The sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!All the trials and tribulations in life will eventually turn into fuel for one's soaring sky at a certain moment!For Xue Wen and the others, this moment has obviously arrived.

Wan Dong also did not expect that when a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into Xue Wen and the others' bodies, Xue Wen's cultivation base would improve at such a crazy speed!Thanks to such a situation, Wan Dong has already experienced it in Ding Shanwei Qunying, otherwise he would have to be very nervous.

In just a few days, Xue Wen's cultivation level jumped directly from the fifth rank of Human Immortal to the seventh rank of Human Immortal, and he went straight to the eighth rank of Human Immortal without slowing down.Such a crazy improvement is not even inferior to Ding Shanwei Qunying.

Chen Qing, Wang Qing and the others were also not to be outdone, and everyone's cultivation base skyrocketed by two levels in a short period of time.This made Wan Dong happy, but at the same time he had to cheer up!

Although Xue Wen's and the others' improvement in cultivation was a matter of course, but so fast, if there was a mistake, it would lead to a lifetime of regret.Moreover, protecting the Dharma for more than [-] people at the same time is not an easy job in itself.

Under such circumstances, those casual cultivators were still making noise, thinking with their toes, it was impossible for Wan Dong to give them a good face.As the few casual cultivators who sued Lun Wan'er said, with the other courtyard as the core, with a radius of five miles, it was suddenly designated as a forbidden area by Wan Dong. He guarded there like a door god. Who would dare to set foot halfway? Step, shoot directly, no matter what!

Those casual cultivators didn't take it seriously at first, but because of the large number of people, they still wanted to force their way in, thinking that this place with a radius of five miles is not big, but it is not small, and only Wan Dong can say anything. Impossible to guard against watertightness, if they swarmed up, no matter how strong Wan Dong was, he would still be caught blind.But very soon, they understood what it meant to be truly powerful and what it meant to be able to double up!Wan Dong spun around wildly like a mandala, dozens of casual cultivators lay down directly, and even a few were blown away for no reason.This level of ferocity is even worse than that of Du Meng in the past.

Having tasted the strength, those casual cultivators no longer dared to rely on the crowd and blindly move forward.But looking at the other courtyard behind Wan Dong, like a black hole, crazily devouring the spiritual energy of the world, it really made them feel jealous.The few who were not reconciled found Lun Wan'er.

Having seen Wan Dong's strength, those casual cultivators actually don't feel that they can suppress Wan Dong after finding Lun Wan'er, making him obediently submissive, there is a chance in ten, but they just want to create something for Wan Dong. It's troublesome, disgust him, and let out a bad breath.Therefore, sometimes these casual cultivators who seem to be in a weak position are really not worthy of sympathy.

They are unwilling to join any organization, and they may advertise freedom and independence in name, but in reality they are far from being so upright.There are not a few people who secretly fiddle with the situation, disturb a pool of autumn water, and then fish in troubled waters.

"My God, how could this happen? Could it be that the secret mansion left by some great immortal in ancient times was born?" Lun Wan'er immediately opened her mouth when she came to the other courtyard, her eyes were full of shock and shock.

What kind of scene was that?The aura of heaven and earth poured into the other courtyard crazily, forming an incomparably thick and long tornado, connecting the sky and the earth, which is extremely spectacular!You don't need to feel it yourself, even if you just look at it, you can know how strong the aura of heaven and earth is in the other courtyard surrounded by the tornado.I'm afraid it's not inferior to being in the spirit pool.However, no one dared to truly submerge their body into the spirit pool.The natural restriction in the spirit pool can tear a true fairy-level person into pieces in an instant.But Xue Wen and the others in the other courtyard obviously don't need to have such worries.

No wonder those casual cults were so unwilling, Lun Wan'er couldn't calm down at this moment.The piles of mutated tiger bone talismans may indeed be a shortcut to improve one's cultivation level, but it is far from a treasured place for cultivation where the aura of heaven and earth is so rich.Although the celestial power contained in the mutated tiger bone talisman is pure, no matter how pure it is, how can it be more pure than the one obtained from my own cultivation?Looking at the other courtyard that was almost completely enveloped by the aura of heaven and earth, the joy of harvesting the Mutant Tiger Bone Talisman was immediately diluted a lot.

At the beginning, when Tang Jingruo said that it was not the function of Juling Ding, Lun Wan'er was still a little disapproving, but now she completely believed it.If Juling Cauldron can really have such power, I am afraid that Du Yutong will be exhausted, and the Tang family will not be destroyed.

"Aunt Hei..."

Lun Wan'er called softly, but Tang Jingruo didn't get a response. Looking back, Tang Jingruo stood there stiffly, as if someone had tapped her acupuncture points.The look of shock on that face was even worse than hers.

"President, this other courtyard is obviously the former residence of Du Yutong. Although it is very close to the Lingchi, the aura of heaven and earth is rich, but it has never been so strong. What happened here?" Song Po's eyes lit up, If it weren't for Wan Dong standing there, it's hard to guarantee that he wouldn't rush over immediately.

