"Hahaha..." Hu Jingqi was very happy, and his laughter was hearty.

Wan Dong turned to look at Qu Sanping, frowned, and said displeasedly, "What are you still doing, 1000 taels?"

"Oh oh oh, here I am, here I am!" Qu Sanping hurriedly agreed, and took out a lot of gold tickets from his bosom, and only took one out of them, which was a total of 1000 taels.Wan Dong was stunned to see that Qu Sanping was so rich just by working for the National Teacher. It seems that it is not an exaggeration at all to say that the National Teacher is richer than the country.

After receiving the golden ticket, Wan Dong handed it to Mr. Yang, saying, "Old man, please keep it."

Old Mr. Yang didn't dare to pick it up, turned his head to look at Hu Jingqi, Hu Jingqi snorted, and said, "The national teacher has a lot of money, don't waste it! It's good for your two elders to take it in case of emergency."

Wan Dong nodded, secretly happy in his heart, Hu Jingqi is also enlightened!

After collecting the gold ticket, Hu Jingqi carefully supported the old couple, turned and left.Seeing Hu Jingqi's cautious appearance, it was as if Lao Yang and his wife were really his biological parents.This man is upright and kind-hearted, but now he is only a small censor, which is really embarrassing.

After sending Hu Jingqi away, Qu Sanping couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, for fear that Hu Jingqi's stinky temper would recur, and something unexpected would happen.In comparison, although Young Master Xu is sharp and tough, he is clever, and on the contrary, he is easier to deal with than Hu Jingqi's 'stepping stone in the latrine'.

"Hehe...Master Xu, what happened today is really..." Qu Sanping smiled guiltily.

Wan Dong waved his hand and said, "Actually, you are also working for the National Teacher, and I won't blame you. Since this matter is over, let him go with the wind, and everyone will just pretend that nothing happened."

"Yes, yes, Young Master Xu is right!" Qu Sanping was very happy when he heard it, and hurriedly said, "If Young Master Xu has any orders in the future, just tell him, Qu will go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate to do so."

Wan Dong rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Mr. Qu really told me, I really have something to do, and I want to ask Mr. Qu for help."

"Oh? I don't know what it is, Young Master Xu, but it's okay!"

Wan Dong glanced at the bustling crowd around him, pulled Qu Sanping to a secluded corner, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Qu, don't you run a pawnshop? I just happen to have a treasure on hand, and I want you to help me take a look. By the way Get some golden flowers from you. Hehe..."

"Master Xu is joking! You are the only grandson of King Dingshan, so don't you still need money?"

Wan Dong looked bitter, and said, "It's not like you don't know, my old man is a typical example of wanting to save face and suffer. Every year, such a small imperial salary is not enough to support a large family. How can I have spare money for me? "

King Dingshan's reputation and sternness are known all over the world.Even if someone wanted to give a gift, they would never dare to send it to King Dingshan's mansion. Qu Sanping knew this well.Hearing Wan Dong's complaint, he didn't doubt it, but showed sympathy.You know, in Yunzhong City, not to mention the grandson of a prince, even the son of a bullshit Zhima official, that is also a lot of gold, and the flowers can't be spent.

"If Young Master Xu is short of money, you don't need to bother. I have it here, and Young Master Xu just spend it!" Today, Qu Sanping saw Wan Dong's power, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel affectionate.He took out a large handful of gold tickets from his bosom, and at a glance, he was not old or young, and there must be more than ten thousand taels.

"No, no, if my old man finds out about this, my ass will rot for three days. Besides, just this little is not enough."

"Not enough?" Qu Sanping was taken aback for a moment.

Wan Dong hummed, and said with a sad face, "To tell the truth, Mr. Qu, I've been really unlucky recently. I lost a million taels of gold, and the creditors are about to come to my door. I'm almost worried to death."

"Bai Lai... Ten thousand...Two?" Qu Sanping couldn't help shivering, thinking to himself, this Young Master Xu will not be regarded as a winner, right?

"Hahaha...Look at your virtue, I don't ask you for it, you are so nervous!"

"No, what did Young Master Xu say, Qumou... Qumou is not that kind of stingy person, hehe..."

Wan Dong smiled and said: "I have a treasure on hand, it is a magic weapon, it can cut iron like mud, and it will be beneficial everywhere. I want to show it to you, use it as collateral, and exchange it for a few million taels. With you, Master Qu, there should be no problem, right?"

"A few million taels?" Qu Sanping frowned. What kind of magic weapon would it be worth this amount? "

"Don't worry! I won't cheat you, as long as you have seen my magical weapon, you will be satisfied with it."

Seeing that Wan Dong is full of confidence, Qu Sanping is somewhat skeptical.But the problem is, if such a big deal falls into his hands today, even if they want to forcefully blackmail him, would he dare to refuse?

"Okay! Since it's Young Master Xu's help, Qu has no reason not to help."

"Hahaha... Refreshing! In this way, I will send the things to the pawn shop tomorrow, and you prepare the golden ticket in advance." Wan Dong patted Qu Sanping on the shoulder and said with a loud smile.

"Of course, of course! Qu is waiting for Master Xu! It's just...Master Xu, today's matter..."

"What happened today, I... I forgot, hahaha..."


From Lao Yang's tea shop, after turning a few turns, we arrived at the noodle shop opened by sister Ye Ling.

Far away, Wan Dong saw a group of fully armed soldiers, hundreds of them, patrolling back and forth, with their eyes flicking to the front from time to time. Will rush forward without hesitation.

Wan Dong was very satisfied with this, Wu Jinhun was really straightforward and never dragged his feet.

"I don't know how Yue Zhong's injuries are?" Wan Dong thought in his heart, and walked to the noodle shop.

The noodle shop's business was not good, only a few people were eating noodles inside, and Ye Ling and Ye Mei were sitting behind the counter, and they seemed to be talking in a low voice.

"Ahem... Boss, here's a bowl of shredded pork noodles with vegetables!" Wan Dong shouted, clearing his throat.

"Come on, wait a moment..." Ye Mei stood up hastily while responding, and when she turned her head, seeing it was Wan Dong, her voice froze immediately, and then a great surprise rippled through her heart. "Brother!"

Accompanied by a crisp call full of joy, Ye Mei threw herself into Wan Dong's arms like a swiftlet returning to its nest.

"Hehe...Little girl, why don't you go soliciting business and chatting, do you want to go hungry!" Wan Dong gently stroked Ye Mei's beautiful hair, and said with a smile.

"With you as a young master brother, I don't have to worry about being hungry!" Ye Mei raised her neck, and the smile on her face was brighter than Chunguang.

"Well, you little girl, I haven't seen you for a few days, you've lost your studies." Wan Dong lightly scratched Ye Mei's delicate nose, and his laughter became more hearty.

[Author's digression]: The last three chapters are coming!

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