Arriving at Qingyun Wuyuan, Wan Dong came to the Qingyun list, glanced around, frowned, pointed to Jin Mu's name and asked, "Isn't this guy defeated by me? Why is his name still here?"

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Boss, didn't I tell you that if you want to win the ranking on the Qingyun Ranking, you must first apply to the instructor, and then openly challenge it, which will be effective. Field battles like you and Jin Mu are not for you. Count."

"Bastard! You just fought Jin Muye!"

"Ah? No, no, boss, I...hahaha...I didn't mean that, haha..."

"That's not what you mean, you're still smiling so wretchedly?"


Looking at Wu Yang, whose head was smoking, grinning in pain, and whose facial features were deformed, Wan Dong was deeply satisfied, and his anger seemed to have subsided.

"Wu Yang, would you like me to challenge Wang Yangde?" After a moment of silence, Wan Dong suddenly opened his mouth and asked Wu Yang.

"Challenge Wang Yangde? Boss, are you crazy? He is the God of War of our Qingyun Martial Academy, aren't you looking for abuse..." Wu Yang yelled almost habitually without even thinking about it.Wang Yangde's toughness has been imprinted in the bones of almost every student of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, and it is simply synonymous with 'invincible'.It was not surprising that Wu Yang had such a reaction.

"Hiss...wait a minute!" Wu Yang, who was shouting, suddenly stopped, looking at Wan Dong who was smiling all over his face, and immediately calmed down.

No matter how powerful Wang Yangde is, can he still be stronger than Wu Qiujun?In the hands of Wu Qiujun, Wan Dong can support dozens of moves, can Wang Yangde do it?Wu Yang couldn't help shaking his head. A martial artist at the peak of the fourth level of true qi, in front of the ninth level of true qi, is probably weaker than a baby. It is probably a matter of three or five moves.Such a comparison, Wan Dong's strength is much stronger than Wang Yangde's.

The more Wu Yang thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. If Wan Dong really defeated Wang Yangde and reached the top of Qingyun's list, wouldn't he, the little brother, follow suit?Who else would dare to provoke him in the future?

"Boss, I think it will work!"

"You really think it's okay?" Wan Dong asked with a smile.

"Of course, that's great! I dare to assert that Wang Yangde is definitely not your opponent. The top spot in the Qingyun list must be the boss!"

Wan Dong nodded and said, "It's rare that you have such confidence in me. I'm very pleased. But I think about it carefully, let's forget it. Hiding merit and fame deeply, making a fortune silently, this is the kingly way! Standing out is simply asking for trouble.”

"Well, what the boss said is also reasonable. Then let's spare this Wang Yangde for the time being, and let him continue his prestige."

"Bah! I've never seen someone as shameless as the two of you!" As soon as Wu Yang finished speaking, he heard an extremely contemptuous scolding from beside him.

Wan Dong frowned, and looked back, only to see a cold girl staring at them viciously, with murderous intent in her eyes.

Wan Dong looked at it, and his brows furrowed even tighter.These days, is it true that women with a little bit of ability are so "stay away from strangers", air-conditioned and suffocating?Tang Xinyi was like this, Duan Lengyan was like this, and this little girl in front of her was also like this.

At the peak of the fourth level of true energy, he is not inferior to Duan Lengyan at all. In Qingyun Martial Academy, he is definitely considered a master.

"Liu...Liu Ke'er?" Seeing this girl, Wu Yang didn't know whether he was excited or frightened, he couldn't even speak clearly.

Wan Dong's heart moved, and he subconsciously looked over at the Qingyun list. The second position on the Qingyun list had three big characters written clearly - Liu Ke'er!Could it be this girl?

Wan Dong has never underestimated women, and he respects those capable women and heroes.The Liu Ke'er in front of her is young and her cultivation level is so amazing, she is much better than Wan Dong before jumping off the cliff. Originally, Wan Dong also respected her.

But what makes Wan Dong depressed is that Liu Ke'er seems to be very unimpressed with him, and his eyes are full of disdain and contempt.It's like his Wandong is garbage, and it's still the kind that can't be recycled.

No one would feel comfortable being stared at like this.

"Liu Ke'er, we don't seem to have provoked you. You don't seem to be friendly to us." Wan Dong rubbed his nose and said.

When Wan Dong said this, Liu Ke'er unexpectedly showed a smile on her pretty face. Although there was also contempt in the smile, it was always smiling, "Xu Yaoting, you want to challenge Wang Yangde?"

Xu Yaoting raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised, "You know me?"

Liu Ke'er snorted, and curled her lips, "How many people in Qingyun Martial Academy don't know you, Young Master Xu? You are very famous, Young Master Xu!"

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Looking at your expression, my reputation is probably a bad name, not a good one."

"You still have some self-knowledge! Xu Yaoting, let me tell you the truth, if you dare to insult Wang Yangde, then you have provoked me. Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

Seeing that Liu Ke'er was gearing up to practice, Wan Dong hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, when did I insult Wang Yangde?"

"You actually claim to challenge Wang Yangde, this is an insult to him, I will never tolerate it!"

wipe!Could this Liu Keer be Wang Yangde's mother?Even if it is, this calf is too protective, right?Could it be that he, Wang Yangde, is a lotus in a pond, which can only be seen from a distance, but not played with?Since one is a master on the Qingyun list, shouldn't one have the consciousness to be ready to accept challenges from others?

"Why would it be an insult to him if I challenged Wang Yangde?"

"Do you need to ask? Because you have no such qualifications at all! If you challenge Wang Yangde, it's like attacking jade with cow dung, and you can only dirty Wang Yangde's reputation!"

"Damn!" Wan Dong cursed secretly in his heart, he dared to think too much, in the final analysis, people looked down on him.However, cow dung... This Liu Ke'er's mouth is too vicious.

Wan Dong's complexion was slightly unhappy, and he was thinking about whether to change his principles and take action to teach the girl with long eyes a lesson. A figure staggered towards them, looking like a hungry girl. A child who has lived for more than ten days suddenly saw his parents come back with roast chicken and roast duck.

It's just that this child seems to be a bit miserable. His nose is blue and his eyes are swollen, his face is bruised, and his body is densely covered with filthy footprints. It can be seen that he has been abused badly.

"Bosses, you can be regarded as showing up, woo woo..." After saying that, the child started to cry.

Wu Yang carefully identified for a long time before he recognized the other party's identity, and asked in surprise, "Sijiu, why were you beaten up like this?"

"It's not just me. The children of our Formation Academy, except for the girls, were all beaten. I'm still the lightest one. The worst ones are still lying at home, unable to go out!"

"What? How did this happen?" Wu Yang was taken aback.

[Author's digression]: Chapter 18!

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