"This magic artifact is really as powerful as you said, sister Mengxuan, can it withstand the sword of Mr. Wan?" Lun Wan looked at the two dragon-shaped sword lights that seemed to be able to cut a gap in the sky. Er is suspicious of Qi Mengxuan's words.

Qi Mengxuan's expression became more and more bitter, and she shook her head and said, "Sister, I don't know, the magic weapon of the Liu family is absolutely popular in Xianting, and it is famous all over the world! Liu Zong's blood-red brilliance, although not The ultimate treasure of the Liu family's guardian magic weapon, but it is also a high-quality product. Even the strong in the fairyland, it is difficult to break it in one blow!"

"Earth Immortal!?" Lun Wan'er gasped involuntarily, her complexion turned slightly pale.To her, the Earth Immortal is really unattainable!

Just like the real immortals are above the human immortals, the real immortals are like ants in front of the earth immortals!Although Wan Dong's fighting power is already enough to compete with the real immortal, but in front of the earth immortal...

When Qi Mengxuan and Lun Wan'er looked at each other and changed their colors, Wan Dong's eyes suddenly lit up.On Liu Zong's chest, a round mirror the size of a fist continuously sprayed out blood-red divine light, firmly resisting the edge of his sword, unable to advance any further.There is no doubt that this small round mirror has such a great energy, it must be a treasure!

This round mirror was indeed Liu Zong's greatest reliance. Seeing that Wan Dong's sword was completely blocked and could no longer hurt him at all, Liu Zong's face was full of complacency.

"Aren't you going to kill me? You're showing me! Stupid thing, my Liu family can kill me if I say I can kill it?"

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and suddenly took a big step forward, and the golden immortal power poured into the edge of the Samsara Sword like a tide.Wan Dong's comprehension of the four true meanings of wind, thunder, ice and fire also exploded completely at this time. The wind roared, thunder fell up and down, ice and fire danced together, and the entire sword's posture changed dramatically in an instant.

The Fenglei Sword Art and the Ice Fire Qiankun Sword are no longer a simple fusion, and the power that erupts cannot be described as one plus one equals two, but a qualitative change has begun to take place.At this moment, Wan Dong even integrated the true meaning of the sword he had comprehended into it, and the whole sword power was once again crazily improved.

Faintly, it seemed that even the sky and the earth were trembling!

Even though he had a magic weapon to protect his body, Liu Zong couldn't help but change his expression in the face of such an attack, his eyes almost instinctively showed a trace of fear.

"This guy... who the hell is this guy!?" Liu Zong murmured to himself, his voice visibly trembling.

Boom boom boom!

After a series of explosions, dust and smoke rose everywhere, and the shock waves shone with various colors were dazzling, and they spread for more than ten miles before gradually dissipating.Some casual cultivators who hadn't had time to avoid it were greatly affected, and their faces were filled with horror.Even Qi Mengxuan, Lun Wan'er, Tang Jingruo, and Xue Wen vomited turbidly, and they were quite ashamed.It can be seen how domineering Wan Dong's strongest sword is!

Before she had time to wipe away the dust all over her face, Lun Wan'er hastily raised her head to look at Liu Zong.Seeing this, Lun Wan'er's small mouth pouted in disappointment.The eerie blood-red light was like a solid turtle shell, protecting Liu Zong tightly.The might of Wan Dong's sword was completely absorbed by him, but Liu Zong didn't hurt even a hair.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that that small round mirror would have such great power!Lun Wan'er had no choice but to believe Qi Mengxuan's praise of the Liu family's guardian magic weapon before.

Although Liu Zong was safe and sound, it could be seen that he was really frightened.The whole person stood there dumbstruck, like a petrification technique in Zhongli, his face was pale, and cold sweat kept dripping down.Although the divine artifact blocked Wan Dong's sword power, it couldn't resist Wan Dong's murderous aura!

After a while, Liu Zong gradually came to his senses, and subconsciously groped his body until he found that there was no wound on his body, then he let out a long breath.It wasn't that Liu Zong had any doubts about his own magic weapon, it was because Wan Dong's sword just now was so scary!

"Mr. Wan, it's useless. Unless you have the cultivation base of the fairyland, it is impossible to break through the defense of the Liu family's magic weapon!" In order to prevent Wan Dong from doing useless work, Qi Mengxuan sighed and said.

Liu Zong laughed wildly when he heard it, "Did you hear that, boy? Unless you are an immortal, there is no way you want to kill me!"

"Even if Mr. Wan can't kill you, it still can't change the fact that you are the defeated under Mr. Wan! It's just a layer of tortoise shell, what are you proud of?" Liu Zong's madness made Lun Wan Er is one thousand and ten thousand who can't understand it, and said sarcastically without hesitation.

Liu Zong, who has been praised since childhood, how can he stand being squeezed like this?Immediately, she turned into anger and glared at Lun Wan'er, with a ferocious face, gnashing her teeth and said, "Stinky girl, one day, sooner or later, I will pull out all your teeth one by one!"

