It wasn't until a bone-piercing chill hit, and a blue ice dragon that seemed to be carved out of ice crystals whizzed out, forming horns with the fire dragon, roaring proudly, that Liu Zong realized with fear that this was simply It's not an illusion.Wan Dong really understood the Ice and Fire Qiankun Sword, and his comprehension speed was enough to throw Sima Jinke out of eighteen streets.

The Ice and Fire Mad Dragons marched forward at the same time, not to mention the power, its power alone caused the shadows of spears thrown by Liu Zong to collapse.Looking at the overwhelming wind and thunder, looking at the ice and fire sword dragon raging in the sky, Liu Zong felt nothing but his own insignificance.In fact, at this moment Liu Zong seemed to have been hit by a petrification spell, his whole body was stiff.

Compared to Liu Zong's panic, Lun Wan'er, Qi Mengxuan, and Tang Jingruo also couldn't calm down.Everyone was dumbfounded, their eyes were staring blankly, just like seeing a ghost during the day.

Just seeing someone perform it once, he quietly learned his unique skills, and performed it more decently than others, what kind of evildoer can do this?

Lun Wan'er already admired Wan Dong enough, but at this moment, her admiration was infinitely elevated again, and she felt that even this day, she couldn't stop Wan Dong!

Qi Mengxuan was already a little breathless at this time, her pretty face was flushed red, and her eyes kept shining, so bright that it was almost impossible to look at them.

Qi Mengxuan suddenly thought of how she should die and confess to the sect. If Wan Dong could be introduced to the Jinghai Sect, even if she died a hundred more, she would not be able to cover up her contribution.Compared with Wan Dong, what is Tao Qi?But the question is, will Wandong be willing to join the Jinghai Sect?Looking at Wan Dong, who was guarded by ice and fire sword dragons, like a god coming to the world, Qi Mengxuan suddenly fell silent.

At the last moment, Xue Wen was almost crushed to death by the power of Sima Jinke's Qiankun Ice and Fire Sword. Of course, he was deeply impressed by the Ice and Fire Qiankun Sword.Seeing Wan Dong's display at this moment, Xue Wen's hairs all stood on end.Tension was like electric currents, instantly hitting his whole body.And the Fenglei Sword Art also seemed to have encountered an enemy in life, and it started to operate spontaneously, and it operated more smoothly and quickly than ever before.

Why do you say that a person's cultivation is always the fastest to improve in actual combat?It is because of this kind of tension when facing a strong enemy that he can make a person more excited than usual, and his mind is sharper than ever before!With excitement and keenness, you will naturally get closer to the immortal way than usual, and the more you will understand, the faster you will naturally improve!

"Don't always think about confrontation!" Glancing at Xue Wen, a smile appeared on the corner of Wan Dong's mouth.

"Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Taking advantage of others' strengths and making up for one's own weaknesses is also a shortcut to pursuing the Dao!"

Just when Xue Wen understood Wan Dong's words carefully, Wan Dong cast his eyes on Liu Zong and said, "Why did you stop? Aren't you going to kill me? Go on!"

"Continue?" Wan Dong said these words, Liu Zong just woke up, his handsome face was full of embarrassment.He Liu Zong, a dignified disciple of the Liu family, was actually frightened by his opponent.If Wan Dong had given him a sword just now, he might have died on the spot.This was more humiliating than being defeated in public.

"Don't be complacent! This is just the beginning!" Liu Zong roared with smoke from his seven orifices, and his figure suddenly jumped to a height of tens of feet, the golden gun in his hand danced through the air, accompanied by bursts of rumbling noise , a golden tiger phantom, the airspace is condensed.

"The tiger roars all over the world! This is Liu Zong's trump card!" Although Wan Dong's strength gave Qi Mengxuan a lot of confidence, Qi Mengxuan couldn't help shouting in surprise at this time.It can be seen that the power of this roaring tiger will never be weak!

There was no need for Qi Mengxuan to warn, with Hu Ying, even Tang Jingruo and Lun Wan'er felt a strong sense of danger, and the complexions of the two women changed at the same time!

"Sure enough, it's a good whetstone!" Wan Dong still maintained his composure, nodding his head slightly, showing some approval on his face.

However, Liu Zong was not happy at all, his face became more gloomy, and he shouted in his heart, "You are the whetstone, your whole family is the whetstone!"

Following the sharp shaking of Liu Zong's spear, the tiger shadow suddenly rushed forward, falling towards Wan Dong like a mountain.Originally, at this time, the golden giant lion would also save together.Tigers on the left and lions on the right, lions and tigers advance side by side, the ninth-rank immortals with a little weak will will be scared to pee on the spot!But now, only a single tiger is walking alone, and his power has been reduced by half at least.

Thinking of this, Liu Zong couldn't help but glared at the golden giant lion with resentment, and thought to himself, when Wan Dong was dealt with, he would definitely take care of the golden giant lion.Of course, this kind of pet that eats inside and out is not allowed, but simply obliterating it with the spiritual imprint is not enough to eliminate Liu Zong's hatred!

"Xue Wen, I want you to temporarily forget the Wind and Thunder Sword Art, and now carefully feel the true meaning of ice and fire!"

As soon as the words fell, the reincarnation sword in Wan Dong's hand suddenly let out a long moan, and the two sword dragons of ice and fire rushed out, one up and one down, like a huge mouth opening in anger, and greeted Hu Ying.

