"Master Qu, inside..." Old man Yang, who was begging Master Qu bitterly, became anxious when he saw this situation, let go of Master Qu, and rushed into the tea shop.

Master Qu's eyes sharpened, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it. Old man Yang hadn't walked a few steps before he was pulled back by Master Qu.

"Let go of me, I want to go in, my wife..." Old man Yang shouted, struggling hard, but with his age and old body, he was no match for Master Qu, so he kept struggling Panting, his face was blue, and he never moved a step.

"Old man Yang, don't be ignorant! If you make Qu Mou anxious, I'll set fire to your bird tea shop. When the time comes, let's see what you two old bastards will do!"

"You..." Looking at Master Qu with a sinister face, old man Yang burst into tears.

"Damn old woman, get out!" While speaking, there was an angry shout from the tea shop, a man with beard, round waist and thick neck, as fierce as a butcher, dragged a white-haired old woman to the sack Like dragged out of the tea shop.Seeing that the old woman's forehead was covered with blood, she was obviously injured.After only screaming a few times, he passed out completely.

He took the old woman out of the tea shop and fell heavily on the ground. The ferocious man still refused to give up and spat at the old woman fiercely. Then he clapped his hands and walked towards Master Qu.

"Old woman!" Seeing this situation, the old man uttered a hysterical cry, and staggered forward.

This time, Master Qu didn't stop him, snorted, and watched him holding his wife and weeping bitterly.

"Master Qu, almost all the rags in the tea shop were lost, but the deed was not found."

"What? Are you sure you've searched everywhere?" Master Qu raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

The butcher nodded heavily, and said bitterly, "I think it's most likely hidden by these two old things."

Master Qu hummed, and said with a gloomy face, "Without the deed, we can't do the job." Saying this, Master Qu gave the butcher a stern look. It was very clear, and he understood what he meant at once.He sneered a few times, and strode up to the old man who was crying and almost passed out.

"You... you bastards who cannibalize people and don't spit out bones, you will definitely suffer retribution!"

"Damn old thing, it's really a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard!" The man showed a fierce look, raised his palm and slapped Old Yang's head hard on the face.Old Yangtou didn't have a few teeth left, but this slap broke two or three of them immediately, and he vomited a stream of blood from his mouth, with a painful and stern expression on his face.I don't know if this bastard was born by his parents, his heart is really not ordinary vicious.

"Burst bear, what are you doing, you can't be so rude to an old man! You don't care about your own reputation, don't you care about the reputation of the master of the country?" Master Qu walked over and said His righteous words are strict, but the expression on his face reveals a wretchedness that makes Wan Dong sick.

Coming in front of Old Man Yang, Master Qu leaned over to check the old woman's breath, and said with a smile, "Lao Yang, don't worry, your wife just passed out, not dead yet."

"You bloody beasts, even if I die, I won't hand over the deed to you!" The rabbit bites someone in a hurry, let alone the desperate old man Yang, who is already cornered. anger, a pair of eyes, red as blood.

"Old man, I..." Explosive Bear's temper was really explosive, and Huo De raised his fist high again.But at this moment, old man Yang seemed to be a different person, without a trace of fear on his face, he just hugged his wife tightly, never dodging, let alone begging for mercy.

Master Qu frowned, stopped Bao Xiong's fist, and said in a deep voice, "Old man Yang, you took the money from the master of the state, but you didn't hand over the house deed. Doesn't make sense?"

"Master Guoshi's money is here, and I will return it all to you. Get out immediately!" Old man Yang took out a few ingots of gold from his bosom, about five or sixty taels, and threw them all at Master Qu.

There was a lot of discussion around these ingots of gold.

The area where the tea shop is located is located in the center of Cloud City, and the area is very prosperous.For a shop as big as a tea shop, the annual rent is more than five or sixty taels.And the one surnamed Qu actually wanted to buy the entire tea shop for five or sixty taels. Is there anyone in this world who bullies people like this?

Hearing the discussions around him, Master Qu's complexion became even uglier, and his voice became even colder. "Old man Yang, what do you mean? Are you taking the money as soon as you say it, and refunding it as soon as you say it?"

"My surname is Qu, how did I accept the money at that time, you know in your heart? Three days ago, you came to my tea shop, put down these ingots of gold and left without saying a word. I have been going to you every day for the past three days. My family came to look for you and wanted to return the gold to you, but you asked the servant to block the door and refused to let me in. I was so anxious that you even asked the servant to beat me up! Folks Ladies, look!"

The more old man Yang said, the more indignant he became, he suddenly tore off his shirt, and immediately, the whole scene erupted.

I saw that old man Yang's chest and back were all covered with bruises, and there was hardly any normal skin color visible.Stick wounds, palm wounds, and even a few shocking welts, all intertwined together, is more than just a tragic word.

The crowd suddenly burst into anger, and even a few bold people directed at Master Qu and the others, scolding loudly.

"Hmph! I've lived enough, right? Do you know who I'm working for? Listen up your dog ears. I'm here to confiscate this tea shop under the order of the National Teacher! The National Teacher My lord, you don’t know, you are the next emperor of Qingyun Empire! You are making trouble here, do you want to die?”

Master Qu's stern reprimand had some effect. The already agitated crowd quickly quieted down as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on them.Since ancient times, the people have not fought with officials, let alone the future emperor?Even if the resentment in people's hearts is difficult to calm down, they have to endure it forcibly.

Shocking the crowd, the surname Qu also completely lost his patience, and suddenly strangled old man Yang's neck, and said sharply, "The matter has reached this point, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you anymore! Do you want to die or want this piece of broken tea?" shop!?"

"If you want to kill, kill it! Anyway, I have lived such a long time, it is enough!"

"Okay! I didn't expect you to be so old! Burst bear, bury this old woman for me first!"

"Okay!" A cruel smile appeared on Bao Xiong's face, he rushed forward and grabbed the unconscious old woman from the ground.

"What are you going to do, let her go! You want to kill me!" Lao Yang panicked when he saw Bao Xiong go towards his wife, and shouted repeatedly.

[Author's digression]: The fifth update is finally out, and everyone has been waiting for a long time, it's a sin to fly!

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