Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 167 The National Teacher has taken a fancy to the tea shop!

Jin Sen was so frightened that he looked like a bear about to piss. Compared with Wan Dong, Song Yanhe shook his head.It's still the eighth in the Qingyun list. Compared with here, it's not even a fart.He waved to those dumb and silly Iron War Dynasty students under the stage, and shouted impatiently, "Take him and these people back!"

With Song Yanhe's order, the students of the Tie Zhan Dynasty dared to come to the stage, but no one dared to get too close to Wan Dong, and his trembling appearance was quite funny.

"Boy, I don't care what grudges you have with Jin Sen, as long as Jin Sen is in the martial arts academy, you are not allowed to touch him, let alone kill him!" Song Yanhe warned Wan Dong very seriously. .

"What if the junior doesn't follow?" Wan Dong took a long breath and asked quietly.

"Then I will abolish you now!" Song Yanhe burst into a rage, this kid didn't take him as the chief instructor too seriously.

"Yao Ting!" Wu Daozi hastily winked at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong sighed softly, bowed and said, "Yes! This junior obeys orders!"

"Okay, that's the end of this matter! Brother Song, we haven't seen each other for a long time, how about going for a drink together?" It was rare for Wan Dong to bow his head, and Wu Daozi hurriedly said haha.

"I'm so angry with this kid, you're still drinking!" Song Yanhe put down these words, unwilling to stay for a moment, and fled away, even ignoring Liu Ke'er's call.

Wu Daozi couldn't help but punched Wan Dong's shoulder, and said with a smile, "You kid is really kind, even Song Yanhe dares to refute it."

Wan Dong shook his head, sighed and said, "It's a pity that Jin Sen escaped. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to kill him in the future."

"Why are you like this? It's too narrow to disregard the entire empire for the sake of your own hatred! No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can't be called a hero!" Liu Ke'er raged at Wan Dong shouted.

Wan Dong felt a little depressed, he glanced at Liu Ke'er, he didn't bother to argue with her, he turned and left silently.

"You..." Wan Dong's back made Liu Ke'er both annoyed and helpless, stomping her feet non-stop.

"Boss, why did your cultivation become so powerful? And Wu Yang, where did you learn that sharp swordsmanship? I think it's not easy even for me to beat you." Wan Dong Walking down the stage with Wu Yang, Ling'er supported Hu Yue, and hurried up to meet him, Hu Yue couldn't hide his excitement and asked repeatedly.

"Hey... who told you to spend your time picking up girls? In two days, I can completely trample you under my feet. When the time comes, why don't you obediently call me second brother?" After listening to Hu Yue If so, Wu Yang is very proud.

Wan Dong patted Hu Yue's shoulder, and said, "Little Tiger, when you recover from your injuries, I will pass on this set of sword techniques to you as well. Your aptitude is better than Wu Yang's, and you are willing to work harder than Wu Yang. In a few days, you will be able to overtake him. At that time, who will step on whom, or you have the final say!"

"Boss, are you so eccentric?" Wu Yang suddenly couldn't laugh, and cried.

Wan Dong and Hu Yue looked at each other and laughed in unison.

"Then what about me, boss, can you teach me too?" Ling'er approached eagerly.

"As long as you are willing to learn, of course I will teach!" Wan Dong has a good impression of Ling'er, especially when he sees the blood stain on the corner of her mouth that has not been wiped off, he is happy for Huyue from the bottom of his heart, and also He really regarded Ling'er as his younger brother and sister.

"I am willing, I am willing to learn!" Ling'er nodded in haste, the smile on her face was as bright as a summer flower.

Seeing that the matter was over, Wu Daozi was relieved, gave Wan Dong a few more instructions, and left in a hurry.

Huyue and Ling'er's injuries were not very serious, and Wan Dong used Dao Qi to heal them, and the injuries were almost healed.

"Wu Yang, you can send Xiaohu and Ling'er back to rest."

"What about you, boss, aren't you with us?" Wu Yang asked in surprise.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I'm in a bad mood and want to go for a walk. Besides, Xiaohu's father doesn't like me very much. If I go, it's very likely that Xiaohu will be hurt."

Huyue's father, Hu Jingqi, really doesn't like to see Xu Yaoting very much. As a censor, Hu Jingqi is upright and upright. Xu Wenchuan often had headaches.

Hearing what Wan Dong said, Hu Yue felt very guilty, and said, "Boss, that's my father, he doesn't understand you..."

Wan Dong waved his hand, interrupted Hu Yue, and said, "Xiaohu, your father is the best official I have ever met. If Qingyun Empire still has a last hope, it must be because Qingyun Empire still looks a little like your father." Such a good official. I never blamed your father, let alone you, so you don't have to feel guilty at all. "

"Boss..." Hu Yue felt a little sour in his heart.

Wan Dong cheered up, and said with a smile, "Go back!"

Looking at the figures of Wu Yang, Hu Yue, and Ling'er who were drifting away, the melancholy in Wan Dong's heart became more intense.

Walking out of Qingyun Martial Arts Academy, Wan Dong subconsciously walked in the direction of Mianpu. He hadn't seen Sister Yemei and Yue Zhong for a few days, and he didn't know if their injuries were any better.Thinking of these, Wan Dong's pace became much faster.

"Sin, how can you do this?"

"That's right, old couples are all 80 or [-] years old, and they have no place to settle down. Doesn't this make them die?"

"Hush~~~ Keep your voice down, you don't want to live anymore? You have offended the national teacher, and you don't even know how you died? Hey, but old boss Yang is really pitiful..."

Not long after Wan Dong left, there was a sudden burst of discussion in front of him deliberately lowering his voice, which immediately pulled Wan Dong's attraction towards him.

Looking up, a group of people surrounded a small tea shop, and the discussion was coming from there.Wan Dong frowned, and leaned forward.

"Master Qu, I can't, Master Qu. Without this tea shop, we old couple will have nowhere to go. How will we live? Master Qu..."

Squeezing through the crowd, Wan Dong immediately saw an old man in his 70s, who was hugging a middle-aged man dressed in fancy clothes with an arrogant expression, crying and begging loudly.

The old man's hair was gray and messy, his figure was thin and frail, and his clothes were thin, so he couldn't help shivering in the wind.Compared with the bloated Mr. Qu, he seemed to be a person from two worlds, which made one feel desolate.

"Old Mr. Yang, it is your luck that the Master of the National Teacher has taken a fancy to this tea shop of yours, and the Master of the National Teacher has already given you gold. The world is so big, where are you old couples? Can't you go? I advise you not to make trouble anymore, otherwise you will be overwhelmed!" Master Qu said coldly.

"Don't smash it, don't smash it!" Master Qu and Mr. Yang were talking, when suddenly there was a thunderclap in the tea shop, the porcelain shattered, the tables and chairs collapsed, and there were several pictures in succession. The broken table was thrown out of the tea shop.

[Author's digression]: Today's writing is not going well. If you have any comments on this book, or a good plot, if you don't mind the trouble, you can send a letter to my mailbox[email protected].

Brainstorming will be of great help to Feiwu!

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