It can only be said that everything is Xue Wen's subconscious reaction. If Tao Qi does not have such an identity, Xue Wen's approach is decisive and straightforward. It can be said that there is a bit of a hero, which is worthy of praise. It's like riding on the back of a tiger.

At the same time, Qi Mengxuan, Lun Wan'er, Tang Jingruo and the others all had their hearts raised in their throats. When such a thing happened outside the ancient mountain secret realm, people had to sigh, this world is really crazy!

"Wan'er, stop him quickly, don't let him mess around!" Qi Mengxuan said to Lun Wan'er in a hurry, afraid that Xue Wen would just cut him off with a sword.

Naturally, Lun Wan'er also knew that once Xue Wen killed Tao Qi, the matter would really become a big deal. I'm afraid that even Qi Mengxuan would not be able to please her, let alone Xue Wen and them.But the problem is, whether to kill Taoqi now, things seem to be out of control, if Taoqi survives and goes back to rescue soldiers, will he spare Xue Wen's life?Looking at Tao Qi's personality, I'm afraid he's a little suspenseful!

Lun Wan'er's head hurts a little. Based on her experience, the matter in front of her is really too complicated!There was no other way, Lun Wan'er could only cast her eyes on Tang Jingruo, hoping she could come up with something.But Tang Jingruo's expression at this time seemed to be three points more bitter than hers, and her brows almost wrinkled into a word of Sichuan.

You can't kill it, and you can't kill it!This problem not only troubled Tang Jingruo and the others, but also troubled Wan Dong, making him feel very troubled!

" can think clearly, unless you kill all the people here, sooner or later my sect will know that I was killed by you. At that time, you and your friends will all bear the burden of our Jinghaizong. Anger. By the way, there is also her, she can't escape!" Tao Qi was really quick-witted, and at this moment, he still didn't forget to threaten Xue Wen with Tang Jingruo.

Xue Wen's brows really wrinkled more and more tightly!

"If...if you can swear to God, don't pursue what happened today, and don't bother anyone, I... maybe I can consider letting your life go!" After hesitating for a while, Xue Wenning said in a voice. One sentence.

After hearing this, Wan Dong slightly shook his head.What is Taoqi, how can he take his oath seriously?Xue Wen said that, it can't solve the current problem, at best, he can only find a way for himself.But having said that, apart from this, there seems to be no other feasible way.

But from the beginning to the end, even in such an embarrassing situation, Xue Wen stubbornly didn't ask Wan Dong for help, and didn't even look at him, making it clear that he didn't want to hurt Wan Dong, Wan Dong was still very moved.

In fact, Wan Dong didn't think of a very good solution, maybe he was the only one who took the initiative himself, and used thunderous means to teach Tao a lesson that he would never forget, planting the seeds of fear in his heart and making him feel scruples , I dare not mention today's matter to anyone again, let alone complain to the teacher.It's just that this speed is really difficult to control, and it's very unsafe, not to mention that there are so many pairs of eyes here, it's hard to talk about it!

Wan Dong also thought about getting rid of it by himself, and taking everything on him. At worst, when Jing Haizong asked him to settle the score, he would leave here with the help of Amethyst and go back to the Taoist sect!No matter how powerful Jinghaizong is, if he wants to go to the Taoist sect to find him, it will always take a lot of effort.It's just that doing so is also risky. Who knows whether Jing Haizong will still vent his anger on Xue Wen and the others when he can't find him.Although he only got in touch with a few sect disciples, Wan Dong could already see that these famous sects hardly made sense.

"I swear to God? Of course I can, I'll say it... wait!" When he heard that Xue Wen could spare his life, he was naturally overjoyed, and wanted to swear according to Xue Wen's words.But at the moment when the oath was about to be uttered, the uproar seemed to have come to a sudden reaction, and suddenly stopped.

Wan Dong let out a wry smile in his heart, Xue Wen was guilty after all, and what he said was obviously not very tough, and Tao Qi finally felt it.

Although Xue Wen tried hard to keep a straight face and put on a ruthless look, Tao Qi still saw the flickering panic in the depths of his eyes.It was as if he had been revived with full blood, and immediately became 'vigorous', pointing to Xue Wen's nose and saying, "You don't dare to kill me at all, you don't dare! Hahaha... I almost died Tricked by you, you bloody bastard!"

After being told, Xue Wen's complexion turned blue, and his teeth were itchy with hatred.

"Do you think you are a member of Jinghaizong, so I dare not kill you? What's the big deal? At worst, I will die with you. Can Jinghaizong kill me twice?" At this time, Xue Wen was really alive. If this thought persists, Tang Jingruo may still be humiliated by him, so it is better to die with him, at least it can guarantee Tang Jingruo's peace.Didn't he always feel that he owed Tang Jingruo? This was an excellent opportunity to make up for her.

