Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1497 Tiger Bone Talisman and Statue Stone!

Seeing that Xue Wen called Wan Dong one big brother so affectionately, those Xue Wen's subordinates were even more courteous, rushing to lead the way ahead, smiling all over their faces, like steamed steamed buns.

At the beginning, Wan Dong hated the flattery and flattery of Xue Wen and others, but when he thought of what Ping Sihai said, his mind changed.Ping Sihai said that in the secret place of the ancient mountain, the most difficult thing is to be alone.Wan Dong didn't mean that he was afraid of death, but that he had caused a lot of trouble just after setting foot in the secret realm of the ancient mountain, which made him realize that it might be impossible to improve his cultivation level without anyone noticing.Now that he has come to the ancient mountain secret realm, it is inevitable to deal with immortals.As long as he doesn't give up his principles and bottom line, it is conceivable that he will have more and more troubles.

Before Ding Shanwei and the partners in the Taoist sect came to Xianting, it seemed quite necessary to pull up a temporary team for dispatch.Furthermore, Wan Dong still has no way to really reach the Immortal Court, and it happens to use these people to obtain the resources of the Immortal Court.

Thinking of this, Wan Dong suddenly thought of something, and asked Xue Wen with some doubts, "At that time, you were hunted down by Song Po and the others, and you were in a desperate situation. Why didn't you leave the secret place of the ancient mountain temporarily to escape?"

"Brother, don't make fun of my younger brother. Who is my younger brother? How can I compare with you? How can I have something like a magic stone for returning to the city?" Xue Wen thought that Wan Dong was teasing him deliberately, and his face was full of embarrassment. said with a wry smile.

"Back to the city magic stone?" Wan Dong was taken aback for a moment, with a dazed look on his face.

"Brother, you don't even know what the magic stone of returning to the city is?" Wan Dong's expression surprised Xue Wen. The experience Wan Dong showed was really out of proportion to his amazing combat power.

Seeing Wan Dong shaking his head, Xue Wen asked again, "Then...then do you know the Tiger Bone Talisman?"

Wan Dong still shook his head, but this time Xue Wen's eyes widened, his face full of unconcealable surprise, "You don't have a tiger bone talisman, how did you come to the secret place of the ancient mountain from the fairy court?"

"From the fairy garden to the secret realm of the ancient mountain, aren't gems used?"

"Gem? Who did you listen to?" Xue Wen became more and more puzzled. If he didn't know Wan Dong's strength, he would have scolded Wan Dong. Wan Dong's behavior is really hard to escape the suspicion of playing him. .

Wan Dong couldn't take it anymore. Although Xue Wen concealed it well, his eyes still seemed to be looking at an idiot.Wan Dong's complexion suddenly sank, and he said coldly, "I don't need tiger bone charms and return magic stones, and I can also freely enter and exit the secret realm of the ancient mountain. You don't have to ask so many questions, just explain to me now, what is a tiger bone?" Talisman, what is the return magic stone will do!"

Wan Dong is definitely not pretending to be b on purpose, he just doesn't want Xue Wen to look at him like that again.However, as soon as his words came out, Xue Wen shuddered several times in his heart, and at the same time felt that Wan Dong was mysterious and unpredictable!Without the tiger bone talisman and return magic stone, but being able to freely enter and leave the secret place of the ancient mountain, needless to say, they must have other secret methods!What kind of background does this have to be able to master such a heaven-defying secret technique?The way Xue Wen looked at Wan Dong added a bit of awe.

Not daring to ask any more questions, Xue Wen replied honestly, "This tiger bone talisman is actually a mysterious golden talisman hidden in the body of the immortal beast Xun Tianhu. This ancient mountain secret has a long history, as if it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. It already exists, but there are already countless mysteries that cannot be solved, and this tiger bone talisman is one of them. The combat power of the patrol tiger is not very high, and it can be easily killed by a fifth-rank human immortal. It is not a top-notch fairy beast, and there are a lot of them in this ancient mountain secret realm. But there is one thing, this sky patrol tiger only exists in the ancient mountain secret realm, but it does not exist in the fairy court at all. And in every There is such a piece of golden talisman hidden in the body of a sky patrolling tiger. Brother, you must know that this sky patrolling tiger is a fairy beast after all, and it is impossible for it to grow a golden talisman by itself. Then, who put these golden talismans in advance? The talisman is hidden in Xun Tianhu's body, and how did it get in? This mystery, until today, has not been solved by anyone!"

The golden talisman in Xun Tianhu's body immediately reminded Wan Dong of the teleportation spar produced in the treasure land of cultivation and trial. It was also hidden in the body of the fairy beast in advance and obtained by killing the fairy beast. It is similar to the ancient mountain secret realm. The Skyscanner Tiger clearly has a similar approach but the same effect.

It seems that the origins of the cultivation treasure land and the trial treasure land are probably also extraordinary.

Just as Xue Wen was feeling emotional, Wan Dong frowned and said, "What about the magic stone on the way back?"

