"Wen Chuan, your grandson is so monstrous. If Wu Qiujun saw such a scene, would he vomit blood and die?" Sun Daobai looked at Wan Dong with admiration in his eyes, and there was nothing wrong with what he said. He did not hide his admiration for Wan Dong.

"Go! Don't make noise, I have to think about it..." Xu Wenchuan waved his hand at Sun Daobai, then frowned and fell into deep thought.

Sun Daobai smiled at Wan Dong, and said softly: "It seems that your grandfather's cultivation is about to break through again."

Xu Wenchuan's realm has been stagnant for many years and he cannot break through. Sun Daobai is fully aware of the distress in his heart, and he is often secretly worried about him.Seeing Xu Wenchuan break through again and again at this time, he was as happy as Xu Wenchuan himself.

Wan Dong smiled and nodded.If this "Chengfeng Jue" and "Poyun Strategy" are separated, they can only be regarded as superior martial arts, but if they are combined and interpenetrated, they become superior martial arts.Relying on its breakthrough to reach the tenth level of true qi is not difficult at all, and it is not impossible to condense true qi into dao qi and switch from martial arts to dao qi.

Sun Daobai had to go to the palace to treat the emperor's illness, so he left soon.Seeing that Xu Wenchuan was still struggling to understand, Wan Dong simply went to the warehouse of Xu's family and took out a dozen pieces of blood steel from the warehouse.

Since he knew the sword-forging technique from the memory of Xuantian Damingshen, there is absolutely no reason not to try it.

A flame exuding light golden light slowly covered a piece of blood steel, like a scorching flame, baking a candle, and soon, it gradually melted, turning into drops of blood red like candle tears. The liquid floats in the air, but does not fall, and jumps up and down with the fire of Dao Qi.

"It turns out that blood steel can really be melted!"

Wan Dong's mind was lifted suddenly, and his expression was overjoyed.

In Wandong's cognition, the shape of blood steel is constant, and no force in the world can change it, at least not so far.When a swordsmith uses it to forge a sword, he can only draw out the essence of heaven and earth contained in it with raging fire, but cannot melt it.When the essence of heaven and earth contained in it is exhausted, the blood color of the blood steel will fade away and turn into a gray-like color, but it is still as hard as before, hard to break with a sword, and always maintains its original shape.And even the shape of blood steel can't be changed, so how can it be used to forge swords?

Those magical weapons containing blood steel in the world are just condensed the essence of heaven and earth escaping from the blood steel, but they are not really fused with blood steel.And a sword made purely of blood steel, people dare not even think about it.

When the entire blood-colored steel tile was completely melted into blood-colored molten steel, Wan Dong couldn't help taking a long breath, concentrating, and controlling the fire of Dao Qi with his thoughts, until the blood-colored molten steel slowly condensed into a short sword. shape.

There is no way, there is only one piece of blood steel, the melted blood-color molten steel is too little, it is not enough to condense into a long sword, even if it is a short sword, it is only slightly longer than an ordinary dagger.

Seeing that the blood was about to condense into the shape he wanted according to Wan Dong's thoughts, suddenly, a sharp pain came from Wan Dong's chest and abdomen, which made him let out a miserable cry, and his body fell heavily on the ground. on the ground.

The fire of dao qi was disillusioned in an instant, and the half-successful 'blood steel dagger' immediately lost control and fell to the ground, and soon condensed into pieces of blood steel fragments of different sizes.

Looking at all this, Wan Dong was full of helplessness, the amount of Dao Qi in his body was still too small to support him to forge a divine weapon purely made of blood steel, even if it was just a dagger.

Reluctant to helpless, Wan Dong is not in a hurry. Dao Qi needs to be accumulated slowly. One day, he will be able to forge success. Haste makes waste, Wan Dong has already thoroughly understood.

After cross-legged recovery, Wan Dong came up with another idea. Since it is difficult to use blood steel to cast magic weapons with his skill, what about those ordinary materials?

According to the description of the sword casting technique, the process of casting a sword is a process of doing its best to continuously remove impurities.In the material for casting the sword, the less impurities remain, the tougher, sharper and higher the grade of the sword will be.

In other words, if you use the fire of Dao Qi to temper those long swords made of ordinary materials, will you also create first-class magic weapons?

Wan Dong immediately found more than ten ordinary long swords, which could only be regarded as sharp, but they definitely had nothing to do with swords or magical weapons.On the street outside, they are sold everywhere, and you can buy a bunch of them for ten taels of gold.

If Wan Dong used Dao Qi fire to deal with blood steel, it was like burning candles, then these ordinary long swords, in front of Dao Qi fire, were like silk cloth thrown into the fire, only one of them could not breathe. It turned into molten iron.

The molten iron melted by ordinary long swords is red and black. It is not like blood steel, showing an extremely pure blood color.Undoubtedly, this black thing is the impurity contained in the long sword.The fire of Wan Dong's Dao Qi swept over immediately, and in a short while, the black part turned into wisps of white Qi and dissipated without a trace.

After the black part was refined by Wan Dong's Dao Qi fire, Wan Dong didn't stop there. The Dao Qi fire kept licking the fiery red molten iron, and there were still traces of white air coming from it. emerge.

Wan Dong repeated this process for a long time, until the remaining molten iron turned from red to fiery red, then to crimson red, until finally it was as red as blood, and there was no trace of white gas coming out. He stopped, and then drove the molten iron with his mind, condensing it into the shape of a dagger.

There is no way, this long sword that was originally more than three feet long, after Wan Dong tempered and removed impurities, more than two-thirds of it was refined, and the rest.At best, it can only create a dagger.

When the shape of the dagger was completely condensed, Wan Dong controlled the fire of dao qi with his left hand, and at the same time he silently recited the formula recorded in the sword casting technique, and suddenly shot out a burst of extremely cold air with his right hand, quickly covering the dagger.Hearing a chirping sound, the blood-red molten iron quickly cooled and solidified, and the blood-red color receded like a tide.

In the ordinary small world, swordsmiths usually use clear water to quench their fire. In order to improve the quality of their swords, swordsmiths also have extremely high requirements for the water used for quenching.But no matter how good the water is, it is impossible to be completely free of impurities.In the process of tempering the sword, the sword will always be affected slightly or greatly.

But Xuantian Damingshen's sword casting skills are much more brilliant.Not only can it condense the fire of Dao Qi to forge the sword, but it can also condense the Dao Qi into the coldest Qi to temper the sword.Dao Qi participates in the whole process without using a drop of water, which is undoubtedly a strong guarantee for the quality of the sword.

[Author's Digression]: Chapter No. 16!

For the remaining four chapters, Feiwu will try to post them before [-] pm!

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