"Ha, Your Royal Highness, you are suspected of being a bully." Tang Xinyi couldn't help laughing when she saw her at the side.

Princess Baidie showed a smile on her face and didn't answer the words. This is her tactic and advantage, so why not take advantage of it?If you can suppress the opponent with momentum, then the opponent can only display [-]% of the attack power, at most [-]%.

It's just that the smile on Princess Baidie's face froze quickly, her coercion had not yet fully unfolded, an unusually sharp aura that was even higher than her coercion burst out suddenly, in an instant , and swept away her coercion.

When Princess Baidie stared at the eighty Fengxiang Guards in astonishment, she realized that in the blink of an eye, the eighty Fengxiang Guards had already completed their positions, and the eight-door Golden Lock Formation began to operate.

"This formation is really weird!" Princess Baidie whispered, her face was not nervous, but full of excitement.Can't tell, Princess Baidie is also a warlike madman!

Princess Baidie, as the only daughter of Bai Zhenshan, has received the true teaching of royal martial arts.

With a scolding sound, the Autumn Water Sword in her hand immediately buzzed, and the sword light, which was full of cold and snowy light, whizzed past like the north wind in the wilderness, killing eighty Fengxiang Guard soldiers in an instant. , all of which are shrouded in it.

"Shou!" I don't know who uttered an angry cry in the formation, and the eighty Fengxiang Guard soldiers moved together, like flowers that suddenly closed, huddled together, and raised their long swords at the same time, eighty The blade pointed at the sky at the same time.

There was only a sound of tinkling and clanging, like the sound of iron, and it sounded densely like rain.Sparks shot out in the air, and the sword light cast by Princess Baidie failed to hit any of the Fengxiang Guard soldiers.Such a sharp blow from the fifth level of true qi was easily resolved in this way.


Before Princess Baidie came to her senses, the eighty Fengxiang Guards gathered together, like the spread wings of a phoenix, spread out quickly, one after another of swords following a special trajectory and order, one after another Farewell, but swept towards Princess Baidie seamlessly.

"Good time!" Princess Baidie's heart was lifted, and the sword in her hand neighed cheerfully, and a sword energy swept away like a gust of wind sweeping leaves.The several blades rushing to her eyes could not resist her sharpness at all, and she was directly swept aside.

However, before Princess Baidie came and breathed a sigh of relief, the second wave of swords came in front of her again.

Princess Baidie swept her sword away again, and a gleam of light flashed in the corner of her eyes, making her realize that the third wave had arrived again.

Princess Baidie raised her eyebrows and looked up, she couldn't help being horrified.Not only the third wave, but also the fourth wave, and the fifth wave, all of the sword's edge rushed towards her like the waves of the sea.

Why couldn't Baidie see it, it was clearly a war of attrition with waves of attacks, trying to consume her to death.

Pursing her lips, Princess Baidie decided to turn passive into active. The sword in her hand swung rapidly, abruptly shaking the third wave of swords away, without stopping at all, she rushed forward swiftly, and took the initiative to meet the fourth sword front.

The fighting talent of Princess Baidie is astonishing. Using the timing gap to cut the needles, the power of the fourth wave of swords that is not yet fully prepared is greatly reduced.Once the fourth sword edge is broken, the fifth and sixth will be even more difficult. In this way, Princess Baidie can easily escape from the encirclement.

This is Princess Baidie's wishful thinking, but reality refuses to act according to her script.

Before the figure of Princess Baidie came into contact with the fourth sword, suddenly, a cold chill emerged from her back.

Princess Baidie shivered violently immediately, and hurriedly turned her head to look, a pair of almond eyes suddenly opened wide, the first, second, and third swords that he had just smashed had gathered again, Aiming at her back, he came swiftly.

Princess Baidie's mind immediately went wild, and she couldn't help thinking to herself, "Could this be a trap to lure her into it from the beginning? Or, is this the mystery of the eight-door golden lock array?"

Princess Baidie was surprised that a formation technique could change formations so smoothly, combining odd and positive, mysterious and unpredictable.

Of course, I dare not venture forward again, once the enemy is attacked from behind, the result will be extremely dire.Princess Baidie gritted her steel teeth, raised her figure high, and then she descended swiftly like a mountain top, her sword pointing at one of the Xiangfeng Guard soldiers, ready to attack point by point, one by one.

Princess Baidie's actions are not unwise. For a warrior composed of tens of thousands of people, killing one or two soldiers may have no effect at all, but in a battle formation with a small number of people like this, even if one is killed, it will bring great harm to the formation. To a great flaw.

However, Princess Baidie once again underestimated the power of the eight-door golden lock array.When her figure was pulled up, the entire eight-door golden lock formation had already begun to change.Princess Baidie just felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the Fengxiangwei soldier who was locked by him just disappeared from her eyes.At the same time, more than ten sharp sword edges attacked her from all directions.

Princess Baidie couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart, this... this is simply throwing herself into trouble!

Not daring to be negligent, Princess Baidie hastily mobilized all the zhenqi in her whole body, condensing all of it into the sword edge, her body turned around, and after a burst of tinkling irons, she just pushed the sword edge that was coming from all directions It was blocked back.

"No way?" But despite this, Princess Baidie not only didn't feel happy at all, but her almond eyes widened again, her expression was a little dumbfounded.

She also discovered that after this wave of Jianfeng, the second wave, the third wave... was already brewing.

"I'm not coming, I'm not coming!" Princess Baidie kept her sword away and shouted repeatedly.

Tang Xinyi smiled brilliantly, waved her hand, and the eighty Fengxiang Guard soldiers retreated unscathed.

Feng Xiangwei has created a miracle today, you know, every time they competed with Princess Baidie before, almost every time they ended up with a bruised face and a swollen nose.

"What's the matter, my princess, haven't you finished fighting yet?"

Princess Baidie gave her a hard look, curled her lips and said, "You don't feel upset when you see this princess being beaten, don't you?"

"Giggle..." Tang Xinyi couldn't help giggling.

The depression in Princess Baidie's heart was also swept away immediately, her expression was a little excited, and even more excited, "Xinyi, I never thought that the eight-door Golden Lock Formation would be so powerful! Did Xu Yaoting really make it?"

Tang Xinyi smiled and nodded, "That's right! For the past two days, I've been thinking every day whether I should split that guy's head open and study it."

"Xu Yaoting has such a talent, it doesn't seem to be very different from the legends..." Princess Baidie looked puzzled.

Tang Xinyi waved her hand and said, "I also think it's strange. Ever since I almost kicked him to death, this guy seems to be a different person. It's really weird!"

[Author's digression]: There are two more chapters, which will be in place before six o'clock!

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