Wan Dong's actions also greatly exceeded Mo Ming's expectations. He never thought that Wan Dong would be so bold, no, it was simply arrogance!crazy!Dare to confront him head-on.

After being taken aback, Mo Ming's complexion immediately became a little more sinister, and he couldn't live with his own crimes!He immediately regarded this as the best chance to kill Wan Dong.

"Boy, you are looking for death yourself, don't blame me for being cruel!" Mo Ming sneered in his heart, and the true energy in his body boiled instantly, and in an instant, he increased his palm strength by more than [-]%.

Wu Daozi chased after him, complaining again and again, saying that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, he has seen it today.

In just one breath, Wan Dong's and Mo Ming's palms touched each other.

"Hey... boy, you are dead!" As soon as the palm was firmly connected, Mo Ming's face showed a smirk, and he tried to exhale his true energy, trying to destroy Wan Dong's meridians, together with his internal organs. into slag.

But when his thoughts turned and his true energy surged, Mo Ming suddenly discovered in horror that a terrifying force like a flood of beasts suddenly surged out from Wan Dong's body, blocking his true energy abruptly.No matter how hard Mo Ming exerted himself, he still couldn't push into Wan Dong's body at all.Moreover, the terrifying power bursting out from Wan Dong's body actually invaded his body faintly.

"What!?" Mo Ming was taken aback, unable to calm down at all, he hurriedly tried his best to shake Wan Dong's palms away, and took a few steps back in a row.

Wan Dong cursed secretly in his heart, feeling very helpless.After all, his dao qi was a little weak, and he couldn't break through Mo Ming's defense, so he couldn't help him for the time being.

"No... no way?" Seeing Mo Ming and Wan Dong retreating at the same time, at first glance, it was clear that they were evenly matched, Liu Ke'er almost fainted on the spot without being shocked.In an instant, a heart is completely cold.What Qingyun list, in her mind, suddenly became a floating cloud.

"The boss is the boss, really awesome! So what about the secondary instructor of the martial arts academy, isn't it the same abuse? Hahaha..." Wu Yang was full of confidence in Wan Dong. From the very beginning, he knew that Wan Dong would not beat Wu Dong To grasp the battle, I was not very worried in my heart. Seeing this evenly divided situation at this time, I couldn't help laughing out loud.With such a boss covering him, it will be difficult to think about it in the future.

The crowd watching the excitement fell into deathly silence again.Hundreds of people around could hear the needle drop quietly, which shows how shocking Wan Dongfang was to them.

"Pervert, pervert, this pervert..." Liu Ke'er couldn't help but cursed again.

Wu Yang turned his head and glanced at her, but didn't say anything, and it was useless.

"Good boy! I really have you!" Wu Daozi, who had made a false alarm, was so excited that he didn't know what to say. Looking at Wan Dong, his heart was full of longing for his future.

It's nothing more than being proficient in formations. If you are so outstanding and perverted in one body, if it comes to the battlefield, it will definitely be a nightmare for all enemies!Faintly, Wu Daozi seemed to have seen the heroic scene of Wan Dong leading thousands of troops, galloping across the battlefield, and directly killing the terrified enemies, his blood boiled again.

"Master, I'm your apprentice, so I can't embarrass you. Hehe..." Wan Dong glanced around for a week, only to see that everyone's eyes fell on him almost dully.Wan Dong knew that from today on, his life would no longer be low-key even if he wanted to.But it just so happens that being low-key has never been his character!

"Mo Ming, as an instructor, you sneak up on me, isn't that okay?" Wan Dong snorted coldly, and cast his cold gaze straight at Mo Ming.Mo Ming's face suddenly became hot as if being scorched by hot molten iron.

"Hmph! Good Mo Ming, you can do such a shameful thing. I want to ask, is this the strength of your Tie Zhan Dynasty people? If so, then this old man has really seen it!"

Wan Dong was not as angry as Mo Ming, let alone Wu Daozi.If it wasn't for Wan Dong's toughness, he would have been killed in all likelihood.Such a hard-to-find apprentice, if he lost it, would he cry to death?

Mo Ming never expected that this would be the result.Not only did Wan Dong fail to hurt a single hair, but he completely lost his face, and even the glory of the Iron War Dynasty was damaged because of him. Mo Ming even wanted to die at this time.

"That's right!" Mo Ming raised his head suddenly, looked at Wan Dong with a stern expression on his face, and said word by word, "I underestimated you, you really surprised me. In this case, I, Mo Ming, admit it." That’s right! However, one person does things and one person is responsible! The honor of the Iron War Dynasty should not be damaged because of it! From now on, I will resign my position as the second instructor of the Martial Academy and leave the Qingyun Martial Academy!”

Wan Dong wanted to humiliate Mo Ming severely, but after hearing what he said, he couldn't help but lose interest.

This Mo Ming regards the glory of his motherland as higher than the sky and thicker than the earth. Apart from other things, this kind of heart alone cannot but be admired.There are also those students of the Iron War Dynasty, they are so united, have such a patriotic heart, and are as hot as fire. Compared with them, the students of Qingyun Empire are really heartbreaking.No wonder the Tie Zhan Dynasty has fought more and more bravely for so many years. Wan Dong felt more and more worried about the future of the Qingyun Empire, and his mood became much heavier.

Tiandu Kingdom wanted to rely on Qingyun Kingdom to resist the iron cavalry of the Iron War Dynasty, but in the end it might be like leaning on a rotten tree, which was extremely dangerous.

Perhaps, relying on others is worse than relying on oneself...

Wan Dong's thoughts couldn't help being confused for a while, and as for Mo Ming, Wan Dong didn't even bother to care about him.Compared with the safety of Tiandu Kingdom, what is a little Mo Ming?And compared to the iron war dynasty that is in full swing, Mo Ming is even more like dust, meaningless.

"Yao Ting, let him go like this?" Wu Daozi's question woke Wan Dong up from his contemplation.

Wan Dong looked up and saw Mo Ming walking away with a little lonely figure.He shook his head, sighed, and said, "Let him go."

Wu Daozi nodded, and said, "Anyway, he is the second teacher of the Martial Academy, and he has taught many students of our Qingyun Empire, and I don't want to kill him. But Yao Ting, this person is by no means the kind People who are willing to give up easily after being humiliated will inevitably be entangled in the future, so you have to be more careful!"

Wan Dong snorted coldly and said, "He better not, otherwise I will definitely kill him!"

"Boss, Liu Ke'er said that Huyue challenged Jin Sen to prevent Jin Sen from insulting you, and it may have already begun!" Wu Yang walked over quickly with a serious expression, and whispered to Wan Dong .

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