"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, I beg you, please save Xiao Cui, she...she is about to be beaten to death by Elder Ping!"

A pair of sisters were talking about each other's thoughts in detail. Suddenly, a maid rushed in crying. Without waiting for the two sisters to react, she knelt down heavily and kowtowed.

"Xiaoyu, don't be like this, get up first, and talk slowly, what's going on?" Leng Yuecui hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull her up.

Wiping her tears, Xiaoyu said, "Elder Ping said he wanted to drink tea, so Xiaocui went to make it, but Elder Ping said that the tea made by Xiaocui was worse than... than urine, and said that Xiaocui looked down on him. He, that's why he deliberately made things difficult for him, so he raised his hand and hit him, Xiaocui dodged subconsciously, Elder Ping was completely furious, and threatened to beat Xiaocui to death! Two ladies, hurry up and save Xiaocui .”

"It's unreasonable! It's Xiao Cui who made things difficult for him, it's clearly the old guy who made things difficult for Xiao Cui! Sis, let's go!" Leng Yuecui became angry when she heard this, and rushed out of the room pulling Leng Yongsi.

The best room in the Leng family was originally lived by Leng Shuangrong, but when Ping Feipeng came, Leng Shuangrong let it out.

At this time, in the room, there were bursts of girls crying and begging for mercy, just listening to it made people feel distressed.But this Ping Fei Peng is good, not only does he show no mercy, he beats and scolds at the same time, his heart is probably a bit harder than iron and stone.

Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi just came to the front of the room, before they opened the door to enter, the door opened with a bang, and then Xiaocui was kicked out by Ping Feipeng.

This Xiaocui is just a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, she is very thin, after being beaten up by Ping Feipeng, almost every good spot on her body, her face is dripping with blood, only her anger is left.

Xiaoyu and Xiaocui have a very good relationship. Seeing Xiaocui like this, Xiaoyu let out a cry of grief, and threw herself on Xiaocui, hugged Xiaocui, and cried bitterly.But no matter how hard Xiaoyu cried, Xiaocui still didn't respond at all, and the injury was probably not normal.

Xiao Cui is smart and well-behaved, she is one of the few caring maids in the Leng family, she is very popular with the Leng family sisters and Leng Shuangrong on weekdays, if not for this, Leng Shuangrong would not have assigned her to serve Ping Feipeng.Unexpectedly, such a caring and well-behaved servant girl still met such bad luck.

Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi looked at each other, with indescribable anger in their eyes.

"What's the noise? Is someone dead?" Ping Feipeng stepped out of the room.At the age of 50 or [-], he has a burly figure, a cold face, and an aura that is very different from the people in the mortal world.

"Elder Ping, I don't know what mistake Xiaocui made, you want to punish her like this?" Leng Yuecui couldn't understand Ping Feipeng's virtue the most, let alone conceal her anger.

"Hmph! You can't even make tea well, so shouldn't you fight? Your Leng family, after all, is a respectable family in the mortal world. Why do you keep some trash in your house? Just like that, you still want to marry our Ping family?"

"Elder Ping, have you got the words wrong? It seems that it is your young master of the Ping family who is stalking my sister. We, the Leng family, do not expect to be able to become relatives of your Ping family!" Leng Yuecui started, who cares? After so much, he immediately refuted, and Leng Yong had no chance to stop him.

"Stinky girl, what are you talking about!?"

Hearing this, Ping Feipeng's face suddenly changed, he shouted angrily, and stepped in front of Leng Yuecui with one step, the energy in his body surged like a malevolent star!This kind of aura is at least the peak of the ten layers of true qi, and in the small world of ordinary people, it can definitely be regarded as the supreme existence.

Such a majestic and terrifying momentum was not something that Leng Yuecui could resist now, she couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Sister!" Leng Yongsi exclaimed, and hurriedly stood in front of Leng Yuecui.

Seeing Leng Yongsi's appearance, Ping Feipeng frowned and put away his coercion.Leng Yongsi is the young master of the Ping family, and he is likely to become the young mistress of the Ping family in the future. This Ping Feipeng is just a servant of the Ping family, so he naturally has some scruples.

To Leng Yongsi, Ping Feipeng didn't dare to do anything, but to Leng Yuecui, Ping Feipeng had no scruples. Looking at the painful Leng Yuecui, Ping Feipeng's face was full of grim smiles, "Do you think you are so tall?" Can you be lawless with a little beauty? It’s a joke! Let me tell you straight, even if you enter the Daoist world with your beauty, you can only serve as a cauldron for those low-level monks!”

The Leng family had a lot of contact with the Taoist world, of course Leng Yuecui knew what the 'cauldron furnace' meant, her pretty face suddenly changed color, and her almond eyes were ready to breathe fire.

"Hmph! What are you looking at? When you get to the Daoist Great World, you will suffer!" Ping Feipeng snorted disdainfully, turned around and pointed at Xiaoyu, and shouted in a deep voice, "You, come here!"

Xiaoyu was holding Xiaocui and crying sadly at this time, and she didn't react for a while.Ping Feipeng's eyes burst out with a cold light, he pinched his five fingers in vain, and an invisible but very powerful suction immediately sucked Xiaoyu towards him.

Ping Feipeng grabbed Xiaoyu's neck, his face was full of sternness, "Did you just cry and make noise here just now, disturbing my Qingxiu?"

"Slave..." Looking at Ping Feipeng who was full of viciousness and murderous intent, Xiaoyu, who was a maid, found it extremely difficult to even open her mouth to speak.

"Damn it!" Ping Feipeng snapped his five fingers, and with a slap, Xiaoyu's thin and thin body flew out into the air.

"Xiaoyu!" Leng Yuecui exclaimed, and hurriedly flew over, only to find that Xiaoyu had passed out on the spot.

"Elder Ping, you are going too far!" Seeing this scene, Leng Yongsi couldn't help being angry, and shouted sharply.

Ping Feipeng sneered, and said, "My young master said that if your Leng family wants to point at our Ping family for protection, then you must abide by our Ping family's rules. And this... is our Ping family's rules!"

"You..." Leng Yongsi couldn't help but wanted to make a move.

"Yongsi!" Leng Shuangrong stopped drinking and walked over slowly.

Ping Feipeng squinted at Leng Shuangrong, snorted, and said, "Leng Shuangrong, the maid in your house really doesn't know how to behave, so I'll do it for you, you won't have any objections, Do you think Elder Ben is busy?"

At this time, Leng Shuangrong could scrape two catties of frost off Leng Shuangrong's face.In terms of pride, the combination of Leng Yuecui and Leng Yongsi is not even one ten-thousandth of Leng Shuangrong's.If it weren't for this pride, Leng Shuangrong would not have been able to win the Leng family's fortune in the Qingyun Empire.

"As a servant, if you do something wrong, you will naturally have to be taught a lesson. Leng Shuangrong didn't even have time to be grateful, so how could she blame the elder?" Leng Shuangrong said with a livid face.

Ping Feipeng laughed haha, pointed at Leng Shuangrong in an extremely impolite manner, and said, "You old lady is smart, no wonder our Patriarch takes a fancy to you! Haha..."

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