Xue Wen hurriedly replied seriously, "Compared with the tiger bone talisman, this time the Cheng Fa stone is much more precious. The tiger bone talisman can only enter, but not exit. , Even Xianzu participated in it, and only then did he research the return magic stone. The return journey stone is a gemstone specially used to leave the ancient mountain secret realm and return to the fairy garden. Only the top blacksmiths enshrined by the big sects can forge it. It is exclusively used by the disciples of the various sects. Although a small part has flowed into the black market, the price is so high that it is staggering, and it is definitely not something that we casual cultivators can afford."

"You can only enter but not exit...then are you going to be trapped here for the rest of your life?" Wan Dong asked in surprise.

Xue Wen shook his head, and said, "That's not necessarily the case! When you cultivate to the Ninth Grade Human Immortal Realm, you can serve those big sects, and they will naturally give you the return magic stone. Otherwise, there will be another The solution is to wait until you ascend to the Earth Immortal Realm, then you will naturally have a way to leave the ancient mountain secret realm and return to the Immortal Court.”

"What way?" Wan Dong subconsciously asked.

Xue Wen smiled wryly, and said, "Then I don't know, after all, my little brother, I'm still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the fairyland!"

Of the two methods Xue Wen mentioned, the first one is easier, but at the cost of freedom.The second one does not need to pay for freedom, but it is extremely difficult.Relying on one's own strength, it is not easy to cultivate to the fairyland.For a while, Wan Dong felt a little sympathetic to these casual cultivators who lingered or were trapped in the secret place of the ancient mountain.

"Returning magic stones... If there is a way to get more returning magic stones, that would be great! Even if I don't need it myself, Wang Yangde Luo Xiao and the others really need it..." Wan Dong's thoughts were busy for a while.

"Actually, I think there is nothing wrong with being trapped in this ancient mountain secret realm! Most of the cultivation treasures in the fairy court are controlled by major sects, and they may not be better than here. As long as you have perseverance, sooner or later you will be able to Get ahead, no matter where. Don't you think so, brother?"

Wan Dong chuckled, this Xue Wen is not only shrewd, but also an optimistic person!

A group of people walked while talking, and soon came to the low wooden house.It was only then that Wan Dong discovered that these wooden houses not only looked simple on the outside, but also empty inside, with a futon, it was considered good.

"Xue Wen, these wooden houses don't seem to be used for living, do they?"

Xue Wen chuckled and said, "Of course not, these are the cornucopia of our Dumeng!"

Seeing that there was no smile on Wan Dong's face, but a slight frown, Xue Wen hurriedly said seriously, "This is the quiet room we built, and it is specially rented out to casual practitioners who practice here."

"Rent? What kind of rent method?"

"Thirty red-level fairy beast cores a month! This is only the price here, if it is close to the spirit pool, the price will increase!"

The core of the fairy beast is also graded according to the combat power of the fairy beast.The approximate division method is red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the lowest level of red and the highest level of purple.The combat power of a red-level fairy beast is roughly equivalent to the first-rank human immortal to the fifth-rank human immortal. As for the purple-rank fairy beast, I am afraid it must at least reach the level of a golden fairy.

Although Xue Wen and the others collected the core of the red-level fairy beast, which is the lowest level, it may not be so easy to collect [-] cores a month.After all, this place is on the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm, and most of the monks who practice here are of low grade.Immortal rank five, even a master.

Wan Dong glanced around for a week, only to find that although Xue Wen's rent was not cheap, these wooden houses seemed to be very popular.As far as the eye can see, every wooden house seems to have an owner.

"Xue Wen, does it still rain in this ancient mountain secret?"

"Rain? No, the ancient mountain secret realm has never rained!"

"Then why do those rogue cultivators rent your wooden house and sit on the ground, isn't it okay?" Wan Dong frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, and asked in a deep voice, "Shouldn't you enclose this place and force it?" Do people rent your wooden house?"

To pay [-] fairy beast cores a month, this rent is really expensive.Even if it is the fifth rank of Immortals, it will take a lot of effort to collect them all, right?Immortals spend most of their time cultivating. If they were not forced to do so, who would waste precious time for the rent?

"No, brother, don't get me wrong! We, Dumeng, are not landlords. How could we do such a thing? Except for the area near Lingchi, because it is where our headquarters is, idlers are usually not allowed to approach it. Everyone in the rest of the place You can come and go freely. Moreover, what our wooden house provides for those casual practitioners is not a place for cultivation, but a security. Anyone who rents our wooden house, we, Dumeng, will absolutely guarantee his safety!"


"That's right, brother! After all, this is the secret place of the ancient mountain, and there are immortal beasts haunting it from time to time! If at the critical moment of cultivation, you are disturbed by immortal beasts and go crazy, wouldn't it be wronged?"

"Hmph! This is a place where casual cultivators gather. That fairy beast has a broken brain and will rush here by itself? In my opinion, for these casual cultivators, the biggest hidden danger to safety is you!"

Xue Wenqian laughed a few times, and was a little speechless.No matter what happened, it was not so difficult to hide it from Wan Dong's eyes!

"Xue Wen! The leader has been waiting for you for a long time, why are you still dawdling here?"

Accompanied by a shout almost angrily, a man holding a heavy ax in both hands, his body muscular, like a man made of steel, strode towards Xue Wen with great strides.Looking at his undisguised disgust, it seemed as if he wanted to kill Xue Wen alive.

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