When mentioning Wan Youqi, the faces of Yue Zhong and the others were all filled with admiration and excitement. You said something, I said something, chattering like wanting to use all the beautiful words in the world on Wan Youqi.It's just that no one noticed that Wan Dong was trembling slightly at this time, his face was changing rapidly, sometimes excited, sometimes sad, sometimes excited, sometimes sad, he had completely lost his calm.

"My aunt is coming, my aunt is coming..." A voice, like a Buddhist monk's chant sutra, kept floating back and forth in his heart, making Wan Dong's heart more and more hot, but his eyes were It's getting blurry.

For Wan Dong, the meaning and emotion contained in the word aunt have always been different from others, and it contains a strong sense of mother.Wan Dong's mother was not around since he was a child, and Wan Haoxiong was busy with military affairs. It was his aunt Wan Youqi who took care of everything for him.

Wan Youqi's love for him has become the most difficult emotion and memory in Wan Dong's life.Aunt, in Wan Dong's mind, this is a word that is as holy as mother and cannot be profane!Wan Youqi, this is a woman who has an irreplaceable status in Wan Dong's heart!

After all, it didn't take long for Wan Dong to jump off the cliff.But in these short days, Wan Dong experienced a complete life and death.The double temper of death and rebirth gave Wan Dong a deeper understanding of emotions.Some things are gradually losing weight and become like goose feathers, but some things are becoming heavier and heavier, as straight as Mount Tai.

"Auntie, I miss you, I really miss you..." Wan Dong murmured incessantly, a tear fell silently from the corner of his eye.

"Brother..." Ye Mei, who was excitedly talking about Wan Youqi with Yue Zhong and the others, suddenly turned her head to look at Wan Dong. That drop of crystal clear teardrop was like a heavy hammer, slamming hard on the ground. In her heart, an indescribable sadness and heaviness swallowed all the excitement in Ye Mei's heart in an instant.

With Ye Mei's low murmur, Ye Ling, Yue Zhong and the others' gazes also fell on Wan Dong. Like Ye Mei, everyone's excitement and joy disappeared without a trace as if swept by a gust of wind. .

Everyone stared blankly at Wan Dong. Although they didn't understand what Wan Dong was thinking at all, they felt the deep, heart-wrenching sadness and hesitation emanating from him very clearly, as if they were experiencing it personally.

A man with a story is always the most charming.And the charm of a man who has a sad past and experienced vicissitudes is even more indescribable.Ye Mei only felt her heart beating suddenly and violently, getting faster and faster, and her breathing also became difficult.She thought about it, hugged the man in front of her in her arms, and comforted him with all her tenderness.Heartache and heartbeat were entangled fiercely, making Ye Mei, a little girl, almost lost in it.

"Brother, you...why are you crying?" Men's tears are far more lethal than women's tears, and Ye Mei's eyes turned red before she knew it, and her voice was slightly choked up.

"Ah? No, no... the sand was blown into the eyes."

I'm afraid there is no more lame explanation than this, but in this situation, this extremely lame explanation seems to be full of some kind of power to move people's hearts.Even the mature Ye Ling couldn't help being shocked.

Of course, no one will expose this crappy explanation that can no longer be crappy. Deep down in everyone's heart, there are some things that cannot be touched.

"Sister Ye Ling, let's go, I'll take you to apprenticeship!" The gazes of Yue Zhong, Ye Mei and others made Wan Dong dare not stay any longer.

"No rush, or another day..." Ye Ling said empathetically.

"How can I do that? Apprenticeship requires a chance. If you miss the chance, it will be too late." Before Ye Ling could say any more, Wan Dong walked out first. Ye Ling was helpless and was about to follow. Seeing her, Ye Mei pulled her back.

"Sister, I think there is something sad about my brother. If you have a chance... comfort him more."

"Hehe... Our eyebrows have really grown up, and they can care about people." Ye Ling stroked Ye Mei's beautiful hair and said with a smile.

"He's already grown up! Besides, my brother is so kind to us, of course I have to care about him..." For some reason, as she spoke, Ye Mei's cheeks turned crimson, as bright as a sunset .

"Okay, okay, I know!" Ye Ling promised very straightforwardly, but he knew clearly in his heart that the story in Wan Dong's heart must be extraordinary, and one or two words of comfort may be meaningless.


In the palace, there is a vast training ground.The [-] Fengxiang Guards led by Tang Xinyi usually train here.

At this time, in the field, the ten thousand Phoenix Guards were divided into eight branches. According to a certain mysterious law, they quickly intersected each other, constantly changing their positions, and formed one completely different formation after another. Those who looked directly were dazzled. Heart shakes.

Tang Xinyi sat high on the horseback, her phoenix eyes were full of shock and excitement, and she muttered to herself, "This eight-door golden lock array is only in its infancy, but it is so powerful, that kid is really a monster!"

At the beginning, when Wan Dong gave Tang Xinyi the formation map of the Eight Gates Golden Lock Formation, she said that as long as this formation was practiced, it would at least increase the combat power of her Xiangfengwei by ten times. She did not believe it at the time.But looking at it now, Wan Dong is still modest in saying this.

The murderous aura soaring to the sky exploded fiercely with the formation, and the complex and mysterious formation was like a rolling giant wheel, constantly changing and majestic!Looking at the lingering smoke and dust on the training ground, no one could tell that this powerful army only numbered a mere ten thousand.

Tang Xinyi boiled up little by little, and a great passion suddenly burst out in her chest.With these eight golden lock formations and 200 yuan of blood steel, Tang Xinyi really wanted to see what kind of expression Qiu Wanli would have if he knew all this.

From today, Fengxiangwei has officially become a force that cannot be ignored in Yunzhong City!At critical moments, the power that can play a decisive role!

"Stop!" Tang Xinyi raised one arm high, and said softly, like a thunderbolt.

The ten thousand Fengxiang guards seemed to have been hit by the body-holding spell together, only hearing a swish, the tumbling formation immediately returned to calm.

Move like a rabbit, quiet like a virgin!Tang Xinyi almost didn't know this powerful team that she had created by herself.

This eight-door golden lock formation is not only sharp in killing the enemy, but also seems to have a kind of magic power during the rehearsal process, which can closely connect everyone who forms the formation, so that the tacit understanding between each other can be infinitely improved.

As the leader of Fengxiang Guard, Tang Xinyi has also studied the formation.This eight-door golden lock formation is definitely the most mysterious, mysterious, and at the same time the most fierce and domineering formation she has ever seen in her life!

[Author's digression]: Today's fifth watch begins!

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