After more than ten days, Tang Jingruo has also learned to be good, and she will never get along with her at all, and will never give Lun Wan'er a chance to continue to play. She snorted softly and said, "Don't be too complacent, although you know Chief, you are in control of everything in the Zhaoyue Society, but if you take all these tiger bone charms as your own, some people in the meeting will inevitably be dissatisfied! Don't forget, in order to collect these tiger bone charms, the brothers have paid a lot of money. cost!"

When Tang Jingruo said this, Lun Wan'er really didn't have the heart to continue teasing Tang Jingruo, her pretty face lost her smile, and she felt a little more regretful.

The harvest of the Zhaoyuehui is indeed rich, but the price paid is not small.Of the twelve battle groups, more than ten people were killed, and the rest were all wounded, even Song Po was no exception.The mutated Skyscanner Tiger is terrifyingly powerful, and it will be even more dangerous if it encounters a group of them.The reason why Song Po was injured was because he encountered a group of more than ten mutated sky patrol tigers. If Lun Wan'er and the other three combat teams hadn't rushed to help in time, Song Po might not have just been injured.

In that battle alone, five elites were lost. To this day, Lun Waner still feels lingering fear when thinking about it.It is not an exaggeration to say that these batches of mutated tiger bone talismans are all stained with the blood of the brothers of the Zhaoyue Society. If Lun Wan'er were to keep them for herself, she might not even be able to pass the test of conscience.

Lun Wan'er nodded and said, "These tiger bone talismans are belongings in the meeting, and I must not take them for myself. Moreover, we have to share some to exchange for elixirs. The consumption of elixirs is really high these days. It's too big, especially the pills used to heal injuries and restore immortal power, we have almost exhausted the original storage in the club. If you don't replenish it, the brothers will have no medicine to use."

Seeing that Lun Wan'er was not dazzled by the piles of mutated tiger bone talismans and the real fairyland that was close at hand, Tang Jingruo was very satisfied, and said, "How to distribute these mutated tiger bone talismans, you should come up with a proper plan yourself. But you have to remember that the Zhaoyuehui cannot be considered truly powerful if only you become strong. Only when every member of the Zhaoyuehui becomes strong will it be truly powerful! Wait until the Zhaoyuehui becomes truly powerful , how many mutated tiger bone charms you want is just a matter of your words."

Lun Wan'er nodded her head sincerely, then smiled at Tang Jingruo, and said, "Aunt Hei, what would I do without your constant reminder?"

Tang Jingruo gave her a blank look, curled her lips and said, "You don't pour me this **** soup, I just ask you to be less angry with me in the future, so that I can live a few more years."

"President, there are a few casual cultivators outside who want to see you." While speaking, Song Po walked in and leaned over to report.

"Loose cultivators? Are they here to join us? You go and test them. If their cultivation is still acceptable, then just keep them."

Since the disbandment of the Dumeng, the number of people who have come to join the Zhaoyuehui has been increasing day by day.At first Lun Wan'er would ask questions in person, but later there were too many, and there were many people who fished in troubled waters, Lun Wan'er was so annoyed that she didn't bother to ask anymore.She only asked her subordinates to go to the school for screening first, and if there were really such advanced people, she would personally go out to recruit them.

Lun Wan'er thought it was the same this time, so she ordered casually out of habit, but Song Po's expression was a little weird, and he shook his head and said, "President, you misunderstood, these casual cultivators are not here to join us, but to complain."

"Complaint?" This was new, Lun Wan'er's eyes widened, "Who are you suing?"

"They say they want to sue Xue Wen!"

"Xue Wen?" Lun Wan'er subconsciously turned her head to look at Tang Jingruo, only to see that Tang Jingruo's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her ears were visibly shaking.

Lun Wan'er had a narrow fox-like smile on her face, and then she pretended to ask, "The Dumeng has already been disbanded, and the one surnamed Xue still refuses to be honest, did he do something outrageous and deceitful again? You call them in, and I will investigate carefully. If it is true, I will definitely not spare that surnamed Xue this time!"

After a while, Song Po led a few casual practitioners in.Lun Wan'er recognized these casual cultivators.That day, the casual cultivators who besieged Du Meng together with the Zhaoyue Society were led by these few people, and they had a high prestige in the casual cultivators on weekdays.

"President Lun, you have to decide for us all!" As soon as they walked in, they all knelt down in front of Lun Wan'er, their faces full of grievances.

Lun Wan'er hurriedly ordered Song Po to help them up, and asked softly, "Speak slowly if you have something to say, there is no need for this!"

"President Lun, that Xue Mingli disbanded the Du League, but in fact he still controlled the Lingchi, even worse than before. We loose cultivators almost have no way out." One person complained sadly.

Lun Wan'er hadn't answered yet, but Tang Jingruo spoke up first, "Why? As far as I know, the Du League has indeed been disbanded, and there are only thirty or so people left by Xue Wen's side. With such a small number of people, how can they monopolize the spirit pool? If it is because the other party uses their strength, then you loose cultivators are too useless."