Such a treasure land of cultivation, even if it is only for one day, is a great blessing!

"How do I know? It must... must be that guy's handwriting again!"

Lun Wan'er pursed her lips, and turned her gaze to Wan Dong.Seeing Wan Dong standing there straight, without even looking at her, a burst of anger rose in his heart.Is it interesting to pretend to be cool all day long?

"Golden Eagle, go up and peck him!" Lun Wan'er became more and more annoyed as she thought about it, she couldn't help but turned her head and whispered to the Golden Eagle who was following her.

Unexpectedly, the golden eagle, as if it didn't hear it, looked around, not to mention obeying orders, and even refused to look at Lun Wan'er, which made Lun Wan'er's petite heart even more restrained Swell!

"Useless stuff!" Lun Wan'er stomped her feet bitterly and reprimanded in a low voice.

It is said that the golden eagle, who is proud by nature, just accepted it calmly, without any intention of being irritated or angry.

"It would be great if Sister Mengxuan was here, but you don't dare to be so arrogant!"

Although Lun Wan'er was unwilling, she could only mutter and give up.Turning around and pushing Tang Jingruo, she said, "Auntie Hei, there's no reason for them to monopolize such a good place. Let's go and find him for a review!"

"Uh... comment?" Tang Jingruo was stunned for a moment, unable to think of where to comment on this reason?

He has superb means to transform an ordinary courtyard into a rare cultivation place. That is his ability. What do you think of it?If you have the ability to drive them away and occupy this place by force, then you can also say that big fists are justified, and the other party will not be able to say anything. The law of the jungle is the only law in the fairy court.But the problem is that you can't beat them, so what reason can you say, what reason can you criticize?

The reason why Tang Jingruo followed those casual practitioners was mainly out of curiosity, she had no intention of really driving Wan Dong and the others away from this place.One is that he doesn't want to be used by those casual cultivators, and the other is that he doesn't have that ability.

Tang Jingruo stretched out her hand but failed to hold Lun Wan'er, Lun Wan'er strode towards Wan Dong.Tang Jingruo and Song Po could only follow quickly.

"Stop! This is a forbidden area, if you go any further, I won't be polite!"

When Lun Wan'er was a dozen steps away from Wan Dong, Wan Dong suddenly shouted.

Lun Wan'er's appearance was not unremarkable, anyone who saw her would greet her with a smile, except for Tang Jingruo, there really was no one who would treat her so fiercely.Lun Wan'er was obviously not used to it, she put on a pretty face, kept walking, and said coldly, "I've been here for so long, but I've never heard of it, there is no forbidden area."


As soon as Lun Wan'er's words fell to the ground, a thunderbolt landed ten feet in front of her.Wan Dong's shot was very measured, and it wouldn't really hurt Lun Wan'er, but the splash of dirt and grass splattered Lun Wan'er's head and face. This is not the key, the key is Lun Wan'er Steady was taken aback, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation, his little face was pale, and he lost the prestige of the president.

Just when Lun Wan'er stared at Wan Dong in shock and anger, Wan Dong said indifferently, "Maybe it didn't exist before, but now it does!"

"You..." Lun Wan'er became more and more depressed, and her slightly pale complexion instantly turned red again.

"What are you? Others are spoiling you, but I won't! If you dare to take a step forward, you will be the one who will be hacked."

Lun Wan'er scolded Wan Dong in her heart for being cold-blooded and lacking in manners. Very annoying!However, after scolding, Lun Wan'er obediently stopped her steps, not daring to take another step forward.

"President Lun, this man surnamed Wan is really deceiving people too much. He dominates the treasure land and is even more hateful than the original Dumeng! Please lead the Zhaoyuehui and us, President Lun, to fight with all our strength to kill this thief !"

Inviting Lun Wan'er here was only the first step, encouraging her to order the siege of Wan Dong was the goal.Those casual cultivators who went to sue him suddenly started to clamor, and they were very hard-working!

"This treasure land really shouldn't be monopolized by him alone!"

Song Po knew that Wan Dong was powerful, but looking at the other courtyard that was almost covered by the aura of heaven and earth, he still couldn't help but feel hot and ready to move.Even if he is like this, let alone the rest, the elites of the Zhaoyue Society brought by Lun Waner all have green eyes.

Greed is the nature of human beings. I don't know how many people in this world can get rid of it and not be affected by it?The tragedies of people dying for money and birds dying for food may be destined to accompany human beings forever!

"You heard it, you have committed public anger, I advise you to get out of the way obediently." Seeing Wan Dong being "accused by thousands of people", Lun Wan'er's depressed mood finally eased a little.

Wan Dong glanced around indifferently, paused, and a sneer full of sarcasm swayed from the corner of his mouth, "People are angry? So what if you commit a crime?"

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