"Bastard! Mo Ming, your disciple's method is too cruel!" Wu Daozi was furious.

Mo Mingxie laughed and said, "Wu Daozi, you are wrong to say that. Since it is a challenge, you should go all out. Li Zhi's doing this is also a kind of respect for that Lei Ming! Of course , if Lei Ming can't hold on, he can admit defeat at any time."

"You..." Wu Daozi was trembling with anger, but he was full of helplessness.It has never been Lei Ming's character to admit defeat and surrender, even if he is the chief instructor, he probably won't listen to Lei Ming.

Sure enough, as Wu Daozi expected, the thunder that flew out the second time didn't even intend to lie on the ground to rest, and immediately began to struggle again, struggling to stand up again.

"Damn it, can this guy die as a grandson?" Wu Yang scolded, but her eye circles couldn't help turning red.

Even if Wu Yang was like this, many of the girls from the Formation Academy couldn't help sobbing.

Seeing Lei Ming's thin body struggling and Li Zhi's increasingly ferocious face, Wan Dong frowned. Li Zhi was not Xu Yaoting, if he was forced into a hurry, he might really throw the Qingyun Martial Academy's rules to the fore. On the side, Lei Ming was beaten to death.

"Kill him! Kill him!!"

When Wan Dong was worried, a roar suddenly sounded from the camp of martial arts disciples, full of cruelty and no mercy.

Wan Dong's complexion suddenly became extremely cold, and a pair of gleaming eyes swept over him, only to see a guy who was about the same size as Li Zhi, his face was full of excitement, his eyes were full of ferocity, and he kept squinting his lips. , is simply a ferocious beast that chooses and devours.

This person should also be from the Iron War Dynasty. When he shouted, a group of martial arts disciples from the Iron War Dynasty also started bluffing.Seeing them waving their fists one by one, I can't wait to rush up and tear Lei Ming into pieces.

This time, the disciples of the Qingyun Empire did not coax with the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, their brows were all frowned, showing displeasure on their faces.It seems that these guys have not completely forgotten their roots, and they also know that Lei Ming has the same nationality as them and is their compatriot.

Li Zhi, who was already full of murderous looks, showed even more ferocity under the clamor of his companions.Wan Dong's heart sank, he must stop this so-called challenge.It's just that it takes a lot of thinking to prevent Lei Ming from dying without hurting his self-esteem.

"Li Zhi, what are you waiting for? Unscrew the head of this bastard and let them see how powerful our iron warriors are! Kill! Kill!!"

"Wu Yang, did you hear the barking dogs? There seems to be more than one!" Wan Dong glanced at Wu Yang, then suddenly raised his voice and said loudly.

"Yes, yes, I heard that too! Boss, do you know what kind of dog is barking again, and why it barks so badly?"

"Of course, can Tie Zhangou's bark be nice? Hahaha..."

"Oh~~~It turns out to be Iron War Dog, no wonder it barks so badly!"

Wan Dong and Wu Yang sang together, and the cooperation was so perfect that the eyes of a group of disciples of the Tie Zhan Dynasty almost popped out of anger.

"Xu Yaoting, Wu Yang! You two still dare to show up? How brave you are!"

The guy who encouraged Li Zhi to kill Lei Ming before jumped out immediately when he saw Wan Dong and the two of them.

"You iron war dog, not only barks badly, but also looks so ugly? Please, couldn't your parents be a little more serious when they made you?"

"I wipe! I want your life!"

After what Wan Dong said, if that guy could bear it, he would have been consecrated 800 years ago.

With a roar of a tiger, the sharp fist, like a gong, came straight to Wan Dong's face.This guy's methods are more ruthless than Li Zhi's. Once he makes a move, he wants to take someone's life.

"Hmph...you are courting death yourself, no wonder I!"

Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, Wan Dong's expression was gloomy like the prelude of a snowstorm.Mo Ming's heart was startled suddenly, realizing something was wrong, he quickly reminded loudly, "Li Yong, don't be careless!"

One Li Zhi, one Li Yong, Ganqing are two brothers.The smile on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth gradually spread, and he shouted "It's late!" His figure suddenly rose violently, and his right fist swung like lightning. His fists collided violently.

Immediately, there was a bone cracking sound of Kerala, as dense as rain.Not only were the bones of Li Yong's right fist shattered, but even the bones of his right arm were smashed to pieces by Wan Dong's Dao Qi in an instant.

Li Yong almost passed out from the pain on the spot, screaming like a pig being slaughtered in his throat, staggering backwards and retreating continuously.

"Want to escape? It's not over yet!" Wan Dong didn't intend to just let Li Yong go, his figure was like a ghost, his feet dangled, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Li Yong again.The punches are like a mountain, unpredictable and fast, which makes people chilling.With Li Yong's little morality, he can't stand it, let alone resist it.There was only a burst of more intensive cracking sounds, and no one could clearly see how many punches Li Yong had received in this extremely short period of time.

It's just that when Wan Dong withdrew his fist, Li Yong's whole body was limp on the ground like a puddle of mud, his expression was sluggish and he couldn't move.By visual inspection, there are few bones in the whole body that are not broken.With such a serious injury, it is already a fate that he was not killed on the spot. As for his cultivation, he can no longer be disabled, even worse than Jin Mu.

This storm-like mighty attack stunned all the martial arts disciples present, especially the students from Iron War Dynasty, their faces were full of horror, as if someone had tapped their acupoints, and they were stunned. He stared at Wan Dong, unable to move.

"Say it! Should I kill him!?" Wan Dong stepped on Li Yong, turned around abruptly, stared at the student of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, and asked sharply like a reincarnation.

Wan Dong's stern shout was extremely powerful, and it fell on the ears of the students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, like thunder added to their bodies, and they all trembled involuntarily.

"Xu Yaoting, you..." Although Li Zhi hated Wan Dong to death, he didn't dare to mess around.Wan Dong is not Lei Ming, Jin Mu was listed on the Qingyun list, but was directly abolished by Wan Dong, and now there is a living example like Li Yong, Li Zhi is even more afraid.When speaking, there is a very cautious question.

"You dare to scold me!?" Before Li Zhi finished speaking, Wan Dong suddenly shouted, and came to Li Zhi in a flash.

"I...why am I scolding?" Li Zhi couldn't help shivering, his face changed drastically in an instant.

"Fuck! You scolded me, how dare you not admit it? You want to die!" Wan Dong let out a loud shout, and directly punched Li Zhi in the chest...

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