Hearing what Tang Jingruo said, Lun Wan'er felt it was funny.Tang Jingruo was determined not to let go of her mouth, and when she mentioned Xue Wen, she was an enemy every time, but now that someone was targeting Xue Wen, she was the first to be anxious. This is not 'duplicity', what is it?

"See how long you can keep your mouth shut!" Lun Wan'er slandered inwardly, raised her brows lightly and said, "Aunt Hei, you can't say that. You forgot, although the Du League was disbanded, there is still that surnamed Wan." Yes. That surnamed Wan’s cultivation is frighteningly strong, and it’s normal for these casual cultivators to resist him.”

"Yes yes yes, President Lun is so right! It's the one named Wan, he...he is simply not human!" The casual cultivator who spoke seemed to have suffered from Wan Dong. It was trembling in both hands, his complexion turned blue, and his words were filled with deep fear.

At this time, another rogue cultivator continued, "That person surnamed Xue didn't know what kind of evil method was used, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles all converged to where they lived, not to mention that the spirit stored in the spirit pool The spiritual energy was also sucked away by them! Adding up all this, in less than a month, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the spiritual pool seems to have been reduced by half. If this continues, the spiritual pool will definitely dry up! And we These casual cultivators, even if they just sit by the edge of the spirit pool, can absorb less than one-tenth of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, really unreasonable!"

These casual cultivators on the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm have no resources, and the spirit pool is almost the only thing they rely on to improve their cultivation.If even the spirit pool is gone, it will be difficult for them to improve their cultivation, no wonder everyone is so anxious.

However, the "evil method" they were talking about to attack caught Lun Wan'er's attention.The spiritual energy wandering between the heaven and the earth is unfettered, and there are many ways to guide and gather it. It is not surprising, but the problem is that the heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered in the spiritual pool is bound by the spiritual pool. It may not be difficult to pull away, but it is extremely difficult if you want to swallow a large number of whales.At least at the level outside the ancient mountain secret realm, no one seems to be able to do it.

And according to these casual practitioners, in less than one month, the spiritual energy in the spirit pool will be reduced by half, and if it continues, the spirit pool will soon dry up. To Lun Wan'er, it sounds like a fairy tale.Ever since she was a child, she has never heard of a spirit pool being sucked dry by life, not even the smallest spirit pool!

"Aunt Hei, could it be..." Lun Wan'er looked at Tang Jingruo thoughtfully.

Without her finishing the sentence, Tang Jingruo understood her meaning, shook her head resolutely and said, "Absolutely not! Although Julingdingding has the effect of gathering spiritual energy from heaven and earth, it is absolutely impossible to have such a terrifying effect!" , Tang Jingruo stared at those casual cultivators, her eyes were like lightning, "Are you exaggerating?"

"No, no, no! Even if we are very brave, we dare not deceive President Lun! Everything I say is true, and there is no lie! If you don't believe me, President Lun can go and see it for himself when he grows up. It’s not like tampering with the spirit pool, right?”

"What kind of 'evil method' is Xue using? Have you ever explored it?" Lun Wan'er asked curiously.

"Explore? We don't have the guts! That guy named Wan is like a door god standing there. Anyone who dares to approach his small courtyard for half a step will be slapped away by him. Later, we will be even If you speak loudly, you will be hit by him with thunderous means, tsk tsk, I have never seen a more domineering person than him in my whole life!"

"That's right! Now, the other courtyard where Xue and the others live has become a forbidden area, and no one dares to approach it!"

Although the words of the few casual cultivators were full of indignation, the fear of Wan Dong was undoubtedly deeply rooted in their bones.

"This guy!" Lun Wan'er gritted her teeth, Wan Dong's cold and handsome face as if covered with frost appeared in her mind, and she somewhat believed what the casual practitioners said.According to his understanding of Wan Dong, Wan Dong could indeed do such a thing.

He doesn't care at all whether he makes people angry or not!As for right and wrong, if he is happy, he may discuss it with you calmly, but if he irritates him, or loses his patience, he will never waste a word with you!

It's that straightforward, it's that overbearing!It seems that all the rules in this world are invalid for him!

"Aunt Hei..."

"Go! Let's go and see!"

Lun Wan'er was about to ask Tang Jingruo what she meant, but unexpectedly Tang Jingruo had already made up her mind, and she walked out before she finished speaking.

The spirit-gathering cauldron is combined with the spirit-gathering formation, and the effect is indeed too fierce.At first, Wan Dong didn't notice the changes in Lingchi, all his attention was on Xue Wen and the others.

Xue Wen, Chen Qing, and Wang Qing's rogue cultivators had certainly not had an easy time, but it was precisely because of the ubiquitous difficulties that they had created their tenacious and resolute temperaments, and they had also built an extremely solid foundation.

This is somewhat similar to Ding Shanwei Qunying's experience!Why did Dingshan Wei Qunying achieve such growth from the ordinary world to the Daoist world? Wan Dong has already concluded that it is most likely due to the various trials they have endured in the ordinary world...

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