"Boss, you are not from Tiandu Kingdom. In fact, as long as you have this kind of heart, we are already very grateful..." Yue Zhong didn't expect Wan Dong to have such a move, and said emotionally.

"Nonsense! Since I have become brothers and sisters with you, then I am a member of the Tiandu Kingdom! Besides, the Tiandu Kingdom and the Qingyun Empire are closely related. , It’s all as it should be!”

"Brother, you... you are so kind!" Wan Dong's words were full of affection and righteousness. Yue Zhong and the others were filled with enthusiasm, and Ye Mei was moved to tears.

Wan Dong handed the 800 million taels of gold ticket to Yue Zhong, and said, "This is the point, if you don't accept it, you will look down on me."

"Accept! We accept! From now on, you, Xu Yaoting, will always be our boss!" How dare Yue Zhong refuse to accept?He quickly took the golden ticket.

After receiving the gold ticket, Yue Zhong was shocked to find that the minimum face value of the gold ticket in his hand was 1 taels, and there were quite a few others with denominations of 10 taels and 20 taels. It was about to fall out, and after a long while, he asked blankly, "Boss, how much money is there in this...?"

Wan Dong sighed softly and said, "It's not too much, only 800 million taels for the time being..."

"Eight... 800 million taels?!" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Yue Zhong and the other Ye family sisters all exclaimed in unison, their eyes became bigger and bigger than the other.

"Boss, are you... are you kidding me? Eight million taels is not much. Even if my father donates all of my family's property, it is far from this amount." After Tan Jian said this, he bit at least five or six times. second tongue.

"Brother, where did you get so much money? This...this is too much..." Ye Mei looked at Wan Dong's eyes, which were full of twinkling stars.The 800 million taels is too timely for the current Tiandu Kingdom, and it will definitely solve many urgent needs.

Wan Dong shook his head, his expression did not relax because of Yue Zhong's surprise and encouragement, on the contrary, he became more dignified and worried, and said slowly: "800 million taels of gold is indeed too much for an ordinary family. Too much. However, for a country shrouded in the shadow of war, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket. It only needs a small-scale battle, and 800 million taels of gold will be turned into clouds. War is the cruelest The other side of it is much more than just the withering of life."

Yue Zhong and the others are all from small families, unlike Wan Dong, they are very tall from the standpoint of the station.When he said this, Yue Zhong and the others seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water, and the excitement in their hearts calmed down a lot.

"But no matter what, Boss, if you can take out 800 million taels of gold at once, you are the great benefactor of the people of Tiandu Kingdom. We represent the people of Tiandu Kingdom, thank you!" As soon as Yue Zhong finished speaking, Tan Jian, Qiu Xing, Liu Zhi, and Ye Mei and Ye Ling bowed deeply to Wan Dong together.

Looking at the slightly immature faces in front of him, an unspeakable passion and excitement suddenly surged in Wan Dong's heart.Compared with those indifferent students in Qingyun Martial Academy, Yue Zhong and Tan Jian, the young people cultivated by Tiandu Kingdom, are definitely a hundred times, a thousand times stronger.Motherland, compatriots, homeland, these words have long been integrated into their blood and soul, no matter how powerful and cruel the enemy is, they cannot be destroyed!

"What's all this for? We're brothers and sisters, so we don't like this." Wan Dong smiled and pulled Ye Mei's little girl over, and made Yue Zhong and the others straighten up with shouts and drinks.

"In addition to the 800 million taels of gold, I also prepared 300 yuan of blood steel for Tiandu Kingdom."

Yue Zhong, Ye Mei and the others calmed down just now, but Wan Dong paused for a moment, and threw another blockbuster, which made the young people boil again.

If 300 yuan of blood steel is exchanged for gold, it will be at least 300 million taels, and in a sense, the value of 300 yuan of blood steel is more precious than 500 million taels of gold.Because things like blood steel, especially in times of war, have always been military resources and are strictly controlled, so you may not be able to buy them if you want.

Not to mention the war period, even now, the Iron War Dynasty is only dispatching the army, and has not officially launched a war. The Iron War Dynasty has already begun to suppress the Tiandu Kingdom, especially the bloody steel, which is particularly severe .In the current Tiandu Kingdom, even if they want to get a piece of blood steel, they have to pay a price several times higher than usual.

"Boss, you... you are not lying, are you?" Several young people looked at each other, and after a while, Yue Zhong asked stammeringly.A face, because of the extreme excitement and excitement, has been covered with a strange layer of red.

"Oh my God, what did I do to you? Why do I feel like you don't trust me at all." Wan Dong smiled bitterly, and murmured helplessly.

"No, no! Brother, of course we believe in you, but... 300 yuan of blood steel, what a huge fortune, it is really important to our Tiandu Kingdom." Ye Mei hugged Wan Dong's arm, said softly.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "I didn't lie to you, the 300 yuan blood steel is in Dingshan Wangfu, you can get it at any time! But there is a problem, so much blood steel, walking on the road must be very eye-catching. And Tiandu The country is thousands of miles away from Yunzhong City, how to transport it back safely, we have to plan carefully!"

Yue Zhong shook his head again and again and said, "This matter is too important, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on us to transport it. I think we must quickly pass this news back to the country and let His Majesty the Emperor send experts to escort it!"

Tan Jian suddenly interjected, "I don't think it's necessary! I just received a letter from my father today, saying that General Wan will lead the mission to the Qingyun Empire in the near future, hoping to get the support of Qingyun Empire's army. At that time, just let the envoy The regiment will take this batch of blood steel back and keep it safe!"

"That's right! If that's the case, that's the best way!" Several other young people agreed with each other with joyful expressions on their faces.

Wan Dong's heart skipped a beat at this moment, and he asked dryly, "Which General Wan?"

When Wan Dong asked, Yue Zhong immediately showed courage and arrogance, and said, "Boss, you may not know that in our Tiandu Kingdom, there is a Marshal Wan and a General Wan. Marshal Wan is our Tiandu Kingdom." The god of war, and also the god of war, Wan Haoxiong, is the patron saint of all the people in our Tiandu Kingdom. As for General Wan, it is Wan Youqi, the number one female general in our Tiandu Kingdom. It’s amazing, leading troops to kill the enemy has always been the first to lead the way, invincible! Hehe... Boss, General Wan, is the idol of all of us!"

[Author's digression]: Today's fifth watch is over, let's continue tomorrow!

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