Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 1561 Here comes another great man!

However, when Lun Wan'er glanced over Wan Dong, all her anger towards Xue Wen and Sima Jinke was immediately transferred to Wan Dong.Xue Wen and Sima Jinke were certainly irritating, but the combination of these two made her more irritated than Wan Dong.

What time is this?Xue Wen has already vomited blood, but Wan Dong is still indifferent, how can he look like he is going to make a move?How can this person be so calm, the person who vomits blood is obviously someone he cares about!Lun Wan'er really wanted to dissect Wan Dong to see what material he was made of!

Cursing is scolding, as time passed, Xue Wen's situation became more and more serious, and Lun Wan'er began to feel a little flustered.If Xue Wen's slow reluctance to admit defeat was because he was waiting for Wan Dong to help him out, then things would be troublesome.

The determination that provoked Xue Wen to attack Sima Jinke had disappeared without a trace in Lun Wan'er's place.She became more and more unable to see through Wan Dong's personality, and she became less and less sure whether Wan Dong really cared about Xue Wen, and even more uncertain whether Wan Dong would make a move.Lun Wan'er thought that by controlling Xue Wen, she could simply control Wan Dong and make Wan Dong obediently listen to her, but now it seems that she is simply delusional.

what to do?Wan Dong seemed to have no intention of making a move at all, but Xue Wen was still holding on and refused to admit defeat. If Xue Wen made a mistake, how would she explain to Tang Jingruo?

Lun Wan'er subconsciously turned her head to look at Tang Jingruo who was beside her. Seeing this, Lun Wan'er was even more regretful.Tang Jingruo's complexion at this time seemed to be three points paler than that of Xue Wen's. Every inch of her skin was trembling, and her eyes were already full of tears.There is no need to ask, even a fool can see that Tang Jingruo is already extremely nervous and may collapse at any time!

It was the first time in Lun Wan'er's life that she hated herself so much, hated her self-righteousness, hated her ignorance and recklessness, and put Tang Jingruo and Xue Wen in such a dangerous place!If time could be turned back, she would never do such a stupid thing again!

"Hey, surnamed Wan, don't hurry up to save Xue Wen, do you really want to watch him die?" Lun Wan'er no longer expected Wan Dong to do it by herself, and opened her mouth to urge her.Although her words were still strong, her tone clearly showed anxiety.

Facing Lun Wan'er's urging, Wan Dong didn't respond at all, he just turned his head to look at her, then looked away, not to mention talking to her.

As a result, Lun Wan'er became even more anxious, and said in a crying voice, "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't use Xue Wen to blackmail you, I promise I will never do this again It's a stupid thing, please save Xue Wen quickly!"

Lun Wan'er, a little girl who can even beg for help?This was really beyond Wan Dong's expectations.However, Wan Dong was even more delighted that she could make such a reflection.Originally, he was going to think of a way to deal with Lun Wan'er well, so that she would never have the idea of ​​blackmailing him with Xue Wen, but now it seems that he can save this effort.

However, Wan Dong still has no plans to make a move for the time being.It's not that he doesn't care about Xue Wen, nor that he intends to punish Lun Wan'er, but it seems that there is no need for this!

At first Sima Jinke looked aggressive, but his hands were extremely measured. Xue Wen's situation was worrying, but his life was not in danger.Sima Jinke pressed so hard that Xue Wen conceded defeat, more because he wanted to make him feel afraid of himself.This is easy to understand, the more you scare Xue Wen, the more Xue Wen will listen to him in the future.

Secondly, this is also a training opportunity for Xue Wen!The incomplete Ice Fire Qiankun Sword is simply an excellent whetstone for the Fenglei Sword Art, which can only be encountered but not sought after!How can such a training opportunity be easily missed?The harder Xue Wen suffers from Sima Jinke's hands, the better it will be for his growth!

Another one, Wan Dong also wants to use Sima Jinke to polish Xue Wen's arrogance, lest he just learn the fur of the wind and thunder sword art, and then he won't know what his last name is!He doesn't pay attention to the direct disciples of Yu Jianzong's palm sect. If he doesn't owe a beating, who should be beating him?

"You... why are you so cruel, isn't Xue Wen your brother?" Lun Wan'er was really anxious, and shouted.

Wan Dong glanced at Tang Jingruo, and replied lightly, "Your heart is not good, Xue Wen is still your uncle!"

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Lun Wan'er's face turned pale, and she was speechless.

Tang Jingruo couldn't bear it anymore at this time, and said to Wan Dong, "Young Master Wan, we did have many mistakes before, but you have a lot of adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as us. The only one who can save Ah Wen now is you!"

