"Jingruo, you...you..." Seeing that Tang Jingruo was almost insane, Xue Wen's face was full of unspeakable bitterness.

"Don't keep one? You have such a murderous aura!" At the same time, Wan Dong was completely enraged by Tang Jingruo's words. The invisible murderous aura seemed to be swept by a blizzard, and it almost turned into substance. All the congregations of the moon meeting were shocked!

"Since you want to spoil my good deeds, I'll kill you first!" Among the people present, only Tang Jingruo turned a blind eye to Wan Dong's murderous intent. The butterfly-like palm shadow poured towards Wan Dong.

"Aunt Hei no!"

Lun Wan'er was taken aback by Tang Jingruo's sudden attack.Wan Dong standing there was so unfathomable that Lun Wan'er felt that Tang Jingruo was clearly hitting a stone with an egg.When she realized something was wrong and reminded Tang Jingruo loudly while preparing to help, Wan Dong moved much faster than her!

"It's not that easy to kill me!"

Wan Dong felt sympathy for Tang Jingruo, but her stubbornness and stubbornness really irritated Wan Dong.To calm down this woman who has been blinded by hatred and has lost her mind, it may take some extreme measures.

Tang Jingruo's cultivation is not weak, but it is only at the seventh rank of a human immortal. This is no pressure for Wan Dong, whose combat power is already comparable to that of a real immortal!Tang Jingruo's figure was still gliding several meters high in the air when the Samsara Sword in Wan Dong's hand was violently chopped out.

Just like silver dragons escaped from trouble, Wan Dong only flicked the edge of his sword, and there were patches of cold light shooting into the air.That silver dragon-like sword light, not to mention its power, just the momentum alone is enough to make the people present terrified.

The gap between the two is really too far apart, so far that they cannot be compared together.Tang Jingruo still wants to entangle Wan Dong with her own power, which is simply whimsical.But hearing the muffled rumbling sound, Tang Jingruo's palm strength was like a cloud of smoke swept away by a strong wind. At best, it took only one breath before it completely disappeared.

"If you want to take revenge, you have to weigh your own weight first, otherwise you will be a moth to the flame and seek your own death!" Wan Dong slashed Tang Jingruo's palm with a sword, and the sword did not change. His voice, like entering no one's land, pressed straight to Tang Jingruo's throat.

"you dare!"

"do not want!"

The shouts of Lun Wan'er and Xue Wen sounded almost simultaneously.Wan Dong completely ignored Lun Wan'er, never even glanced at her, but Xue Wen, he couldn't ignore her.Turning his head to look, he saw Xue Wen looking at him nervously, as if the sword was not piercing Tang Jingruo, but piercing his heart.

Wan Dong couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Xue Wen still had old feelings for Tang Jingruo?Looking at Tang Jingruo's face that was almost completely destroyed like a night owl, Wan Dong nodded lightly. After all, Xue Wen is still a man who values ​​love and righteousness!

Wan Dong didn't intend to kill Tang Jingruo at first, but at this moment he took advantage of the situation, and the sword's edge landed steadily on Tang Jingruo's neck, only a hair away from piercing the skin.Xue Wen and Lun Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, especially Xue Wen's face turned slightly pale.

"Who the hell are you?" Tang Jingruo stared at Wan Dong, her eyes were not filled with fear, but full of shock.She probably couldn't believe it. She tried her best, but she couldn't even get away with a move in Wan Dong's hands.

"Should you calm down a bit now?" Wan Dong asked with a sneer, ignoring Tang Jingruo's eyes filled with hatred.

"Let go of Aunt Hei!" At this moment, Lun Wan'er rushed forward and scolded Wan Dong.

"Wan'er, you don't have to worry about me. The worst thing is to die. As long as I can avenge my Tang family's extermination, I can die with peace! Quickly, order your people to slaughter these Dumeng villains for me!" Wan Dong thought that Tang Jingruo could calm down, but he didn't expect that Tang Jingruo's stubbornness was far beyond his imagination.

Wan Dong frowned, looked at Lun Wan'er, pointed to those who had announced their withdrawal from the Dumeng, and said, "How about we make a deal? I let this woman go, you let them go!"

"Wan'er, you are not allowed to promise him! No!" As soon as Wan Dong said this, before Lun Waner expressed his position, Tang Jingruo screamed excitedly.

"Shut up! Do you really think that I dare not kill you?" Wan Dong was agitated by the anger in Tang Jingruo's chest, and his wrist shook slightly, and a thin bloodstain immediately appeared on Tang Jingruo's pink neck.Although it is not deep, it is above the vital points, which makes Lun Wan'er feel shocking.

"Don't! Don't hurt Aunt Hei, I...I promise you! Except for Xue Wen, everyone who announced their withdrawal from Dumeng can leave now!"

"Wan'er, you..."

"Aunt Hei, stop talking! In my heart, I have always regarded you as a mother. Do you want me to watch you die? I can't do it, I can't do it!" Lun Wan'er At this time, he was also very excited. After talking about it, he couldn't help crying.

