"Xu Yaoting! Xu Yaoting!! Xu Yaoting!!!"

After a brief silence, the girls on the side of the Formation Academy shouted loudly as if they were going crazy, venting out all the panic, grief, and grievance accumulated in their hearts.

Sound wave, one wave is higher than the other!Everyone shouted with all their strength, without any scruples or fears.At this time, Wan Dong was their greatest support, solid and powerful enough for them to find a sufficient sense of security.

Even Lei Ming is looking at Wan Dong and smiling at this time, but with his current virtuous personality, when he smiles, it's really a little scary.

The boys from the Formation Academy who were as bloody and stubborn as Lei Ming, who ignored Jin Sen's threats, couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment, and their blood boiled all over.

The morale of the Array Academy was like a volcanic eruption, and it was out of control, but the students of the Iron War Dynasty collapsed completely, and there was no fighting spirit in each of them, and the only thing left in their eyes was deep fear.Even Gou Xu was instantly killed by Wan Dong, so what qualifications do they have to challenge Wan Dong?With a large number of people?No matter how many sheep there are, they can only be a meal for a lion.

"What are you still doing, come on!" Wan Dong suddenly let out a sharp roar.

This yell was unbelievable. Among the dozens of Tie Zhan Dynasty students, five or six of them fell to the ground on the spot in shock, their faces were pale, and they couldn't even stand up. Embarrassed.

"What a boy! Sure enough, he's just as domineering as his grandfather! Hahaha..." Seeing this scene, Wu Daozi was no longer worried, let alone concealed his excitement, and laughed wildly in front of Mo Ming.

At this time, Mo Ming's face was about to swell into purple-black.Of course he gritted his teeth with hatred for Wan Dong, and hated those two guys who pissed on the spot even more.These two urinations were like a great flood, which washed away the dignity and glory of the Tie Zhan dynasty.

"You think I'll let you go if you stand still? Stop dreaming! Lay down for me!"

Wan Dong shouted again, and his figure was like a lion plunging into a flock of sheep, rushing straight into the students of Tie Zhan Dynasty.

An unprecedentedly exciting and passionate visual feast was staged immediately.Wan Dong's figure turned faster and faster until it turned into a cloud of green smoke.Wherever they passed, those students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty fell down in pieces like cut wheat.

The crisp sound of bone cracking and the miserable cry of pain interweaved into a creepy symphony, washing away the hearts of everyone present like a gust of wind.

Wu Yang was so excited that he didn't know what to do, he was trembling all over, wishing he had no chance to kill all directions like Wan Dong.

Liu Ke'er's eyes widened, and he held his breath, completely forgetting where he was.A pair of almond eyes closely followed Wan Dong's figure, and the horror in her heart overlapped and piled up, almost making her not know where she was.

When Wu Yang turned his head and saw Liu Keer's expression, he couldn't help laughing, "How about Liu, do you still want to challenge my boss?"

"Your boss... is a mutant!"

"Student Liu, why are you swearing again?"

"Change Tai! Change Tai!!"

"Okay!...Actually, I think so too, hehe..."

Not to mention that these students from the Iron War Dynasty were almost scared to death. Even if they were full of energy at this time, how could they be Wan Dong's opponents?But those who lay down will never stand up again. As for whether they will be able to stand up again in the future, it is probably unknown.

Seeing his lovers fall down one after another, Mo Ming's heart was about to bleed.These are the future of the Tie Zhan dynasty, how could he let Wan Dong ruin it like this?

"Xu Yaoting, you're going too far, stop!" Mo Ming really didn't care about the rules, he roared loudly, swung his palm, and slashed at Wan Dong.

Wu Daozi was enjoying Wan Dong's performance very much, and couldn't help but relax his guard against Mo Ming. At this moment, seeing Mo Ming suddenly slash out with his palm, he was shocked in his heart, "Mo Ming, you still have to be shameless, and you have to use big Are you bullying?"

Wu Daozi tried his best to chase after him, and cursed at the same time.But Mo Ming didn't say a word, and with a palm full of qi, he went straight to Wan Dong. Judging by his expression, he would never give up if he didn't put Wan Dong down today.

"Not good!" Wu Yang couldn't help but let out an exclamation, subconsciously wanting to rush forward.

Liu Ke'er hastily grabbed him and said anxiously, "What do you want to do?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's to save my boss!" Wu Yang yelled at Liu Ke'er angrily.

"Depending on you, I think it's almost as good as death!" Liu Ke'er gave him a hard look, feeling slightly annoyed.Unexpectedly, when the boss is a cow, the younger brother also follows the cow.If Wu Yang dared to talk to her like this before, she would have slapped her with a palm.

"Then...then what should we do?" Although Wu Yang was angry, she also knew that what Liu Keer said was reasonable.Looking at Mo Ming who was approaching Wandong, his nervous heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Liu Ke'er frowned and said, "I can't help it, I can only hope that your boss will be happy for himself. However, I think Mr. Wu is very tight. Mo Mingwei may not be able to kill your boss, at most he will be injured!" "

"That's not okay! How dare that old thief Mo Ming be so shameless?"

Liu Ke'er shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "I think Mo Ming was also panicked by your boss, if he doesn't take action, these disciples under him will all be abolished!"

"Damn it! If there is something wrong with my boss, I will sue Song Yanhe and have a good talk with him!" Wu Yang gritted his teeth.

"No need! After doing such a shameful thing, I don't think Mo Ming will stay in Qingyun Martial Academy again!"

"Yao Ting, run away!" Seeing that he would not be able to catch up with Mo Ming for a while, Wu Daozi became anxious, and his mouth roared like thunder.

"If you want me to escape, he alone is not qualified enough!" Wu Daozi's words fell to the ground, Wan Dong let out a loud shout, instead of escaping, he pulled himself up quickly, and bumped into Mo Ming head-on

"What is he going to do!?" Liu Ke'er couldn't help but let out an exclamation, her pair of watery black eyes almost jumped out of their sockets, the expression on her face could no longer be described with shock and horror.

"Damn it! The boss is the boss, he's really mighty!" Wu Yang raised her eyebrows and shouted excitedly.

"No way! Is he crazy?"

Amidst Liu Ke'er's almost hysterical voice, Wan Dong's palms were full of Dao Qi, and he aimed at Mo Ming's palm without dodging, and directly caught it...

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