Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1529 The heart is as cold as iron!

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have some ability! I advise you to obey Aunt Hei's words obediently, lest it will be too late to cry!" Lun Wan'er stared at Wan Dong coldly, and said in a clear voice.

Although Wan Dong's articulation was still quite sharp, he had no choice but to meet a recalcitrant master like Tang Jingruo.Everything that should be said has been said, but there is no slight effect, Wan Dong can't help frowning.

It stands to reason that if Tang Jing is the victim, Wan Dong shouldn't make things difficult for her, but the problem is that he can't do anything to let him watch Xue Wen die.Since things couldn't be perfect, it would only make Tang Jingruo suffer more grievances.No matter what, let's save Xue Wen first, and as for Tang Jingruo, she will find a way to compensate her in the future.

After making up his mind, Wan Dong's expression also sank, and he said in an indifferent voice, "It's understandable for you to avenge your family, but it's only natural for me to protect my friends. Since it doesn't make sense, I'm afraid I can only offend you." Already!"

"Stinky boy, you have such a big tone!" Tang Jingruo couldn't help but let out a sharp reprimand.

Wan Dong sneered, although he didn't speak, but his expression seemed to say, no matter what it is, just draw it out, and I will follow it all!

"Arrogance! Give it to me!" Lun Wan'er couldn't understand, looking at Wan Dong, she was at most about the same age as her, how could he be so 'bully'?Lun Wan'er really wanted to see and see how capable Wan Dong was!

As soon as Lun Wan'er finished speaking, the congregation of the Zhaoyuehui rushed forward again.Just as the members of the Du League were preparing to deal with it, Wan Dong's figure suddenly pulled up, his left hand turned into a palm and he slashed violently, while his right hand clenched his fist and smashed violently. Into the power of his palm shadow fist.

No matter how good the elites of the Zhaoyuehui are, how can they beat Wan Dong, who is already as powerful as a real immortal?Before the fierce crowd of Dumeng came back to their senses, the elites from the Zhaoyue Society had already turned over in pieces.Although the injuries were not serious, they were not light. The most important thing was the power that Wan Dong erupted. All showed the color of fear.

In this Immortal Court, the killing of thousands by one person is no longer just an illusion, as long as the cultivation level is high enough and the combat power is strong enough, it can be done!Unfortunately, for the elites of the Zhaoyuehui, Wandong's combat power is not strong enough, but super strong!

While the elites of the Zhaoyuehui were shocked, the casual cultivators on the side were also stunned!In the eyes of each one, apart from disbelief, they still don't believe it.They only thought Du Yutong died, and Du Meng fell halfway, but they never expected that there is such a true god as Wan Dong hidden in Du Meng!

"This... how could this guy be so strong!?" Although Song Po had already given Lun Wan'er a 'vaccination', Lun Wan'er was still deeply moved by seeing Wan Dong's strength at this time. was shocked.When he looked at Wan Dong again, he was just a young man of his age who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. He was clearly a mountain with no peak and a sea with no bottom!

Although Song Po saw Wan Dong make a move for the second time, the shock in his heart was no less shocking than that of Lun Wan'er.Even Song Po couldn't help gasping, only then did he realize that last time Wan Dong didn't really mean anything.Otherwise, depending on his morality, I'm afraid he may not even be able to figure out how he died in the end!

Tang Jingruo's face was destroyed, and her expression could not be seen, but her eyes were still there.The look of shock, almost turning into substance, gushed out from her eyes.In a daze, Tang Jingruo only felt that what she was in was not the outskirts of the barren ancient mountain secret realm, but the martial arts field of a certain great gate.That Wan Dong is not some arrogant brat, he is clearly the heir to the orthodox line cultivated by Da Zong Da Zong with all his efforts!

"Mister mighty!"

"Dumeng must win!"

Wan Dong's strong attack not only frightened Zhaoyuehui and casual cultivators, but also boosted the confidence of the members of the Du League to the extreme.Bursts of soaring roars rang out one after another, and every Du Meng brother ignited a raging fighting spirit.The whole situation seemed to be reversed in an instant, and the side with the upper hand was replaced by the Dumeng allies.

"Ms. Tang, President Lun, don't we all have to fight to the death?" Wan Dong turned his head to look at Tang Jingruo and Lun Wan'er calmly, and asked in a deep voice.

"Dumeng did evil and dominated one side, and the evil deeds he did are too numerous to record! On the outskirts of this ancient mountain secret place, one day there is Dumeng, and we will be enslaved and oppressed for a day! Everyone recall our previous days carefully, today is immortal Du Meng, we have no way out! If you want to survive, join me and fight Du Meng to the end!"

What Wan Dong didn't expect was that before Tang Jingruo and Lun Wan'er could answer, there was an angry reprimand from the casual cultivators.Moreover, one stone stirs up a thousand waves!Together with the sound of angry reprimand, all the rogue cultivators immediately responded together, shouting, beating and killing loudly, as if they were going to overthrow the sky!

