Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 142 Mother's love is as warm as the sun!

With a cultivation level equivalent to the peak of the sixth level of true qi, it is a qualitative leap for Wan Dong to barely step into the ranks of masters in this ordinary small world.

Scenes and scenes from the cliff jumping from Yinlong Peak flashed before Wan Dong's eyes one by one, causing Wan Dong to be in a trance for a while.It is said that good fortune tricks people, and this is true when it comes to him.

"Yao Ting, Yao Ting..."

When Wan Dong was contemplating, suddenly Ning Shan's shouts full of anxiety and worry came from outside.Not long after, the door of Wan Dong's room was slammed open, and a haggard Ning Shan appeared in front of Wan Dong.Her face was mottled with tears, her eyes were red and swollen, and she must have cried a lot even in her dream.

"Yaoting," Looking at Wan Dong who was full of energy, Ning Shan's expression was in a daze.Surprised, and somewhat unbelievable.

Wan Dong smiled and bounced on the ground, turned around, and said, "Mother, look, I'm all healed, so don't worry about me anymore."

"All right?" Ning Shan stepped forward in disbelief, and walked around Wan Dong several times, until she confirmed that Wan Dong was completely fine, then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mother, it's you. You fainted yesterday. Would you like me to invite Grandpa Sun to take a closer look for you?" Wan Dong asked while holding Ning Shan's hand with concern.

Ning Shan shook her head lightly, stroked Wan Dong's somewhat messy bangs lightly, her eyes were full of a mother's deep love for her son, immersed in such eyes, it made Wan Dong's heart drunk up.

"Mother is fine, but it's my Ting'er who has suffered so much..."

"Mom! I'm sorry, I always make you worry about me again and again, I..."

"Silly boy! Is there any mother in the world who doesn't care about her own children? Mother is right to worry about you. Besides, mother is more and more proud of you now, even if she is worried about you again, mother I am also happy in my heart. My only hope now is... that is to let your father see your changes, I believe your father will be very happy..." Mentioning Xu Tianlong, Ning Shan's eye circles began to turn red again , full of thoughts.

Seeing Ning Shan's sad appearance, Wan Dong was very distressed, and said, "Grandpa is really, father has been away from home for so long, and he won't let him come back to see."

Ning Shan shook her head and said, "Your grandfather is right. Your father has a great responsibility to guard the frontier. What's more, now that the Iron War Dynasty is about to move, he can't leave his post without authorization. Mother is fine. After so many years, mother also I'm used to it."

In order not to make Wan Dong feel sad, Ning Shan hastily wiped away her tears and regained her spirits.

Wan Dong frowned, and said bitterly: "If you say one thousand and ten thousand, it's all the fault of the Tie Zhan Dynasty. One day, I will completely destroy the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and see how they will do harm to the world!"

" family has a lot of ambition!" Ning Shan said with a smile, not taking Wan Dong's words seriously.

Wan Dong originally wanted to go to Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, but Ning Shan firmly refused to allow Wan Dong to stay at home and recuperate for a while.Even if Wan Dong told her that he was all well, Ning Shan still refused.In order not to make Ning Shan angry, Wan Dong had no choice but to stay at home obediently.

Ning Shan wanted to cook for Wan Dong herself and make some delicious food for him, but Wan Dong tried to dissuade him, but ended in failure. In desperation, she had to let her go.

Shaking his head, Wan Dong came to Zong Qi's room. Yesterday, this kid was seriously injured, and Wan Dong was always worried about him.But when Wan Dong opened Zong Qi's door, he found that Zong Qi had already left, leaving only a note.

The note only said that he had important things to do, that he would be away for a few days, and that he would come back when things were done. Apart from that, there was no other nonsense.

Wan Dong held the note in a daze for a moment, then let out a few wry smiles, his little brother, he acted in a straightforward manner.

"I don't know what happened to this kid, but I hope he won't have any accidents."

"Yao Ting, why are you up?" Wan Dong had just left Zong Qi's room when he ran into Xu Wenchuan and Sun Daobai head-on, but Sun Xiaoya was not beside him, so he probably wasn't up yet, or he hadn't washed up yet.Everyone knows that this girl is always troublesome.

Xu Wenchuan looked worried, and slightly blamed.He was seriously injured yesterday, half dead, and wandering around today is really unreasonable.

"Grandpa, grandpa grandpa!" Wan Dong approached with a smile, and bowed respectfully to the two old people.

"Okay, okay! You still have injuries on your body, so you shouldn't move too vigorously. Let's avoid these red tapes!" Xu Wenchuan waved his hands distressedly.

"Grandpa, it's fine, I'm all healed! Grandpa Sun's burning blood golden needle, it's amazing!" Wan Dong smiled and flattered Sun Daobai, which made Sun Daobai laugh happily.

"Yao Ting, don't put a high hat on your grandpa's head. Although the Burning Blood Golden Needle is extraordinary, it's still not miraculous. I think the most miraculous is you! Such a serious injury can be healed overnight , I'm really curious, what material is your kid made of?"

Just in case, Sun Daobai specially stayed at Xu's house last night. Even he did not expect that Wan Dong would appear in front of him in such a lively manner in the early morning of the next day. He was quite surprised.It was as if all the valuable experience he had accumulated in his whole life was useless when it came to Wan Dong.

Although Wan Dong was alive and well, Sun Daobai still checked Wan Dong carefully, and didn't stop until he was sure everything was fine.

"Hey...Grandpa, yesterday I fought against Wu Qiujun, and I stole a lot of tricks from him, do you want me to show you?" After Sun Daobai finished tossing, Wan Dong looked at Xu Wenchuan and asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, of course! Hurry up, kid, don't keep it up!"

Xu Wenchuan was overjoyed as soon as he heard it, with a look of eagerness on his face.In addition, Sun Daobai was sure that Wan Dong was fine, so he no longer had any scruples and kept urging him.

Compared to the first fight with Wu Qiujun, yesterday's battle was truly a fight.In order to kill Wan Dong, Wu Qiujun, who was in a rage, almost used his ability to suppress the bottom of the box.Coupled with the last battle between Wu Qiujun and Xu Wenchuan, Wan Dong almost touched the entire "Poyun Strategy".

At this time, it is no longer one move one move, but one set.Moves and moves are connected with each other, seamlessly, like flowing clouds and flowing water, pure and precise.

Xu Wenchuan was stunned as he watched from the sidelines. Many of the tricks Wan Dong used were those used by Wu Qiujun when he confronted him. can't do it.

[Author's digression]: Chapter 15!

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