Song Yanhe is not an ordinary person, the entire Qingyun Martial Academy almost respects him.Not only is his cultivation level hard to find in the world, but he is also the only person in the Qingyun Empire who can be compared with Xu Wenchuan in terms of military merit.Later, Xu Wenchuan left the army and assisted Bai Zhenshan in governing the world. Song Yanhe also handed over his iron cavalry to young people and transferred them to Qingyun Martial Arts Academy to teach and preach.The prestige of these two people can be said to be generally resounding in the entire Qingyun Empire.

"Huh! Brat, it's only now that I think about sex. Isn't it too late?" Song Yanhe's brows and eyes were slightly slanted, and his eyes were dark, intending to put some pressure on Wan Dong.

However, what Song Yanhe didn't expect was that when his coercion approached Wandong, there was an aura that should not be underestimated, which forced his coercion to resist.Of course Song Yanhe didn't use all his strength, but he was quite objective. At least in Song Yanhe's impression, looking at the young talents in the entire Qingyun Empire, no one could resist his oppression to such a degree.Song Yanhe couldn't help being greatly surprised, the kid in front of him was quite different from the rumors.

"Respecting the teacher and respecting the elders is etiquette. What do you say sooner or later?" The coercion from Song Yanhe made Wan Dong's heart tremble, and he shouted bad luck.Although Song Yanhe is the chief instructor of the martial arts academy, he doesn't often walk around in the martial arts academy. He didn't expect to be bumped into by him today, and it happened to be such a critical moment. What is it if it is not bad luck?

Wan Dong's expression was calm, his words were calm, and he was not nervous at all, which made Song Yanhe's eyes light up, and he thought to himself, "It is said that there is a libertine in the Xu family, and Xu Wenchuan's life's fame will eventually be ruined by this kid. It seems that, The rumors are not credible."

"Respect the teacher, respect the eldest relative, said it beautifully, but just now, you ignored the old man's yelling, and even rebelled against the old man. How do you explain this? Do you think Relying on Xu Wenchuan's power, you can do whatever you want, then the old man might as well tell you, you have made a mistake!" Song Yanhe's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he stared straight at Wan Dong, wondering if Wan Dong was just pretending? , even if there is a slight change, it will be exposed.

Not to mention Song Yanhe's cultivation and power, his identity and status alone are enough to make most people tremble in front of him, let alone Song Yanhe at this time, still looks fierce and stern Well, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have gone limp and slipped to the ground.

Wan Dong rubbed his nose, frowned slightly and said, "This junior has no intention of offending senior, it seems that senior attacked junior first..."

Although Wan Dong's voice was not loud, it was enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

"What!?" Liu Ke'er couldn't help but exclaimed, and stared at Wan Dong with a pair of almond eyes. Is this guy crazy?Want to rebel?Don't want to live anymore?How dare you speak to Song Yanhe like this, isn't this too lawless?

Not only Liu Ke'er, but everyone around him gasped, looking at Wan Dong more and more like looking at a monster.

"This brat is really kind!" Even Wu Daozi had to be convinced by Wan Dong, shaking his head and muttering.

"You...are you accusing the old man?" Song Yanhe trembled all over, as if no one had dared to stroke his beard like this for a long time.

"How dare this junior? This junior just wanted to tell senior that this junior didn't intend to confront senior, but out of helplessness. Senior's skill is powerful and his palms are as strong as waves, so this junior can't sit still and wait for death, can he?"

"You..." Song Yanhe couldn't help being taken aback for a moment. Unexpectedly, Wan Dong was not only astonishingly cultivated, but also astonishingly courageous. He also had an astonishingly thick skin.He didn't even mention his bastard act of intending to kill someone in the martial arts academy, but instead accused Song Yanhe of making a surprise attack on a junior like him.

"Hahaha...Brother Song, adults don't count villains, I think today's matter, let's just expose it like this." Wu Daozi had to show up, and if he didn't show up again, Wan Dong could really fight Song Yanhe.This kid is really too courageous, once he recognizes Shi Lier, no one will pay attention to him.

"Brother Wu?" Seeing Wu Daozi, Song Yanhe's expression immediately softened a lot.One is the chief of the Martial Academy, and the other is the chief of the Formation Academy. In name, the two have equal status.Although Wu Daozi's cultivation was far inferior to Song Yanhe's, Wu Daozi's achievements in the formation were also beyond Song Yanhe's reach.Moreover, the two had teamed up in battle back then, cooperating with each other and defeating the million-strong army of the Iron War Dynasty. This made the friendship between the two in private very good.In short, Song Yanhe must give Wu Daozi face.

"Come on, Brother Song, let me introduce you..." Wu Daozi pulled Wan Dong over.

Song Yanhe snorted softly, curled his lips and said, "No need to introduce, I know this kid, Xu Yaoting, Xu Wenchuan's bastard grandson!"

Wu Daozi smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Wu only knows that this kid is Xu Yaoting, the grandson of Xu Wenchuan. I'm afraid you don't know, but he is the only disciple under my name?"

"What? Brother Wu, you actually accepted this kid as a disciple. Why, don't you worry that your reputation in your life will be ruined by this kid?"

"Oh? Brother Song, do you really think I need to worry?" Wu Daozi looked at Song Yanhe with a smile and asked back.

Song Yanhe frowned, his expression a little unnatural.

Seeing this, Wu Daozi immediately smiled again.Who is Song Yanhe, who doesn't even have the ability to know people?

"This kid is a good guy, but he's too hostile. If this goes on like this, it's hard not to fall into the devil's way." Wu Daozi also had a slightly smug expression, which made Song Yanhe feel uncomfortable for a while, even if he was irrational, I also want to say a few words to Wan Dong.

The face of the elders is not easy to refute as a junior, and Wan Dong really doesn't want to get into trouble with Song Yanhe, so it won't do him any good!

"Yes, what brother Song taught me is that I will urge this kid to improve."

"Your disciple, you have your own way of teaching, so I can't comment on it. Well, for Brother Wu's sake today, I'll pretend nothing happened."

"Then he..." Wan Dong was still a little unwilling, and pointed at Jin Sen.

Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Song Yanhe raised his white eyebrows fiercely, and said sharply, "Why, you kid still insist on killing people in front of the old man today?"

Wan Dong couldn't help sighing, it seems that today is Jin Sen's lucky day.

"Xu Yaoting, please remember this young master. Today's business is not over. One day, I will tear your body into thousands of pieces, and you will be ashamed of today!" With Song Yanhe escorting him, Jin Sen suddenly became ruthless Son, yelled at Wan Dong, gnashing his teeth.

"Shut up!" Before Xu Yaoting could speak, Song Yanhe roared angrily, and glanced at Jin Sen with disgust in his eyes.

How could Jin Sen bear Song Yanhe's power, his face turned pale, and he obediently closed his mouth...

[Author's digression]: The third update!

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