No matter what, this is Lun Waner's filial piety. Although Tang Jingruo was disappointed, she couldn't bear to continue to be harsh on her, and sneered at Wan Dong, saying, "Even if these people can escape this moment, then what's the point?" How? I’m destined to be unable to escape forever! Although it will take some trouble, I will definitely find and kill them one by one! Although your cultivation base is high, you are not superhuman after all. I want to see how much you can save by then. indivual!"

"It's so vicious!" Wan Dong's face darkened to the extreme when he heard this. If Tang Jingruo really insisted on this, then with the power of the Zhaoyuehui, it is not impossible.At that time, even if the allies of the Du League can survive, they will not be able to escape the fate of all beings fleeing.

"Jingruo! Thousands of mistakes are my fault, Xue Wen alone! If you want to be punished, you can come at me, no matter what kind of torture, I will accept it. But you...why do you have to kill these people? Where are the innocent people?" Xue Wen's voice was full of sadness and helplessness, which made people feel uneasy.

"As I said at the beginning, the blood of you Xue Wen alone cannot repay the blood debt of my entire Tang Sect!"

"Wow! You are not only forcing me to kill you, but also forcing me to destroy the Zhaoyuehui!" Wan Dong's face was cold, and the murderous aura gathered in his eyes, which made his eyes start to flicker. Flashes red.

As soon as Wan Dong's words came out, Lun Wan'er's heart skipped a beat. With Wan Dong's inscrutable cultivation, it is not impossible to destroy the entire Zhaoyuehui.Taking a step back, even if Wan Dong can't destroy the Zhaoyuehui, with such a strong enemy under the tree, Lun Wan'er may hardly be able to sleep well from now on.

Tang Jingruo didn't expect Wan Dong to say such a thing, and she also showed shock on her face, "You...you want to destroy the Zhaoyue Society? You and the Zhaoyue Society have no grievances..."

"It is true that there is no injustice and no enmity now, but if you kill Xue Wen, then there will no longer be no injustice and no enmity between us, but the hatred is as deep as the sea! You can take revenge, but can't I take revenge? ?”

"Sir!" As soon as Wan Dong finished speaking, Chen He, who was the first to announce his withdrawal from the Du League, suddenly stood up again.

"Chen He, you have withdrawn from Dumeng. You have nothing to do here, so don't meddle in it!" Chen He's actions made Xue Wen feel a little worried, and hurriedly reminded him.

Although Chen He's appearance was unattractive, but at this moment, he clearly showed a sense of pride.Smiling at Xue Wen, he raised his voice and said, "Second Master, although I announced my withdrawal from the Dumeng, I never said I would leave you! Although I, Chen He, am no longer a member of the Dumeng, I will always be your second brother." Master's subordinate! This heart will not change in this life!"

"You..." Xue Wen obviously didn't expect Chen He to do this, and he froze there.

However, Chen Qing laughed loudly at this moment, "Hahaha...Okay, this is the Chen He I know! Good brother, my brother wronged you just now, don't take it to heart!"

"Du Meng can retreat, Second Master can't abandon! Although we are no longer members of Du Meng, we are already Second Master's subordinates!"

"Wish to share life and death with the second master!"

"No matter who wants to kill the second master, he has to step on my corpse first!"

Chen He once again led the frenzy, and all the members of the Dumeng League scrambled to express their views, and the roar shook the heavens and the earth!Seeing it in Xue Wen's eyes, the tip of his nose kept turning sour, and finally couldn't help it, tears blurred his eyes!

"Brothers, I... I, Xue Wen, how can I be able to meet you brothers in this life! I... I, Xue Wen, even if I die at the ninth stage, it is worth it!"

"Mr. Wan, you don't have to worry about the lives of your brothers anymore. Today, all the brothers are going to fight. It's just a death, it's no big deal! Let's do it with Zhaoyuehui!"

"Damn it! It's better to fight than to be forced to die!"

"Mr. Wan, Second Master, let's lead everyone to fight!"

Wan Dong didn't expect that things would change like this. He glanced at Xue Wen's subordinates, and couldn't help thinking of his brothers who were still in the Taoist sect!For a person, compared to money, this is the greatest wealth!

"You...you..." Tang Jingruo's heart was made of flesh and blood after all. It is impossible to say that the situation in front of her did not touch her at all.At this time, Tang Jingruo's gaze was obviously much more complicated than before, and it was no longer pure hatred.

"President, please bring out the golden eagle!"

In fact, Song Po did not agree with Tang Jingruo's actions, but at this time, facing the common hatred and high morale of the Dumeng allies, Song Po still wanted to do his duty as the vice president of the Zhaoyue Society.Not to avenge Tang Jingruo, but to reduce casualties for the brothers of the Zhaoyuehui.

Even though Dumeng's allies do not have much advantage in numbers, their combat power is not inferior to the elites of the Zhaoyue Society. What worries Song Po even more is that although the number of Dumeng's allies is small, But the hearts are united.Anyone who dares to underestimate this power will suffer a big fall!

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