Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 150 Pick a group if you want to pick!

In the blink of an eye, Li Zhi fell into Wan Dong's hands, and it was too late for Mo Ming to rescue him. At this time, seeing Wan Dong stretching out his 'demon claws' to Li Zhi, he couldn't help being frightened and angry, and shouted "" Xu Yaoting, how dare you!", and wanted to rush out.

Wu Daozi chuckled, and stretched out his hand to stop Mo Ming, "Mo Ming, the fight between disciples, let's teach, it's better not to intervene. You told me this, why, you forgot it so quickly? "

Wan Dong's attack was more ruthless than Li Zhi and Li Yong combined. After a little delay, Li Zhi would fall into Wan Dong's hands again. Mo Ming was very anxious and shouted, "But Li Zhi and Lei Ming are fighting fairly. Do not disturb, this is also the rule of the martial arts academy!"

Wu Daozi coughed, and said, "But that's not the case, as you have seen, it was Li Zhi who provoked Xu Yaoting first, so Xu Yaoting took action. Even if someone is disturbing the order, it is Li Zhi, regardless of Xu Yaoting's business!"

"But when did Li Zhi provoke Xu Yaoting? He never scolded Xu Yaoting at all. This is completely Xu Yaoting's conspiracy to sabotage the duel!" A wisp of smoke rose from his head inexplicably, and he was really out of breath.

"Didn't you hear it? I seem to have heard it."


"Okay, Mo Ming! You should have confidence in your disciple. Since Li Zhi dared to provoke Xu Yaoting, he must have the confidence to defeat Xu Yaoting..."

"Ah~~~" Wu Daozi hadn't finished speaking when a terribly shrill scream resounded through the sky.

Mo Ming hurriedly turned his head to look, the hair all over his head was about to stand on end.As soon as he spoke, Li Zhi fell to the ground, and Wan Dong's feet fell on him like raindrops.That scene can't help but remind people of the scene when people step on grapes in wooden basins to make wine.

"Xu Yaoting, stop, he...he is my opponent!" Wan Dong was enjoying his footsteps, Lei Ming stood up at some point, pointed at him, and said tremblingly.

Wan Dong couldn't help shaking his head and let out a wry smile, Lei Ming is so persistent, he will become a great weapon in the future!

Looking down at Li Zhi, seeing that he was already venting too much and not breathing in, Wan Dong shrugged his shoulders generously, and said with a smile, "If you like this shit, you can take it! "After that, with a flick of his toe, Li Zhi flew to Lei Ming's feet like a sack.

Looking at Li Zhi lying at his feet like a dead pig, Lei Ming wanted to kick him hard a few times, but he felt like he had nowhere to go.At this time, Li Zhi was much worse than him, and he was almost inhuman.

Lei Ming discovered for the first time that Xu Yaoting also knew how to do personnel affairs.

"Xu Yaoting, your attack is too heavy! As the second instructor of the martial arts academy, I want to punish you!" In the blink of an eye, the two proud students were destroyed by Wan Dong, how could Mo Ming not be angry? ?I'm afraid he has the heart to kill Wan Dong!

"Old guy, are you sick? Can the teaching of the martial arts academy manage the disciples of our formation school?" Wan Dong directly gave Mo Ming a middle finger, not even bothering to give him a straight look.

"Exactly! Mo Ming, this is your fault. Why didn't you stand up and speak out when your disciple seriously injured my student from the Formation Academy? Now that your disciple is injured, you can't help it? We teach, not like this Yes, a bowl of water needs to be level!" Wu Daozi shook his head repeatedly and taught Mo Ming a lesson.

With an almost purple face, Mo Ming roared, "Injured? Did you see clearly, Li Yong and Li Zhi were directly crippled by him!"

"Oh, that's just the point of the injury. At least their lives are still alive. As long as they work harder in the future, they will recover."

"Recover your sister! Break your whole body bones, can you restore it to me?" Mo Ming cursed in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.Wan Dong was too cunning, he gave Li Zhi and Li Yong a sigh of relief, and Mo Ming had nothing to do.

Wu Daozi was full of anger from Mo Ming, and now he vented all his anger. It was refreshing, and the joy in the eyes of Wan Dong was even stronger.

"Hey, you guys!" Wan Dong didn't seem to want to stop there, he turned around and pointed at the dozens of disciples of the Tie Zhan dynasty present, "Aren't you yelling, let us see how powerful your Tie Zhan dogs are? Come on!" , I’m right here, let me take a good look at how powerful you are!”

"Yao Ting, what are you going to do?" Wu Daozi couldn't help being surprised.Wan Dong's cultivation was really good, but a good tiger couldn't hold back a pack of wolves, and there were thirty or fifty martial arts disciples from the Iron War Dynasty around him.

"Master, these Iron Fighting Dogs beat up the people of our Formation Academy, shouldn't this debt be recovered?"


Before Wu Daozi could finish, Wan Dong waved his hand at him, showing a winning smile, pointing at the students of Tie Zhan Dynasty and shouting: "Look at your cowardice, I know, you don't have the guts to fight me One-on-one. Let's go together, it just saves my time!"

Seeing Wan Dong being outnumbered, but full of pride and momentum, Wu Yang couldn't help feeling overwhelmed and ready to move.

"Is your boss crazy?" Just when Wu Yang was feeling overwhelmed, Liu Ke'er suddenly appeared from beside him.

In the past, Wu Yang had no ordinary admiration for Liu Ke'er.If Liu Ke'er could come up to him like this before and take the initiative to talk to him, Wu Yang would have fainted from excitement.But now, looking at Wan Dong and Liu Ke'er, Wu Yang's mood is much calmer, Liu Ke'er is just a little girl next door.

"Why do you say that?"

"Do you need to ask? Who does he think he is when one person hits thirty or fifty?" Liu Ke'er seemed to be still angry with Wan Dong, her voice was full of unconcealable anger.

Wu Yang just smiled and didn't speak. What are thirty or fifty students from the Iron War Dynasty?Compared with Wu Qiujun, he can't even count as a root hair.

"What an arrogant boy!" Mo Ming snorted, turned his head and said to the [-] or [-] Iron War Dynasty students, "What are you waiting for? Everyone has issued a challenge, so don't fight!"

As soon as Mo Ming spoke, thirty or fifty students from the Tie Zhan Dynasty rushed forward roaring, and surrounded Wan Dong layer by layer like a tide.

"Wu Daozi, this is your disciple looking for death, don't blame me!" Mo Ming said triumphantly to Wu Daozi.

Wu Daozi looked solemn, glared at him, and snorted, "Who died in the end, it's too early to make a conclusion!"

"Hahaha...Wu Daozi, have you been fooled by me? One person versus dozens, what's the difference between this and death?"

Wu Daozi didn't make a sound. Although he was worried, he didn't have no confidence in Wan Dong.However, he was still prepared, and if something was wrong, even if he tried his best and broke the rules, he would snatch Wan Dong out!

[Author's digression]: Before [-]:[-] pm, there are two more chapters!

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