"Old Mr. Yang, stop joking, how could I be willing to kill you? If I kill you, where can I find the deed?" Master Qu smiled cruelly.

"Old thing, wake me up!" Burst Xiong pursed his lips, slapped the old woman's face hard, and the old woman who had fallen into a coma immediately opened her eyes in pain.

"You...you..." An old man who is already seven or eighty years old, how can he stand such a toss?At this time, he was weak and almost only breathed out.

"Old thing, that old guy, I would rather you die than hand over the house deed. I have no choice but to send you on your way. If you blame it, blame that old guy, but don't blame us!" Burst Bear grinned , Raising a big fist while making a gesture.

"Stop!" A shout full of anger suddenly sounded, causing Wan Dong, who was about to make a move, to pause.

Looking up, I saw a middle-aged Confucian scholar striding over with furrowed brows and an expression of indignation.Wan Dong couldn't help being taken aback, "Tiger Jingqi?"

"In broad daylight, the universe is clear, you can do such a cruel thing, in your eyes, is there still the law of heaven, and the law?"

Hu Jingqi's righteous reprimand made Wan Dong unable to help but laugh. This is Hu Jingqi's style. , once he touches it, it must be taken care of.

Now that Hu Jingqi has come forward, I believe that this person surnamed Qu will restrain himself, so Wan Dong shrinks his figure back.There's no way, Hu Jingqi doesn't like to see Xu Yaoting very much, it's better not to get scolded if it's okay.

"Ha! I didn't expect that someone would dare to come out to stand in the way! Bastard, are you tired of living?" Bao Xiong didn't know Hu Jingqi, so he walked towards Hu Jingqi with his sleeves rolled up, looking very angry. .

"Stop the bear!" The bear didn't know Hu Jingqi, but Master Qu seemed to know him. He frowned and stopped the bear.

"Hehe... Hu Yushi, little Qu Sanping, I greet you!" Qu Sanping saluted Hu Jingqi with a smile on his face.

Hu Jingqi frowned, squinted at Qu Sanping and asked, "Do you know this Yushi?"

"I know each other, Qu Mou was lucky enough to witness Hu Yushi's demeanor at the National Teacher's Mansion!"

"Hmph! No wonder you recognize me. It turns out that I am the guest of the Master of the State Teacher. Tell me, what's going on? With so many of you, don't you think it's too much for a pair of old people to fight each other?"

Qu Sanping laughed a few times, made a look of aggrieved, and said, "There is nothing we can do. These two old bastards are very tricky. They took the money, but they still insist on occupying the tea shop. We have repeatedly tried to persuade them. But they just didn't listen, and we had no choice but to make such a bad move, just to frighten them..."

"Shut up! Do you think this censor is a fool and will let you talk nonsense here? Let me tell you, this censor has come here once, and I will see everything clearly. A few pieces of gold, just If you want to buy someone else's tea shop, you, Qu Sanping, are the only ones who can do business in this world?"

Old man Yang and his wife, although they didn't know how high officials the censor was, but seeing Hu Jingqi scolding Qu Sanping so angrily, they must be powerful people. The old couple rushed forward as if they had seen a savior. Hu Jingqi was hugged from left to right, and begged loudly.

Hu Jingqi's face was full of unbearable, he hurriedly helped the old couple up one by one, and said, "You two old people, don't worry, since this matter has happened to me, I will take care of it to the end. Today, I will take care of it for the master. You're done!"

"Ha! I thought you were such a big official, but it turns out that you are just a mere censor, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?" Explosive Xiong sneered from the side.

This time, Qu Sanping didn't stop drinking, with a gloomy and uncertain expression.

"What did you say? I'm a mere imperial censor, what are you? Street gangsters, dare to insult the court order officer like this, I want to ask, who gave you the guts?" Hu Jingqi couldn't bear it To bear such contempt?With a loud shout, he rushed to the front of the explosive bear in a few steps.

Hu Jingqi's official prestige was accompanied by a sense of uprightness. This angry rebuke and accusation made the vicious Baoxiong change slightly, revealing a guilty conscience.

"Hu Yushi, I might as well explain it to you. This tea shop is the one that the National Teacher has taken a fancy to. I advise Hu Yushi not to intervene, so as not to cause trouble for yourself!" Qu Sanping said coldly. said coldly.

"That's unreasonable! You think I, Hu Jingqi, are the cowardly and fearful people, and it's ridiculous to use the national teacher to suppress me! I might as well explain it to you, let alone you, such as eagle claws and canine teeth, jumping on the beam and clown, even It is the national teacher here, and I will take care of this matter to the end!"

"You don't have to drink a toast!" Hu Jingqi's fierce words obviously angered Qu Sanping, and his complexion suddenly became gloomy.

"What did you say?" Hu Jingqi obviously didn't expect that Qu Sanping would say such words, and his face became more and more angry.

"What? Say you deserve a beating!"

Before Qu Sanping could answer, the explosive bear on the side took a few steps, rushed forward, slapped Hu Jingqi hard on the cheek.With a crisp and bright sound, Hu Jingqi staggered, half of his cheeks swelled up rapidly, and the corner of his mouth also cracked, and blood flowed profusely.

"You...you..." Hu Jingqi was stunned immediately, his face was full of humiliation and disbelief, he, the censor, was beaten by a gangster in the street, which made Hu Jingqi really die I have my heart.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded, the arrogance of this national teacher was too arrogant.

"How dare you beat the censor? It's the opposite, it's the opposite! This censor is going to arrest you...all of you!" Hu Jingqi came back to his senses, roaring repeatedly, and happened to see , a pair of patrol officers passed by and immediately shouted at them, "I am Hu Jingqi Hu Yushi, and I order you to arrest these treacherous thieves immediately!"

Hu Jingqi yelled hoarsely, but the patrolling yamen guards just glanced at this side, as if they didn't hear it, and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"Bastard! Are you all deaf? This censor is Hu Jingqi..." Seeing this situation, Hu Jingqi's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and he roared again, but the patrol team, But he never even looked back.

"Hu Yushi, you should be a smart person. The power of the national teacher is far beyond your imagination. If you offend him, there will be no good fruit to eat. How about this, you leave immediately, today's matter, I can pretend that it never happened, and I will not report it to the National Teacher."

"Power, power again! Can power cover up the laws of heaven?" Hu Jingqi looked up to the sky and asked with grief and indignation.

Qu Sanping shook his head, with a sneer full of contempt on his face, as if mocking Hu Jingqi's childishness and innocence...

[Author's digression]: Today's fifth watch is late, sorry sorry!

Some students said that it is not pleasant to watch one update after another, so let's change it.Today's fifth update, the first three updates will be posted together, and the last two updates will be released before [-] o'clock, and then they will be released together!

Hope you all enjoy reading!

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