"Have you ever taken the tiger bone talisman?" Lun Wan'er didn't think too much, and asked Song Po hastily.

"I took a few, but these tiger bone talismans are obviously different from the previous ones, and I don't know if they are still useful." Song Po took out several red and purple tiger bone talismans, his brows full of worry.In case the Tiger Bone Talisman lost its previous effect, it would undoubtedly have a serious impact on the income of the monthly meeting.

However, when Lun Wan'er saw these tiger bone talismans, her face was full of joy, and she snatched them hurriedly.Before Song Po could react, Lun Wan'er cracked one and crushed one.After the purple beam of light shot out, the same blood energy spread out as expected.This time, instead of hiding, Lun Wan'er took the initiative to meet her.

Blood energy permeated her body, Lun Wan'er seemed to have drunk a glass of frosty cold drink on a scorching summer day, her delicate body was trembling slightly, her pretty face was filled with comfort and comfort.

Song Po didn't expect Lun Wan'er to act like this at all, and he was really taken aback.Especially when Lun Wan'er saw the mass of blood bursting out, instead of hiding, she took the initiative to go up to her, and she was so horrified that she almost didn't shout loudly.

"Aunt Hei, my cultivation level has improved a bit. If this continues, I may be promoted to a seventh-rank Immortal in a short time." Lun Wan'er was so excited that she looked at Tang Jingruo with unprecedented excitement. Tears.

"President, Mrs. Tang, what...what is going on?" Song Po stood aside, feeling more and more confused.

No matter how good this ancient mountain secret place is, it is nothing more than a cage. Being trapped here for more than ten years, Tang Jingruo has almost given up her heart to leave, but the appearance of this mutated sky patrol tiger made her heart alive again, just like a prisoner in a dark night. The ascetics suddenly saw the dawn.

After cultivating into an Earth Immortal, one can freely enter and exit the secret realm of the ancient mountain without relying on the magic stone of the return trip. In Tang Jingruo's eyes, this was simply out of reach, but now, the Earth Immortal Realm far away in the sky seems to have suddenly come before her eyes. , become so close, within reach!

Tang Jingruo's eyes also showed joy, and she said with a smile, "It seems that if we collect tiger bone charms in the future, we can't just do it casually, we should try to keep them for ourselves!"

In the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm, there are too few resources that allow people to quickly improve their cultivation. Compared with the nine sacred mountains, it is simply a barren land.For Lun Wan'er and the rest of the casual cultivators, the Mutated Sky Surveyor is simply the greatest gift from God to them!

"Of course! But in this way, we will feel sorry for Sister Mengxuan." Lun Wan'er raised her crescent eyebrows, with a look of apology on her face.

All the tiger bone talismans collected by Zhaoyuehui in the past were handed over to Qi Mengxuan, who brought them back to Jinghaizong for the people of Jinghaizong to use.Once Lun Wan'er's supply is stopped, it will definitely bring a lot of pressure to Qi Mengxuan.

"President, can this tiger bone talisman really increase one's cultivation?" Up to this moment, Song Po asked doubtfully as if he was still in a dream.

Lun Wan'er smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, try crushing a piece."

Song Po crushed a piece according to his words, and boldly faced the ball of blood.Sure enough, within a short while, a surprised smile bloomed on his face, and his square face was a little red.Full of excitement, she said to Lun Wan'er, "President, this... this is not a tiger bone talisman, it is a treasure that surpasses the world! If there are enough, we will no longer have to be afraid of those disciples of the famous sect. Said Maybe in the near future, our Zhaoyuehui will be able to grow to be on an equal footing with those famous families."

Song Po really dared to think that he wanted to be on an equal footing with the famous family who had been passed down for thousands of years. He really underestimated the family's background.It's no wonder that, being trapped here all year round, how much insight can Song Po have?

However, Song Po's words reminded Tang Jingruo that it was impossible to keep the secret of the mutated tiger bone talisman away, and it would not be long before everyone knew about it.And these tiger bone talismans are really too precious, precious enough to arouse the covetousness of those famous families.Once the famous masters intervene, these casual cultivators will probably have to stand aside!

"Wan'er, give an order immediately to call every disciple of the Zhaoyuehui to collect tiger bone charms with all their strength!"

Time doesn't wait, Tang Jingruo immediately said to Lun Wan'er.The period before the intervention of the famous family is undoubtedly their golden period!

Lun Wan'er is also a smart person, so she naturally understands.However, considering that the mutated Skyscanner Tiger is powerful and likes to gather together, which is very dangerous, Lun Wan'er did not call everyone blindly, but only some elite members, and divided these elites into groups one by one. Small groups, the groups are not allowed to be far apart, so as to take care of each other and rescue each other.

