But Lei Ming is different from Leng Yuecui, Leng Yuecui used his fists to subdue Xu Yaoting, but Lei Ming was just the opposite, he was beaten by Xu Yaoting and subdued Xu Yaoting.

Lei Ming has never practiced martial arts at all, he is just an ordinary person, but despite his thin and small life, he is surprisingly stubborn, but he has a very hot temper.There seemed to be two words engraved on his face - dissatisfaction!

Many times, it wasn't Xu Yaoting who provoked him, but because he couldn't understand Xu Yaoting's behavior, he took the initiative to provoke him.When accusing Xu Yaoting, it was like an old man scolding his son. Not only was he fearless, but he was also righteous. He had scolded Xu Yaoting several times, so he wished he could find a crack in the ground.

In order to teach Lei Ming a lesson, Xu Yaoting also played a cruel hand.He knocked Lei Ming unconscious several times, but as soon as Lei Ming woke up, he cursed again. As for begging for mercy, it didn't seem to be in his dictionary at all. It is more smelly and harder than the stones in the toilet!

Gradually, Xu Yaoting became afraid of him, and always avoided him as much as possible, not wanting to conflict with him again.

However, Lei Ming's understanding of the way of formation is quite deep.He was praised by Wu Daozi a lot.His talent is by no means inferior to that of Leng Yuecui.It's a pity that Lei Ming has no background, and his family is poor. It is not easy to get ahead.

Wu Yang looked at Wan Dong with a wry smile, "You said that Lei Daxian's magical skill of beating can make those martial arts disciples shut up?"

Wan Dong snorted coldly, his face extremely gloomy, "They better shut up, or I'll make them shut their eyes!"

Wu Yang shuddered tremblingly, secretly startled in his heart, "Could the boss want to play big today?"

"Ha! Is there no one in the Formation Academy? Why did you send a monkey?" The disciple of the martial arts academy who had been talking nonsense before walked up to Lei Ming with a playful smile.Comparing the two, they are just like Lao Tzu and his son.

A group of martial arts disciples burst into laughter immediately.This Lei Ming was very calm, facing everyone's ridicule, his expression did not change at all.

"Lei Ming, it's none of your business here, go back!" Wu Daozi worried that Lei Ming would suffer, and shouted.

"Wu Daozi, what are you doing? I see that you, a young disciple, have a lot of fighting spirit! Isn't it good to let him stand up and win some glory for you Wu Daozi?"

"Martial Academy disciple Li Zhi, please enlighten me!" As soon as Mo Ming's words fell, the martial arts disciple, who was as strong as an ox, immediately put on a serious posture towards Lei Ming.The cooperation between the master and apprentice is very tacit.

"Okay! I accept your challenge, but I want to compete with you..."

"Accept the trick!" Before Lei Ming finished speaking, Li Zhi's fist came with a bang, and hit Lei Ming's cheek with a bang.Lei Ming let out a miserable snort, and fell to the ground on the spot.

"Damn it!" Wu Yang secretly clenched his fists, his face full of anger.Li Zhi was too insidious to give Lei Ming a chance to speak.If he competed with Lei Ming, he would not even be able to figure out how he died, so he simply pre-empted the attack, not even giving Lei Ming a chance to speak.

"Bastard! Stop!" Wu Daozi was furious when he saw this, and subconsciously tried to stop it.

Mo Ming chuckled, raised his leg, and stood in front of Wu Daozi, saying, "Wu Daozi, in the discussion of the disciples' family, the teacher is not allowed to interfere. This is the rule of the martial arts academy, you don't know it?"

"Fart! Is this a sparring? This is simply bullying!" Wu Daozi cursed angrily.

The sneer on Mo Ming's face remained undiminished, adding a bit of evil, and said, "Just now your disciple personally accepted Li Zhi's challenge, and everyone present heard it clearly. One issued the challenge, the other accepted the challenge, In a one-on-one fair duel, no one is allowed to intervene unless the winner is determined. Wu Daozi, don't make it difficult for me."

"Fair? Hmph! If you have the guts, let them compete in formation!" Wu Daozi roared angrily.

Mo Ming shrugged his shoulders, and said with a faint smile, "Okay! When this challenge is over, you can ask your disciples to challenge mine. Although my disciples have never learned the way of formation, he We will fight bravely! This is the arrogance of our Iron War Dynasty people!"

"you you……"

It was probably the first time Wu Daozi saw such a shameless person as Mo Ming, and he was so angry that he couldn't even speak.After a challenge is over, it is a question of whether Lei Ming can stand up again, how can he challenge Li Zhi?People are so shameless that it has to be called a realm!

While Wu Daozi was negotiating with Mo Ming, Li Zhi was not idle at all.One strike after another, heavy punches fell on Lei Ming's thin body like raindrops.In the blink of an eye, Lei Ming almost became a blood man.

"Bastard!" Wu Yang couldn't hold back his breath, and was about to rush over, but was grabbed by Wan Dong.

"Boss, I can't stand it, let me do it!" Wu Yang growled.

Wan Dong shook his head, and said with a livid face, "No! Lei Ming also has Lei Ming's pride!"

"But Lei Ming will be..." Wu Yang looked worried.

Wan Dong shook his head, and said, "No! The Martial Academy stipulates that in competitions and challenges, one must not take the opponent's life, or he will be punished severely! Li Zhi knew it well and would not kill him! Lei Ming was seriously injured, no will die!"

"Hey!" Wu Yang shook his arms resentfully, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Lie down obediently!" Li Zhi had had enough of his addiction, and punched Lei Ming's belly hard, ready to end this...battle.

Under Li Zhi's heavy punch, Lei Ming's thin body flew upside down several feet before it landed heavily on the ground.

Li Zhi was obviously full of confidence in his punch, he didn't even look at Lei Ming, and acted like a winner.After excitedly high-fiving with his companions, he was not satisfied, and even ran to the Array Academy to yell.

"What the hell! It's not over yet!" When Li Zhi came in front of Wan Dong and Wu Yang, Wu Yang couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"What?" Li Zhi was slightly taken aback.

Wan Dong pointed behind him with a cold face.

Li Zhi shuddered, and looked back subconsciously, his eyes were bigger than pigeon eggs, and the smile on his face froze completely.Lei Ming, who was covered in blood, stood up tremblingly.

"Silly x! If you're not so stubborn, can you die?" Wu Yang lowered his head and cursed, but deep in his eyes, he was full of admiration for Lei Ming.

"It's unreasonable!" Lei Ming's stubborn and trembling figure was simply a huge mockery to Li Zhi. When he recalled his actions just now, he felt even more like a ridiculous clown.This made Li Zhi furious, and kicked fiercely, and Lei Ming's thin figure flew up again...

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