trembled like an electric shock.

He hurriedly researched it carefully, and soon, Wan Dong was a little disappointed.

Xuantian Damingshen's sword-forging technique can forge flying swords, but Wan Dong has never even heard of the materials needed to forge flying swords.It is very likely that these materials only exist in the Daoist Great World, and even in the Daoist Great World, they are extremely rare and hard to find.What's more, if you want to forge a flying sword, you must at least have the cultivation base of the soul stage.As for what is the soul stage, Xuantian Mingshen didn't mention it in his memory, so Wan Dong was even more confused.

But even with guessing, Wan Dong can guess a little bit, this soul stage should be one of the levels of power in the Taoist Great World.What is certain is that this spirit period is definitely ten million times more important than true energy.

Soon Wan Dong came to the conclusion that he didn't even need to think about casting a flying sword in a short time.

Not to mention casting a flying sword, even a slightly inferior magic weapon, a treasure sword, is impossible.Of course, the divine weapons and precious swords that Xuantian Daming God thought were by no means the divine weapons and precious swords that people in the ordinary world understood.

Because even if he wanted to refine divine weapons and swords, Wan Dong's current Dao Qi was far from enough.

The sword-forging technique of Xuantian Daming God is completely different from the method of forging swords in the ordinary small world.Xuantian Damingshen's sword-forging technique focuses on condensing fire with dao qi, and using the fire of dao qi to remove impurities in the sword.If you think about it, you will know, how can this mortal fire compare with the power of Dao Qi fire?

Take this blood steel as an example. In the ordinary world, blood steel is a precious auxiliary material for making swords. It has never been heard that someone uses a whole piece of blood steel to make a sword.Firstly, it is because of the rarity of blood steel, and secondly, it is because the fire of the mortal world cannot melt blood steel at all, and it cannot change the shape according to people's needs. How can it be used to forge swords?

When the mortal world uses blood steel as an auxiliary material to forge swords, it just uses the fire of the mortal world to draw out the essence of heaven and earth contained in it, and then uses the essence of heaven and earth to remove impurities in the main material of the sword. Using blood steel is simply a waste.

After reading Xuantian Damingshen's sword casting technique from beginning to end, Wan Dong took a long breath, feeling that his eyes were wide open and his knowledge greatly improved.

"Condensing the fire with Dao Qi?"

Wan Dong murmured, and subconsciously spread out his palm, thinking silently in his heart, and immediately, a small cluster of golden light like flames jumped up in his palm.Although it was only a small cluster, it was enough to surprise Wan Dong inexplicably.

Not only because he has condensed the fire of dao qi, he has learned the first step of sword casting, but also because he has mastered a method of using dao qi, and his understanding and perception of dao qi has greatly deepened. a layer...

[Author's digression]: Chapter 14!

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