"To die with me? It's beautiful to think about your cheap life! I, Jing Haizong, can't kill you twice, but what about the people around you, such as her!" Tang Jingruo pointed at Tang Jingruo with an unprecedented ferocious expression "You Do you want her to be buried with me too?"

"This is a matter between us, what does it have to do with her? You bastard!" Xue Wen was once again grabbed by Tao Qi's weakness, and his eyes were red with anxiety.

Tao Qi became more and more determined, and said with a sneer, "Are you reasoning with our Jing Haizong? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications!"

"" Xue Wen has never met such a shameless and unreasonable person like Tao Qi, and he was so angry that he trembled all over his body, and the steel teeth in his mouth were almost crushed.

"What are you? Kneel down!" Ignoring Xue Wen's anger, he suddenly straightened his waist, pinched his waist with both hands, and stared at Xue Wen and shouted.It looked like Xue Wen was the one who was defeated.

"Aren't you good at fighting? Didn't you want to kill me? The arrogant look of you just now scared me to death, you know? Why don't you kneel down and scare me?" Xue Wen The bluer his complexion was, the more his body trembled, and the more excited he became.That kind of excitement was even stronger than defeating Xue Wen by three points.

Yeah!How dare a lowly casual cultivator like an ant act arrogantly in front of them, disciples of famous sects?It should be like this, trembling and trembling!That familiar feeling seemed to come back all of a sudden, making Tao Qi very satisfied!

"You...don't bully people too much!" At this moment, there was a stream of bright red blood gurgling from the corner of Xue Wen's mouth, anyone could see it, Xue Wen was probably extremely angry at this time.

"Too much deceit? Can you be considered a fucking human being?" Tao laughed wildly, and suddenly reached out and slapped Xue Wen on the cheek.

Xue Wen subconsciously raised his arm to block the raised palm, and he didn't feel annoyed when he raised his hand, he just asked with a sneer, "Do you want that ghostly woman to die?"

"No!" Xue Wen blurted out without thinking.

"Then don't block it!" Taoqi snorted coldly, and was slapped by Xue Wen in front of him, and waved again.Xue Wenwen could easily block such a close distance, but Xue Wen's arm seemed to be filled with lead water at that moment, and it looked extremely heavy. The raised palm passed slowly and heavily, and went straight to Xue Wen's cheek.

Lun Wan'er couldn't bear to look any longer, and turned her head away, while Tang Jingruo couldn't help covering her face with her hands, and sobbed softly.

"Dare to offend me, today I will let you know how powerful I am!" Tao waved his palm halfway, and burst out with blue lights. Obviously, this was not just a simple slap in the face, he made it clear that he wanted to severely injure Xue Xue. arts.

When things got to this point, Wan Dong couldn't control that much anymore.Even if he tried his best to offend Jing Haizong, he couldn't let Tao Qi's slap be real.Once it's done, it's not just a matter of Xue Wen being injured, it is very likely that Xue Wen's self-confidence and dignity will also be completely destroyed.This is obviously more terrifying than the physical pain, because it will directly shake the foundation of Xue Wen's immortality and put a stop to his penance!

However, just as Wan Dong was about to make a move, someone moved even faster than him!I saw a blinding, fiery sword aura, which came from nowhere, and suddenly pierced through the air, bringing out a series of screams that made the scalp tingle, with the potential to divide the sky with a sword!

Laymen watch the doorway, experts watch the fun!With Wan Dong's gaze, he could tell at a glance that this person's swordsmanship attainments had reached the peak, especially the true meaning of fire contained in the sword light, which had clearly reached a certain level.At least it is no less than the true meaning of wind and thunder contained in Xue Wen's use of the wind and thunder sword art!

But having said that, the true meaning of wind and thunder that Xue Wen comprehended was taught to him by Wan Dong with the help of the Fenglei Sword Art, and he did not comprehend it himself. I came to realize it myself.Compared with the two, Xue Wendeng immediately fell behind, and it was to the extent of being thrown out a few streets.

This is definitely the strongest master Wan Dong encountered after coming to the ancient mountain secret realm!It's just that I don't know who the joy is aimed at. At that moment, even Wan Dong's nerves tense up.

Fortunately, that Jian Guang didn't rush towards Xue Wen, but shot directly at Taoqi's raised hand with an indomitable momentum!

Tao Qi was sure to slap Xue Wen before being hit by the sword light, but he was not at all sure that he would be able to avoid the sword light afterwards.If he was hit by the sword light, one of his palms would have to be cut off on the spot.

Tao Qi naturally didn't have the guts to gamble, so he could only yell loudly, then retracted his palm forcefully, and at the same time stepped back a few steps to the side, until he was completely safe, then stopped his figure, full of Sweep towards that spoiler angrily!

I saw a snow-white figure standing there like a sharp sword out of its sheath.His whole body was bursting with vigor, as if even the whole world was about to be pierced by him...

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