Wan Dong couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and turned to look at Xue Wen and the others.It was not only Xue Wen who was ashamed, but also many of Du Meng's allies were red-faced. Even if there were voices of rebuttal, there were very few, and it was completely impossible to compete with the opponent's conquest!

There are so many casual cultivators, but they all accuse Du Meng with one word. It can be seen that Du Meng has done a lot of bad things.Thinking of himself, who always prides himself on being righteous, now standing on the opposite side of the 'mass', Wan Dong was really dumbfounded.

"Boy, if you have the ability, kill everyone here!" Tang Jingruo regained her composure with the support of the casual cultivators, and said, staring at Wan Dong provocatively.

Not to mention killing all these casual cultivators, Wan Dong would never be able to kill even members of the Lunar Society of Light.Suddenly, Wan Dong seemed to understand why Xue Wen was in danger, but he refused to let him save him, and even forced Wang Qing and Chen Qing to take him away.Presumably Xue Wen also expected such a situation, that's why it happened.Speaking of which, he really worked hard.

He couldn't kill, but the other party refused to let it go. Even with Wan Dong's cleverness, he couldn't think of a good countermeasure for a while, and his brows were wrinkled into iron lumps!

"Everyone listen to me!" Xue Wen stood up, "Everyone is worried that we will retaliate against you by staggering today. You don't have to worry about this at all. I have just announced the dissolution of Dumeng. Dumeng no longer exists. Why? Talk about revenge?"

After all, without waiting for everyone to talk, Xue Wen looked up at Du Mengmeng and said, "Brothers, when Du Yutong and I called everyone together, we wanted to protect ourselves and help justice at the same time, but in the end Du Yutong and I have led everyone astray and lost our hearts! What Du Meng did before is indeed disgraceful. I know that many of you are already dissatisfied! If this is the case, then everyone will quit Du Meng Let's let the disgraceful Dumeng become history, and from now on, everyone can throw away their burdens and start a new life! Listen to me, all the past, everyone should learn from it, and from now on, you must be good-hearted!"

"If they are all willing to withdraw from the Dumeng, you should give them a way out, right?" Xue Wen disbanded the Dumeng, and all the members of the Dumeng spontaneously withdrew from the Dumeng. It is very different from Zhaoyuehui.

Xue Wen disbanded Du Meng by himself, so he could not escape the suspicion of playing a conspiracy.Since it can be disbanded, it can naturally be reorganized!But it would be different if the members of the Du League spontaneously withdrew from the Du League.Once people's hearts are scattered, it will be extremely difficult for Xue Wen to reunite.

Wan Dong also agrees with Xue Wen's approach.The notorious Dumeng had to be disbanded, not only to give an explanation to the oppressed casual cultivators and Tang Jingruo, but also to give Xue Wen and the rest of the Dumeng members a new lease of life.

"Leave them a way out? Hmph... To put it lightly, who gave me a way out for the Tang family back then? Xue, no matter how hard you try, no one from Dumeng will survive!"

"Jingruo, you..."

Xue Wen obviously didn't expect that Tang Jingru would be so stubborn. Even if he made such a promise, he still couldn't get his brother's life back. This made Xue Wen extremely disappointed while feeling frustrated!

Could it be that the drastic changes that year really made Tang Jingruo a completely different person from the inside out?

Wan Dong was also greatly surprised by Tang Jingruo's answer.He can understand the hatred in Tang Jingruo's heart, but this cannot be the reason for her to kill everything today!Otherwise, wouldn't she be the same person as Du Yutong?People like Du Yutong seem to have nothing to sympathize with!

The compassion for Tang Jingruo in Wan Dong's heart suddenly diminished, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he turned his head to look at the group of loose cultivators, and asked in a deep voice, "What about you? Are you the same as this woman?"

Although those casual cultivators hated Du Meng deeply, they were not as cold-hearted as Tang Jingruo!Hearing what Xue Wen said, quite a few of them actually agreed.What they hate is really only the evil of Du Meng, but not the people of Du Meng.

In fact, although there are many treacherous people in the Du League, there are also upright and benevolent people.Although those casual cultivators have been bullied by the people in the Du League, they have also received favors from the people in the Du League. If they really want them to kill all the people in the Du League regardless of the three or seven, they really can't do it.

"If they are willing to withdraw from Dumeng and swear that they will never do evil again, we can let them live!" After discussing for a while, one of the casual cultivators walked out and made a promise on behalf of the group of casual cultivators.

Seeing this situation, Wan Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately not everyone is stubborn.

He failed to convince Tang Jingruo, but persuaded Sanxiu. Xue Wen suddenly felt that half of the pressure had been relieved, and hurriedly turned his head and shouted at the brothers, "What are you waiting for? Why don't you quit quickly? Are you really going to do it for the sins?" Dumeng, forfeiting his precious life?"

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