Don't look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. In terms of Xue Wen's face, Wan Dong can't care about Tang Jingruo.Thinking about Xue Wen's suffering is enough, Wan Dong sighed, ready to stop the fight.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Sima Jinke suddenly burst out laughing, "I said a long time ago that I won't take Xue Wen's life, and you don't need to let him come up to die. Fighting against a mere human being of the fifth rank I, Sima Jinke, can't afford to lose that face." After laughing, Sima Jinke turned his head to look at Xue Wen and said, "The sword formula you practice is very interesting, and I am afraid it is also a super-level martial skill, but you comprehend it too well. Shallow, unable to exert [-]% of its power, but relying on your own understanding, it is already very good to be able to reach this level. Originally, I only planned to accept you as a younger brother, but now I have changed my mind. You are a disciple."

" asked me to worship you as my teacher?" Xue Wen was taken aback.Although the relationship between the apprentice and the master is closer, they are a generation shorter than the younger brother.What's more, Sima Jinke is younger than Xue Wen, and anyone who worships someone younger than him as a teacher will inevitably have psychological barriers.

Sima Jinke seemed to have seen through Xue Wen's thoughts, snorted coldly, and said, "Why, you still don't want to? You know, one day, I will become the suzerain of Yujianzong, and your identity will be the direct disciple of the palm sect! "

When Sima Jinke said this, Xue Wen's eyes lit up.From an ant-like casual cultivator to becoming a direct disciple of Zhangzong, and also Yujianzong, it is definitely a shotgun change, soaring into the sky!

Xue Wen's heart was moved, he pondered for a moment, and opened his mouth to ask, "Then what about my brother? Can he also worship you as a teacher?"

"Bastard! Do you think it's easy to be a direct disciple of the sect master? I'm willing to accept you. That's an exception. Do you think that everyone can have the same blessing as you? Your brother can only become Yujian at best." Zong's registered disciple, he is not qualified to be my disciple!" Sima Jinke yelled loudly as if he was angered by Xue Wen.

Xue Wen also seemed to think that Sima Jinke's scolding was justified, and that his request was indeed too much. While nodding repeatedly, he turned his head to look at Wan Dong with guilt.

Seeing Xue Wen looking at him, Wan Dong really wanted to slap him so that his mother wouldn't recognize him.Let yourself go to worship Na Sima Jinke as a teacher, thanks to him thinking of it.Sima Jinke worshiped Wan Dong as his teacher, and Wan Dong could consider it.What annoyed Wan Dong even more was that Sima Jinke still had a look of disdain and disgust.The corners of Wan Dong's mouth could not help but twitch slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

"Brother, what you said is right. This direct disciple of the palm sect is really extraordinary, and it needs a lot of chance. Although you can only be a registered disciple of Yu Jianzong for the time being, based on your talent and appearance, it won't take long. Then it will be famous in Yujianzong, and it will not be a problem to occupy a place in that fairy court in the future!" Xue Wen didn't notice the smirk at the corner of Wan Dong's mouth at all, fearing that Wan Dong would feel uncomfortable, he hurriedly said comfort.

"Xue Wen, how long are you and that kid going to talk about? Why don't you hurry up and pay homage to your teacher?" Sima Jinke looked like he really didn't like Wan Dong at all, even if Xue Wen talked to him a little more. Words made him impatient.With a wave of his hand, he removed the Ice and Fire Universe, and fell down from mid-air carelessly, only waiting for Xue Wen to come forward to pay homage.

Xue Wen's mind is now full of the six characters of "personal disciples of the Zhangzong", how could he dare to make Sima Jinke unhappy, and ran over as soon as he heard it.

Looking at it, Wan Dong felt annoyed and helpless!He spent a lot of energy on Xue Wen's body. Xue Wen turned his head and fell to Sima Jinke at this time, which naturally made him extremely annoyed.But the problem is, there is nothing he can do about it.Even if he makes a move now and beats Sima Jinke all over the floor, it can only prove that he is better than Sima Jinke.However, who is better between him and Sima Jinke is obviously not the focus of the question, let alone Xue Wen's biggest consideration in making such a choice.

Even if the current Wandong is a hundred times better, he is afraid that he cannot be compared with the golden signboard of Yujianzong!This is Wan Dong's helplessness.

Furthermore, it was indeed an excellent opportunity for Xue Wen to seek refuge with Yu Jianzong. As a brother, of course there was no reason to obstruct him.

"Is this the end of my chance with Xue Wen?" Wan Dong frowned, and his heart felt bitter.

"Hahaha...hahaha..." But at this moment, bursts of wild laughter suddenly came from the sky.The laughter was really unpleasant, like a broken drum being sounded.But the aura contained in this wild laughter cannot be underestimated.

Wan Dong couldn't help turning his head to look at Sima Jinke. Just from the laughter, it was not difficult to judge that the cultivation level of the visitor was by no means inferior to his.And looking at Sima Jinke's increasingly ugly face, it shows that Sima Jinke obviously knows the visitor, and maybe the visitor is his opponent.

First it was Taoqi, Qi Mengxuan, then Sima Jinke, and now there is another master who is not lost to Sima Jinke. Wan Dong seems to vaguely see that the sky is gathering here wave after wave.Is the outskirts of the ancient mountain secret realm finally going to be bustling in this barren land...

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