"Hey! So you also know that this is the Qingyun Empire? I thought you regarded this as the back garden of your Tie Zhan Dynasty! Knowing that this is not your own territory, you are so arrogant. I think you are not only very savage, but also Still stupid!" After saying that, he lifted his foot up and down again, and Jin Sen's other arm was immediately lost.

The pain was so painful that Jin Sen, who was hoarse, couldn't help but see Jin Mu's tragic image, his heart fell into the abyss, and an unstoppable fear spread like crazy weeds in his heart. open.When he thought that he might be like Jin Mu and become a useless person for the rest of his life, this fear became even more difficult to contain.

"Save me...save me!" Jin Sen shuddered a few times, not caring about dignity, and yelled frantically from the audience.

It's a pity, Jin Sen didn't have the spring breeze back then, so where is the autumn rain coming from now?In terms of domineering and arrogance, this Young Master Jin is not inferior to Xu Yaoting at all.Among the students of the Iron War Dynasty at Qingyun College, which one has not felt his power?At this moment, even though Jin Sen shouted and broke his throat, there was not even a single person who stood up.

Wan Dong was really worried at the beginning. With the unity of the Tie Zhan Dynasty, if all the students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty surged up together, there would be hundreds or even thousands of people, it would be really troublesome.But seeing the scene in front of him, Wan Dong's heart completely fell back into his stomach.

"Master Jin, it seems that your popularity is not very good."

Looking at Wan Dong's gloomy smile, Jin Sen was desperate, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes, and said viciously, "Xu Yaoting, kill me if you dare, my Jin family will never let you go. I promise, when you arrive At that time, the entire Qingyun Empire will be plunged into a bloody storm!"

"Really? It's a pity, I just don't believe in evil, I really want to try, after killing you, how will the Iron War Dynasty make the Qingyun Empire bloody!"

If Jin Sen knew that Xu Yaoting had become Wan Dong at this time, he would never use this as a threat.You know, what Wan Dong is thinking about at this time is how to make the Qingyun Empire and the Tiandu Kingdom form an alliance to jointly deal with the rise of the Iron War Dynasty.If the Tie Zhan Dynasty would really become an enemy of the Qingyun Empire because of Jin Sen's death, then he would immediately kill Jin Sen without hesitation. Jin Sen's so-called threat really fell into Wan Dong's hands.

"You..." Hearing Wan Dong's words, Jin Sen wanted to slap himself. Is Xu Yaoting a person who understands the general situation and cares about the overall situation?If so, would he cause so much trouble for Xu Wenchuan?It's no wonder it's useful to talk such nonsense to Xu Yaoting!

But it was useless to Wan Dong, but it was very useful to another person.

Just when Wan Dong was about to take Jin Sen's life, Liu Keer suddenly jumped out with his sword, blocking Wan Dong's palm.

"Liu Ke'er?" Wan Dong frowned slightly.

Liu Ke'er was afraid to look into Wan Dong's eyes, she felt nervous and even a little scared when she saw it, "He's right, you can't kill him."

"Why? Shouldn't a bastard like this deserve to die?"

"Damn it! But he is the young master of the Jin family of the Iron War Dynasty. Even if he dies, he cannot die in the Qingyun Empire, let alone in the hands of the Qingyun Empire."

Unexpectedly, although this Liu Ke'er is a woman, she can have the whole world in her mind and has a big picture. In Wan Dong's view, it is not easy.

Wan Dong is not a person who only has small righteousness but no great righteousness. Once Jin Sen dies, how many people from the Qingyun Empire will be buried with him, Wan Dong knows better than anyone else.But the current Qingyun Empire is like an elephant that can't wake up, the only way to make it wake up is to make him suffer the last time!Only when this elephant wakes up completely, will it be possible to defeat the Iron War Dynasty that has opened its bloody mouth and waved its steel teeth and claws, otherwise the Qingyun Empire will be like a frog in warm water, and be killed alive Boiled to death!

"I don't understand what you said. Jin Sen hurt and insulted my brother, he must be punished!" Wan Dong said in a deep voice with a cold face.

Liu Ke'er glanced at Jin Sen, raised her brows and said, "His arms have been crippled by you, and I'm afraid he will never be able to perform martial arts again. I think the punishment he has suffered is enough."

"Do you think it's enough? Unfortunately, what you say doesn't count!"


"Get out of the way! No matter what, I owe you a favor today. I don't want to embarrass you, and please don't embarrass me."

"Xu Yaoting, you can't just care about your own feelings, you can't implicate more innocent people just to avenge your brother. Even... I beg you, let's stop today, okay?" Liu Ke Her face was full of sincerity, even pleading. From her eyes, Wan Dong could tell that this girl had a heart of great compassion.

After pondering for a few times, Wan Dong still let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I've made up my mind!"

"You..." Full of hope, Liu Ke'er's face showed an uncontrollable anger, and he pulled out his sword with a choke, pointed at Wan Dong's chest, and said firmly, "No matter what, today I will I won't let you kill Jin Sen."

Liu Ke'er's stubbornness made Wan Dong smile wryly, and said in a deep voice, "You have to know that you can't stop me."

"Then what if the three of us are added?" Liu Ke'er's three sisters were very loyal and stood together with Liu Ke'er without hesitation.

Wan Dong didn't want to conflict with Liu Ke'er in his heart, but the current situation seemed to be out of his control.

"Boss, sometimes, there are some things that you know are helpless, but you have to do it!" Wu Yang came over suddenly, and said to Wan Dong with a solemn expression.

Wan Dong turned his head to look at him in a little surprise, Wu Yang nodded slightly at him, with four words clearly written on his face - support!understand!

Wan Dong's heart suddenly vibrated, he really saw Wu Yang right, Wu Yang must have not only understood his inner thoughts, but also had the same views as him.Wan Dong felt that he was no longer alone, and his heart suddenly opened up a lot.

"I'm sorry, I offended you!" Wan Dong's figure suddenly slid forward, heading straight for Liu Ke'er.

Although Liu Ke'er was unwilling to become an enemy of Wan Dong's death, at this time, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.

Witnessing Wan Dong fighting against others, Liu Ke'er already knew that Wan Dong was very powerful, and she was mentally prepared, but when she actually fought Wan Dong at this time, she realized that Wan Dong was better than what she had seen and imagined. The middle one is even stronger.

One after another, the hot energy like a raging fire surged around, almost making it difficult for Liu Ke'er to breathe. The moves that used to be very smooth and smooth, seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, becoming more and more sluggish and awkward, making her depressed. Just wanted to yell...

[Author's digression]: The fifth update is finally out!

Five more tomorrow!

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