"Yao Ting, you are here!" At this time Ye Ling also came to his senses and walked up to meet him quickly.

"Sister Ye Ling!" Wan Dong yelled, and suddenly found that Ye Ling's almond eyes were red and swollen, and there were obvious tears on his cheeks. It was obvious that he had just cried, and his brows suddenly frowned, "Sister Ye Ling, you...you cried ?”

"Ah, no...no!" Ye Ling hurriedly turned around in a panic, and rubbed his eyes vigorously with his hands.

Wan Dong turned his head to look at Ye Mei, only to see that Ye Mei's face also showed a gloomy look, obviously something was wrong.

"Mei'er, tell me, is it someone from the Qinglong Gang who is here to make trouble again?" Wan Dong's voice suddenly sank, and a rage was flying on his face.

Ye Mei shook her head hastily, and said, "No! In the two days since Brother hasn't come, no one from the Qinglong Gang has come here again."

"Then why is Sister Ye Ling crying? Could it be Yue Zhong's injury..."

"Boss!" Before Wan Dong finished speaking, Yue Zhong, Tan Jian, Qiu Xing, and Liu Zhi collapsed in with surprise on their faces.Seeing that the four of them were in high spirits, their injuries must have almost healed.These four guys seemed to have learned from Wu Yang badly, and they called the boss when they opened their mouths, which made Wan Dong a little dumbfounded.

"Boss, do you know that the story of you making a big fuss in Tianbao Pavilion and humiliating those sons of the Iron War Dynasty has been spread all over the streets and alleys. No matter who it is now, when you mention the boss, everyone will stand up." Thumb. It's a pity that we couldn't be with the boss at that time, otherwise, we could have a good show of prestige and vent our anger!" Yue Zhong couldn't wait to come forward, his face was both excited and regretful.

"It's such a pity, wait until your injuries are completely healed, and then settle the score with the people of the Tie Zhan Dynasty!" Wan Dong smiled, pouted at Ye Ling, and said, "What's wrong with Sister Ye Ling?"

When Wan Dong asked, Yue Zhong first sighed, and then said to Ye Ling, "Sister Ye Ling, you have tried your best, and we all know that. After all, you are only self-taught. Of course, you can't compare with those in Xinglin College. It would be very difficult to lose to them." It's normal, don't be sad anymore."

"What lost?" Wan Dong couldn't understand for a while.

Yue Zhong suddenly said indignantly, "Then Zhuge Hong is really true, so if you don't accept him, let's accept it. Why do you have to speak evil words, demote him to nothing, and make him stand out better? You bastard! "

After hearing Yue Zhong's complaint, Wan Dong suddenly remembered that Ye Ling once told him that he wanted to learn medical skills from Zhuge Hong of Xinglin College as his teacher.It seems to be a failure, so I cry. "

Ye Ling shook his head and said, "Zhuge Hong is a master, so of course he has some temper. I don't blame him. I only blame myself. Why is it so useless?"

Wan Dong frowned, and said to Yue Zhong, "Then what did Zhuge Hong say to Sister Ye Ling?"

Yue Zhong snorted and said, "He said that medical skills are profound and profound, and it is difficult for ordinary people to study the essence of them all their lives. Sister Ye Ling wants to rely on self-study to master the way of medical skills. What a joke in the world! The most annoying thing, he finally said that our Tiandu country is a tiny place, a land of impurity, and our people in Tiandu country are all frogs in a well, and Yelang was arrogant, so he made sister Ye Ling cry on the spot."

"How unreasonable!" Wan Dong felt enraged after hearing this, and almost smashed a table into pieces with his palm, which shocked the diners who were eating noodles.

Although the first half of Zhuge Hong's sentence is ugly, there may be some truth in it, but the second half of the sentence is full of nonsense and insults to Tiandu Kingdom. To Wan Dong's ears, it is all bullshit.Fortunately Zhuge Hong was not here at this time, otherwise he would have grabbed his beard and spat hard.

"Perhaps, it's really because I thought everything too simply, and ended up dragging down the reputation of our Heavenly Capital Kingdom. I..." Sister Ye Ling sighed with guilt.

Wan Dong said angrily: "Sister Ye Ling, just based on Zhuge Hong's stupid words, he can't be called a master! In my opinion, he is not qualified to accept you as an apprentice at all. I think you should not be sad, but should Fortunately. If you really worshiped under this person, it would be a shame!"

"Sister, did you hear, even Brother Dong said that, so don't be sad anymore, okay?" Ye Mei took Ye Ling's hand and shook it again and again.

Ye Ling wiped away tears and said sadly, "Actually, what I'm sad is not what Zhuge Hong said, but my dream. I'm afraid it will die young. How can I go to the battlefield if I can't learn superior medical skills?" How can you serve the country if you save lives and heal the wounded?"

"Sister Ye Ling, actually... In fact, your medical skills are very good now, I think it's enough." Ye Mei comforted her lightly.

Ye Ling shook his head, the sadness on his face did not lessen.

Ye Mei sighed, and turned to look at Wan Dong, her eyes full of helplessness.

"Sister Ye Ling, if Zhuge Hong doesn't accept you, it's his loss. If he is sad, he should be sad. Don't cry. Zhuge Hong is not the only famous doctor in this world. I will take you to worship a better master." , the custody is a thousand times stronger than Zhuge Hong!"

"A thousand times better than Zhuge Hong?" Yue Zhong and Ye Mei couldn't help looking at each other.Although they were very annoyed by Zhuge Hong's words and deeds, they were still convinced of Zhuge Hong's medical skills, and obviously did not believe much in Wan Dong's words.

"Yao Ting, you don't need to comfort me anymore. I already understand, and I will continue to persevere!" Ye Ling wiped away tears, tried to put on a smile, and said.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Sister Ye Ling, what do you understand? You don't understand anything at all. I'm telling you the truth, not comforting you. In this case, let's go!"

"Brother, you...can you really help my sister find a better master?" Ye Mei stared blankly at Wan Dong with big watery eyes and asked.

Wan Dong frowned, looked around, and said, "Why, what do you mean, I'll swear a poisonous oath here first?"

"Oh no no no, how could it be? You are my brother, how can I not believe you? Sis, you just go with brother Yao Ting, I believe brother Yao Ting will not let you down!"

Seeing Wan Dong's resolute expression, Ye Ling couldn't believe it or not, the light of hope was rekindled in his eyes.

"By the way, Yue Zhong, last time I heard that you donated all the money back to Tiandu Kingdom, I was very touched. Here, I also have a little heart, please pass it on for me." Wan Dong thought for a while, He took out a thick stack of gold tickets from his pocket.

Last time, Qiu Yunchong and Duan Lengyan got a total of 1000 million taels of gold, of which 200 million taels were given to Tang Xinyi by Wan Dong, and the remaining 800 million taels, not a lot of money, were all taken out by Wan Dong.

Thinking that his hometown was about to be ravaged by the Iron War Dynasty, Wan Dong's heart ached like being thrown into a hot oil pan.Since he has no way to return to Tiandu Kingdom for the time being, he can only do more in terms of financial resources!

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