"Slaughter this brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" No one knows who greeted him, and thirty or fifty disciples of the Tie Zhan Dynasty rushed towards Wan Dong like a tide.It's not surprising that Wan Dong was torn alive by them with that ferocious appearance.

"Hey! I really don't know what this guy is thinking, isn't he courting death?" Liu Keer shook his head with a sympathetic expression.

"Looking for death? Hmph..." Wu Yang snorted a few times and curled his lips.

Wu Yang's disdainful expression made Liu Ke'er very unhappy. He was about to open his mouth to say something more when he heard a muffled bang, which suddenly came over. Liu Ke'er's heart was shocked, and he stared anxiously. I saw a figure, like a fired shell, flying backwards.The five or six people who couldn't escape along the way immediately suffered disaster, and those who were hit abruptly flew into the air. In an instant, there was a scene of howling ghosts and howling wolves, shocking the audience.

"What a domineering force!" Looking at Wan Dong who was slowly retracting his fist, Liu Ke'er was stunned for a long time, and then he came back to his senses, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.With this punch, the encirclement circle aimed at Wan Dong was declared broken, a huge gap, like a huge sarcasm, wantonly mocking the students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty.

"This kid... did a great job!" Wu Daozi, an old man, hadn't been as excited as he is now for a long time. He clenched his fists tightly and couldn't help but roared loudly.All the previous worries disappeared at this moment, and the only thing left was the eagerness to wait for the good show to take place.

"How is it possible?" Compared to Wu Daozi's excitement and eagerness, Mo Ming was only shocked, deeply shocked.

As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.Just this punch was enough to make him feel that Wan Dong definitely had the strength to challenge him.As for the students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty who shouted and rushed forward to tear Wan Dong alive, they were like sheep in front of Wan Dong, weak and ridiculous.A great ominous premonition quickly occupied Mo Ming's entire heart.

The same feeling also spread in the hearts of those dozens of students from the Tie Zhan dynasty. They were murderous before, but they froze completely in the blink of an eye, as if under a fixed spell.They stared blankly at Wan Dong, unable to move for a long time.Wan Dong's punch seemed to have hit their hearts, and with one blow, their fighting spirit was blown apart.

Wu Yang shook his head, sighed intentionally, and said, "I didn't expect people from the Tie Zhan Dynasty to be so useless! Even with this little ability, they dare to come to our Array Academy to act wildly. I really don't know how the word death is written."

"Ah, this..." Liu Ke'er opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

She knew very well in her heart that it wasn't that people from the Tie Zhan Dynasty were useless, but that Wan Dong was too domineering.As for his punch just now, I'm afraid even she might not be able to deal with it easily.Looking back at the six or seven Tie Zhan Dynasty students lying on the ground in a mess, motionless and not humming, Liu Ke'er couldn't recall the scene between Wan Dong and Wu Yang, which made her angry. discourse. "Maybe, this guy really has the strength to challenge Wang Yangde!"

"How can you be so unreasonable? In front of our iron war dynasty warriors, how can you allow you to act wildly!?" After a moment of silence, a roar suddenly rang out.I saw a fast figure, like a soaring roc, pounced towards Wan Dong in the air.

"It's Gou Xu! The top [-] masters on the Qing Yun Ranking!" Liu Ke'er saw who was coming, and couldn't help shouting.

Wu Yang suddenly became excited, and shouted loudly, "Boss, he is a big fish, don't let him go!"

"Hmph... Now that he's here, of course I won't let him down!"

Wan Dong replied, looking at Gou Xu's figure, he suddenly pulled up his figure, and volleyed towards Gou Xu.

"Looking for death!" Seeing Wan Dong approaching, Gou Xu's legs twitched like whips, and his body rolled over. At first glance, it looked like a brilliant chrysanthemum blooming instantly.Countless leg shadows, both false and real, were wrapped in a strong wind, pouring towards Wan Dong in one go.

"How dare you come out and show your eyes? Break it!"

Faced with such a mighty move, Wan Dong didn't even frown, and pushed out his fists flat on his chest. In the blink of an eye, a 'wall' made of fist shadows was unstoppably pushed towards Gou Xu. past.

Bang bang bang!

The shadow of the legs collided with the shadow of the fist, and a muffled sound like raindrops immediately resounded through the sky.Immediately afterwards, there was another crackling sound of bone cracking, which followed one after another.

"No way!" When Mo Ming heard the voice, he became anxious immediately, and let out a roar.

Gou Xu's ability to enter the top [-] of the Qingyun Ranking is definitely considered a first-class talent in the Iron War Dynasty, and he is also a key training object for the Iron War Dynasty to prepare for the future. The preciousness of Gou Xu is definitely not what Li Zhi and Li Yong like comparable.If it was destroyed in Wan Dong's hands like this, then the loss for the Tie Zhan Dynasty would not be so great.

At first, Mo Ming still had a trace of fantasy in his heart, but it was soon ruthlessly broken by Wan Dong.

Hearing Wan Dong roar "Go to hell!", Gou Xu's whole body fell from the sky like a torn sack, without even moving, he passed out on the spot.On his hands and legs, countless white broken bones protruded from his flesh, bloody and terrifying.Blind people can understand that Gou Xu has followed in the footsteps of Li Zhi and Li Yong.

"Hiss..." Liu Ke'er couldn't help but gasped, and her tender body couldn't help taking a step back.The look of shock on his face turned into a look of horror in the blink of an eye.

In the hands of Wan Dong, the top [-] masters on the Qingyun Ranking, they couldn't even make a single move, so they became this embarrassing appearance. The impact on Liu Ke'er is simply indescribable.

"Hey... Liu, how are you? My boss is amazing, isn't he?" It was rare to see Liu Keer showing such an expression, and Wu Yang felt happy in his heart, as if he was the one who crippled Gou Xu with a punch. .

"You... your boss is simply a... mutant!"

"Hey, classmate Liu, how can you swear at others casually?"


The sound of Gou Xu hitting the ground heavily was very dull, but it exploded in everyone's hearts like a bolt from the blue.The originally noisy scene fell into deathly silence in an instant. Everyone was dumbfounded and horrified, even Wu Daozi and Mo Ming were the same.

"So this kid's cultivation level is so high! Wow, even I have been fooled!" Looking Wan Dong up and down, Wu Daozi's figure seemed as if he had just met Wan Dong.

"Impossible! Gou Xu was crippled with just one move. Even Wang Yangde doesn't have the strength. How could he do it? There must be a mistake somewhere, it must be!" Mo Ming kept roaring in his heart, but in the end Where did he make a mistake, but he was blank...

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