Seeing groups of elites from the Zhaoyue Society scattered away as if they had been spattered with blood, Lun Wan'er's heart could not be calmed for a long time.Looking at the looming continuous mountains in the distance, whether you have a chance to swim in it depends on this time!

"Hey... Aunt Hei, do you want to tell Xue Wen, he may not know yet." Lun Wan'er turned her head and said with a smile.

"Why did you tell him? Such a good thing, why should you take advantage of him, he is my enemy!"

Tang Jingruo said this, but her expression didn't show much hatred, it seemed a little complicated, and she seemed to be faintly flustered by what had been said.

"That's right, Aunt Hei is right! Not only can we not tell him, but we have to hide it from him and stop him so that he won't even get a mutated tiger bone talisman. At that time, everyone's cultivation will be reduced Advance by leaps and bounds, only he can't move forward, let's see if he can stand up arrogantly!"

When Lun Wan'er said this, Tang Jingruo's heart was immediately in a mess, and her crescent eyebrows were slightly raised, clearly showing a bit of unbearable and worried.

"No, this little girl is most likely teasing me." But this emotion didn't last long, and Tang Jingruo suddenly came to her senses.Lun Wan'er was already smart, and she brought her up alone, just as she knew Lun Wan'er, Lun Wan'er most likely had a thorough understanding of her thoughts.This is clearly her trying to test herself in a different way.

Tang Jingruo gritted her teeth in annoyance when she thought that she had fallen for the little girl's tricks because she didn't notice it for a while. If this little girl really caught her, how could she shamelessly teach her a lesson in the future?Tang Jingruo frowned, and quietly looked at Lun Wan'er, but found that Lun Wan'er's eyes were not on her at all, she muttered, but her eyes were erratic, clearly distracted.

A very playful smile suddenly appeared in Tang Jingruo's eyes, and she said faintly, "Do you want to stop Xue Wen, or do you want to stop that kid named Wan?"

"Ah? I..." Tang Jingruo really wanted to make fun of Tang Jingruo, but as she spoke, Wan Dong's figure involuntarily appeared in her mind, and then her heart became chaotic. She had already handed it over to Tang Jingruo, her pretty face was burning hot, her eyes were dodging desperately, even a fool could see her guilty conscience at this time.

Tang Jingruo changed from passive to active, she was in a good mood, and she was happy when she smiled.

"I...I don't talk to Aunt Hei anymore!" How could Lun Wan'er bear it?With a cry, he ran away in a hurry.

"This silly girl, isn't she really in love with that kid surnamed Wan?" Seeing Lun Wan'er's appearance, Tang Jingruo's eyebrows froze, and her emotions fluttered.It wasn't until Lun Wan'er was about to run away that she came back to her senses and quickly chased after her.

The entire Zhaoyuehui, like a huge machine, will be in operation in the following days.A total of twelve battle groups hunted and killed the mutant sky patrol tigers almost non-stop.In the blink of an eye, for more than ten days, in the eyes of others, all the people in the Zhaoyuehui seemed to have become lunatics, with disheveled hair, blood red eyes, and mottled blood all over their bodies. Feeling the bloody smell soaring into the sky, it is daunting.

Even Lun Wan'er, who is the president, was not idle. With the golden eagle, she swept around the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret like the wind. Where the number of mutated sky patrolling tigers was the largest, she would appear there. Strength and toughness are vividly displayed in this girl.

The arduous struggle naturally brought back fruitful results.In just over ten days, Zhaoyuehui's not-so-stupid mutated sky-scanner tigers were enough to last for a constant month. The mutated tiger bone charms he had collected piled up into a hill in front of Lun Wan'er, hundreds of them. Thousands.

There are so many mutated tiger bone charms piled up in one place, and there is a magnificent red-purple light in the weirdness, which almost makes people unable to open their eyes.Although Lun Wan'er is not a money fan, but looking at so many mutated tiger bone charms, she can't help but salivate and her eyes shine!

"Aunt Hei, tell me, so many mutated tiger bone charms are enough to send me into a real fairyland, right?" .

According to Lun Wan'er's cultivation, if she practiced in a regular manner, she might not be able to become a real immortal in ten years, but now with these mutated tiger bone charms, the real fairyland is very close to her eyes.This might be Lun Wan'er's fate, Tang Jingruo was also happy for her.

"Aunt Hei, just wait, when I become a true immortal, that guy surnamed Wan is no match for me, and he will no longer be able to protect Xue Wen, so I must deal with him firmly. I will give you a good breath of anger. Well, that's it, once I see you, I will beat you once, and I will make him regret giving birth!"

Lun Wan'er stared into Tang Jingruo's eyes and said with a smile.

Tang Jingruo's crescent eyebrows immediately twitched, and a trace of annoyance flashed in her eyes. This little girl seemed to have targeted her weakness. It was dumbfounding.Tang Jingruo's prestige accumulated by Lun Wan'er over the years has been completely wiped out...

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