Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 170 The feeling of pumping makes people obsessed!

"No! I still believe that God's eyes are open, and the laws of the empire cannot be overridden by any one person!" The humiliation and disappointment did not kill Hu Jingqi. After a while, Hu Jing Qi's expression became firm again.

Although Hu Jingqi doesn't know martial arts, Hu Jingqi's fighting spirit and momentum are not inferior to a martial arts expert, which made Wan Dong secretly admire him.

"Hu Jingqi, I think you are being polite to you because you are upright and upright. Can't you be more sensible? You know, in the eyes of ordinary people, you are a censor. He is a member of the imperial court, but in the eyes of the national teacher, he is not as good as bullshit..."

"Qu Sanping, if you are really capable, kill me today! If you can't kill me, as long as I have a breath, I will definitely bring you gangsters to justice! Not only you, but also the national teacher, I I also want to participate!"

"Master Qu, this guy is probably crazy, why not follow his wish and send him on his way!" Blast Xionghuo took out a sharp knife from his pocket and said viciously.

Qu Sanping frowned slightly, beheading the censor in the street, this matter is big or small, if it is not a last resort, he is not willing to add such trouble to the national teacher.But look at Hu Jingqi again, facing the sharp knife in Baoxiong's hand, he didn't even frown, so stubborn, trying to convince him, I'm afraid it will be harder than ascending to the sky.

"No! Mr. Hu, our old couple are already on the verge of death. We must not let a good official like you die for us. If so, even if we go to the underworld, we will not be at ease!" Old Yang saw Suddenly, he yelled loudly, held Hu Jingqi's arm tightly, and said with tears in his eyes.

"Old man, you..." Old Yang's words made Qu Sanping slightly taken aback.

Old Yang looked at his wife and sighed, "Old lady, we... let's admit it and give them the house deed."

The tears in the old woman's eyes suddenly surged into a river, and the sadness and despair made many people present couldn't help crying.Even though there was a lot of reluctance, the old woman nodded.

With the approval of his wife, the old man tremblingly took out a slightly yellowed house deed from his underwear.

When Bao Xiong saw it, his eyes lit up immediately, and said, "cao! If I knew this old guy had hidden the house deed on him, why bother?"

"Hehe... Old Mr. Yang, if you had brought it out earlier, how could you have suffered such a crime? Hu Yushi, who will not be involved, was also slapped." Qu Sanping also smiled happily. With the deed, he finally You can make a mission to the national teacher.

"No! If you give them the house deed, then the law of heaven will really disappear." Hu Jingqi shouted and said.

"Master Tiger, forget it, the power of the national teacher is so great, we can't beat him. If this thing is gone, it will be gone. Master Hu, you are the best official in our Qingyun Empire, you can't just because of this one The small house deed ruined the last blue sky of our Qingyun Empire."

"Old man, I..." Hearing what old boss Yang said, an indescribable sense of aggrieved and sorrow filled Hu Jingqi's heart.

Hu Jingqi has always adhered to four words - the principle of heaven!law!He has always believed that as long as he sticks to these four words, there is nothing impossible in this world.But today, he discovered that these four words are so fragile and vulnerable to the word 'power'.

"If I can't even keep you safe and sound, then what's the use of keeping this piece of blue sky?" Amidst grief and anger, Hu Jingqi's complexion turned livid little by little.He suddenly snatched the house deed from Old Yang's hand, hid it in his arms, stared at Qu Sanping, Bao Xiong and the others with eyes full of anger and fear, and shouted: "The house deed is on me, if you want to take it away, unless I am dead!"

"Cao! It's really toasting and not eating fine wine! I will beat you to death today, and see if someone can collect your body for you!" The bear's patience reached the limit, and he shouted angrily, and raised his fist to respect the tiger rushed over.

Looking at the ferocity and murderous look on Bao Xiong's face, it seems that he really has murderous intentions.

Hu Jingqi is Hu Yue's father, and also someone Wan Dong admires from the bottom of his heart, how can he be wrong?At this time, even if Hu Jingqi angrily reprimanded him again, he will make a move.

The five fingers spread out like a big cattail fan, and they slapped the explosive bear with a bang.

It's ridiculous that Burst Bear's mind and eyes are all thinking about beating Hu Jingqi up, and he didn't expect that at this juncture, a big evil star has already targeted him.

Bao Xiong's fist was still an arm's length away from Hu Jingqi, and there was a gust of wind in the oblique stab, Bao Xiong didn't even have a chance to dodge, Wan Dong's big cattail leaf fan ruthlessly imprinted on his cheek .

"Oops!" Pao Xiong let out a scream immediately, and his stout figure of nearly two hundred catties, as if being pushed by a bulldozer, retreated more than ten steps in a row.

Not long after coming to Qingyun Empire, Wan Dong found that he seemed to be more and more obsessed with the feeling of pumping people, just one word - so cool!

"Which bastard is it, dare to hit me?" Explosive Bear spat out a mouthful of blood, half of his teeth were loose, his heart was full of annoyance, and he roared hysterically.

"Master, me!" Wan Dong snorted coldly, and his figure exploded again. Bao Xiong didn't even have a chance to react, and the other cheek was hit again.

This time it was even more ruthless, Wan Dong slapped down, and Bao Xiong rose into the air, rolled several times in the air, and hit the ground with a bang.Half of the teeth that were already loose fell out, and the remaining half became loose again.

Wan Dong's two slaps are beyond the reach of ordinary people.No matter how rough the bear was, it was completely blinded at this time, lying on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Who are you?" Although Bao Xiong is just a gangster, he has also practiced, and his cultivation has reached the second level of true energy. At this time, he didn't even see his face clearly, so he was killed by him. Qu Sanping's heart suddenly sank when the two big-eared melon seeds fell to the ground, until a master came.

Relying on the power of the national teacher, Qu Sanping is not afraid of Hu Jingqi, the censor who only has the right to advise but has no real power, but he is afraid of those reckless masters with unique knowledge.Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. This has been the case since ancient times.They killed you, patted your ass and left, no matter how powerful the national teacher is, can he bring you back to life?

"Xu Yaoting!?" As soon as Qu Sanping finished speaking, Hu Jingqi's exclamation sounded.

Hu Jingqi's exclamation made Qu Sanping's heart jump wildly. The name Xu Yaoting was not so loud in Yunzhong City.Although only one out of ten people may have seen Xu Yaoting's real face, at least nine of them have heard of Xu Yaoting's name.Well, it's so thunderous, Xu Yaoting was quite proud of it before!

[Author's digression]: The second update!

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