At this moment, the true meaning of ice and fire bloomed in an instant, and the true sound of the avenue sounded like thunder, rumbling endlessly.Countless dao aggregates erupted and spread around Wandong like a volcanic eruption, transforming into immortal tracks from time to time.

Tang Jingruo, Lun Wan'er, and Qi Mengxuan were waiting for this moment. The three sat down cross-legged almost at the same time, looking at Wan Dong with solemn eyes!

Xue Wen didn't dare to be careless, not only his eyes seemed to have taken root in Wan Dong's body, but his whole mind became more active than ever.Such an opportunity is rare, and at such a moment, every inch of time is worth every inch of gold!

"See how long you can pretend!"

As soon as Liu Zong gritted his teeth, the golden tiger shadow rushed towards the fire dragon first.The dagger-like fangs are all transformed by Liu Zong's immortal power, they are extremely sharp!

Extinguish the fire dragon first, then the ice dragon, and tear Wandong into pieces in one last blow!Liu Zong's plan is undoubtedly excellent, but the reality is extremely cruel.

As Liu Zong wished, Hu Ying's fangs bit the fire dragon fiercely, but the fire dragon did not disillusion on the spot as Liu Zong expected.In fact, the moment Huying bit the fire dragon, Huying's light suddenly dimmed, but the fire dragon didn't seem to be affected in any way, and its power remained the same!

Before Liu Zong could react, the ice dragon rushed forward again, and its huge body suddenly rolled up, trapping Hu Ying.

"This is impossible!" Liu Zong couldn't accept this reality even if he died. Amidst the screaming sound, he frantically urged the golden spear in his hand, and the tiger shadow also rushed left and right as if crazy, but the two sword lights of ice and fire were condensed. The giant dragon, connected end to end, seemed to have turned into a prison cage, no matter how the tiger shadow rushed and roared, it could not break through.

At this time, the power of the Ice and Fire Qiankun Sword has been exerted to its peak by Wan Dong, and the true meaning of ice and fire has also reached its peak at this moment.The gusts of wind and thunder and lightning gushing in all directions suddenly rushed in from outside the circle as if they were attracted.

The violent wind turned into a pair of giant wings and inserted on both sides of the fire dragon, while the thunder and lightning directly merged with the ice dragon!The two giant dragons transformed by Jianguang changed their appearance in an instant.The power is more than a hundred times stronger than before!

"Damn it! Can I still play like this?" At this time, Lun Wan'er didn't care about realizing the immortal way, and she jumped up from the ground, her mouth was opened to the extreme, and there was nothing but shock or shock on her face. !

Qi Mengxuan also stood up at this time, not to say that she was as restless as Lun Wan'er, but at this time, the four essences of wind, thunder, ice and fire reached their peak at the same time, and even began to merge.A higher level of immortality burst out subsequently.Continuing to comprehend at this time is like watching the tide with ants, not only will there be no gains, but it will be fatally dangerous!After all, their level is still too low!

Qi Mengxuan obviously didn't expect Wan Dong to be able to do this kind of Chengdu. Unlike Lun Wan'er, apart from shock, there was also an indescribable bitterness on her face.When she met Wan Dong, her world view seemed to start to collapse.

Xue Wen didn't seem to be affected at this time, and his expression was still solemn and solemn!Although his cultivation is not as good as Qi Mengxuan's, thanks to Wan Dong's gift, his understanding of Tao is far above Qi Mengxuan.In addition, he has already entered the Fenglei Sword Art, and he has already understood the true meaning of wind and thunder. The immortal way after the fusion of the four true meanings is profound, powerful and frightening, but it does not exceed the limit he can bear .

At this time, Xue Wen seemed to be forced into a desperate situation again. The whole person was unprecedentedly excited and keen. At this moment, he felt hungry and thirsty when he realized the immortal way, and the speed of his realm improvement was terrifyingly fast!

For the people he teaches, Wan Dong can't be said to spare no effort!

The fire dragon had its wings inserted, and the ice dragon fused with lightning. The tiger shadow that Liu Zong had placed high hopes on instantly turned into a dog. His domineering power was wiped out, and only the passive one was left. portion.

Liu Zong also wanted to turn the tide, and also wanted to turn defeat into victory, but seeing that ice and fire dragon possessed by a demon god, all his fighting spirit turned into frustration and despair.

Since his debut, Liu Zong has never been defeated so badly, he simply has no power to fight back!

"No! I will never allow anyone to step on my Liu Zong's head, never!" Liu Zong's eyes turned red, and he kept howling hysterically from the bottom of his heart.

Wan Dong didn't know Liu Zong's mental activities at this time, or he was simply not interested in paying attention to them.Liu Zong, the proud son of heaven in Qi Mengxuan's eyes, is not bullshit in Wan Dong's place.Who cares what shit is thinking?

Looking back at Xue Wen, Wan Dong was delighted to find that his thoughts had not been wasted. On Xue Wen's face, there was a clear look of enlightenment, and the aura on his body had also clearly changed. Much stronger.Wan Dong is already very satisfied with such an effect if he can't become a fat man with one bite, not to mention that Liu Zong is so 'weak', Wan Dong didn't have any greater expectations...

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