Anxiety rose in Qi Mengxuan's heart, she hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Lun Wan'er's shoulder, and said to Liu Zong in a deep voice, "Wan'er has always cooperated with our Jinghai Sect, and I am going to introduce her to join Jinghai Sect! If you want to move the disciples of our Jinghai Sect, you must first ask our Jinghai Sect to agree!"

"What is Jinghaizong!? Good! After I kill you and this stinky girl, I want to see what Jinghaizong can do to me!" Liu Zong said with a sneer.

Qi Mengxuan's heart sank again, knowing that Liu Zong was right.Compared with Liu's family, Jinghaizong still pales in comparison, and its background is much worse. Qi Mengxuan has no confidence in saying that.I wanted to fool Liu Zong, but Liu Zong had completely stabilized his position at this time, so he couldn't be fooled by her at all!

This will be difficult, once Liu Zongqiu settles the score later, no one present may be able to escape.

Worry covered Qi Mengxuan's cheeks, and beads of sweat were even faintly visible on her forehead.In this cruel fairy court, after all, power decides everything!If you don't have enough power, you can only let others slaughter you!

"Your mirror is good, I want it!"

Just when Liu Zong thought he had regained the initiative and was complacent, and Qi Mengxuan's thoughts turned to think of a good strategy, Wan Dong's mouth curled up slightly, and he said something with a smile.

As soon as Wan Dong said this, Liu Zong's heart suddenly felt congested, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.Well!You think the golden giant lion is good, and then you want it, and now you think the magic weapon of the guardian is good, and you want it again, why the hell!Is Liu Zong so easy to bully?

You want it, you want it... want your sister!

The expressions of Qi Mengxuan, Lun Wan'er, and Tang Jingruo also brightened at this moment.Mr. Wan is so talented, every move makes them feel novel.

Is this Wan Gongzi's new strategy?If you can't kill Liu Zong, you have to drive him to death?

Qi Mengxuan really wanted to tell Wan Dong, let him not be so whimsical, the magic weapon of the Liu family has always been bound to the Liu family, and it cannot be taken away by force.Otherwise, even if the Liu family is powerful, it cannot stop others from plotting against the Liu family.No matter how precious the guardian magic weapon is, it is worth taking any risk!

However, thinking of Wan Dong's persuasion of the golden giant lion before, Qi Mengxuan couldn't help swallowing the words that came to his lips.Who knows if Mr. Wan will do something that will startle everyone's eyes?

"If you have the ability, you come and get it!" Liu Zong has never seen such a "brazen" person like Wan Dong. At this moment, he was so angry that his seven orifices were smoked. This sentence was squeezed out between his teeth. .

"Then I won't be polite!" Wan Dong didn't hesitate, his eyes narrowed in an instant, Liu Zong clearly felt a very dangerous aura, and shivered involuntarily.

"Hahaha... This Liu Zong is so stupid. He even showed off his magic weapon in front of my brother, keeping him for a while so he couldn't even cry!" Qi Mengxuan waited curiously for Wandong's next move, Xue Wen suddenly burst out laughing.

Qi Mengxuan and the others turned their heads to look at him in amazement, Xue Wen didn't explain, but just pouted at Wan Dong, with an expression that told them to just wait and see the good show.

Qi Mengxuan and the others have never seen it, but Xue Wen has seen it with their own eyes!At that time, Yu Zhong saw that Wan Dong was no match for him, so he sacrificed the blood bottle, a magic weapon, in order to reverse the situation, but Wan Dong took it away.Now thinking of Yu Zhong's expression at that time, Xue Wen still couldn't help laughing out loud.

In order to break the Immortal Prison Tower with a single sword, Wan Dong realized the treasure control technique. Yu Zhong's time was just a small test, but today he is going to show his might.

When Qi Mengxuan and the others were baffled by Xue Wen's smile, a beam full of ancient Dao energy made people's hearts tremble, like a golden light empowered by divine wisdom, suddenly shot out from Wan Dong's palm.

As soon as this golden light came out, Qi Mengxuan's expression changed at that time, the astonishment and shock in her eyes seemed to turn into reality, it was so intense!

Undoubtedly, this golden light came from those hundreds of golden runes.The morality contained in this is completely different from the true meaning of wind, thunder, ice and fire shown by Wan Dong before.

Compared with it, the four truths of wind, thunder, ice and fire are nothing but branches, and this is the source!It is so vast, full of the meaning of Sanghai Sangtian.You don't need to study it carefully, even just bathing in it can make people's cultivation level rise steadily.

On the journey of cultivating immortality, what one cultivates is the Tao!The higher the cultivation base, the deeper the perception of the Tao!However, the Dao shown by Wandong with the help of runes at this time cannot match his own cultivation at all!If Wan Dong's cultivation base is compared to a baby, then the Dao that Wan Dong displayed is a giant, standing upright!

Qi Mengxuan felt particularly strongly about this point!The morality contained in the golden light is so majestic and profound, even far surpassing her master, even the elders of the Jinghai Sect, the elders of the Taishang!

You know, Qi Mengxuan's master is a ninth-rank true immortal, the worst elders of Jinghaizong are all in the earth fairyland, and the elder Taishang has reached the level of the heavenly fairyland.But the Dao Yun that these people can display is not as good as Wan Dong!

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