"That's just the patriarch's love!" Leng Shuangrong said with a solemn expression.

Ping Feipeng raised his brows suddenly, and said fiercely: "It's good that you know! If our Patriarch didn't give you a high look, your Leng family is nothing."

"Yes... what Elder Ping said is true!" Leng Shuangrong's body was trembling unnoticed, and it could be seen that Leng Shuangrong endured the pain very hard.

"Okay! This elder is going to practice, don't let people disturb me anymore, otherwise, I won't give you Leng Shuangrong's face!" room.

"Grandma!" Leng Yuecui was about to lose her temper at this moment, her almond eyes were bloodshot.

Leng Shuangrong couldn't help sighing, she seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, her face and eyes were full of deep sorrow and anger.

"Don't talk anymore, take Xiaoyu and Xiaocui down, and let's recuperate."


Leng Yuecui wanted to say more, but Leng Yongsi stepped forward, gave her a wink, and said, "Sister, it's important to heal Xiaoyu and Xiaocui!"

Hearing what Leng Yongsi said, Leng Yuecui gritted her teeth and ordered Xiaoyu and Xiaocui to be carried back.

Xiaoyu's injury was fine, but she was slapped in the face, which didn't hurt her life.However, the redness and swelling on his face lasted less than ten days and half a month, and I'm afraid it won't go away.

Xiaocui was much worse, with injuries all over her body, and even her internal organs. Leng Yuecui transferred all the masters of the Leng family to take turns to send true energy to Xiaocui to heal her injuries. Xiaocui's life was saved.But to fully recover, it will take at least a year.And even if it gets better, it will leave irreversible disabilities, and it is likely that you will never be able to stand up.

Looking at the dying Xiaocui, Leng Yuecui's tears never stopped.

"Sister, people say that our Leng family is very beautiful, but who knows, we have to suffer such uselessness every day! I... I am about to be suffocated to death!" Leng Yuecui clenched her fists tightly and smashed on On the wall, blood suddenly gushed out.

"Silly girl, what are you doing?" Leng Yongsi felt distressed for a while, and hurriedly brought gauze, and wrapped it up carefully for Leng Yuecui.

"The Ping family! Sister, one day, I will definitely destroy the Ping family!"

Leng Yongsi was only focused on bandaging Leng Yuecui, and didn't take Leng Yuecui's words to heart.


The Juntian pawnshop is the largest pawnshop in the entire Yunzhong City and the entire Qingyun Empire.The national teacher's industry, I don't know how much wealth it brings to the national teacher every year, it is definitely a chicken that can lay golden eggs and has a high yield.

"Miss, you have seen all the swords here, don't you think there is one that satisfies you?" The young man in the pawn shop frowned and looked at the woman who was playing with long swords in front of him.

This woman is about 25 or [-] years old, mature and charming, like a peach, with temptation everywhere.The boy in the pawn shop squinted his eyes, wishing that his eyes could tear the woman's clothes apart and tear them into shreds.

People who practice martial arts are mostly bold, they take money lightly, and never have the concept of saving, so they often have difficulties.What to do if you are in short supply, in desperation, you have to take your own weapons into the pawn shop.Although he is reluctant to give up, but in the face of the dilemma of killing a hero with a penny, it is appropriate to be reluctant.Over time, the pawn shop has accumulated a lot of weapons, which can even catch up with the upright sword shop.

Moreover, if you choose a sword in a pawnshop, you may be able to find a high-quality sword successfully.

After all, a pawn shop is no better than a professional sword shop, and the quality of swords is not very firm. Moreover, when a sword is collected in a pawn shop, the price is often kept very low, and when it is sold, the price will be lower than that of a sword shop. Much cheaper.

The woman who chose the sword was obviously a little disappointed, her beautiful eyebrows were clustered together.

"Is it all here?"

"It's all here! Miss, what kind of sword do you want? The quality of these swords is already very high." The pawnbroker probably asked because of the beauty of this woman.If it were someone else, they would have been coaxed out by now.


The woman was about to speak when Wan Dong walked in, with a sword wrapped in a rag wrapped around her waist, looking a bit shabby.There is no way, Xuantian Mingshen has the sword-forging technique in his memory, but he doesn't have the 'sword sheath casting technique', so he can only make do with it.

Seeing that Wan Dong was young and the sword in his hand was so shabby, the pawnbroker's face immediately became ugly, disdain and contempt were almost carved into his flesh, obviously he regarded Wan Dong as those down-and-out warriors.

At the same time, this can also be regarded as a strategy of the pawn shop, to despise you mentally and attack you, so that the pawn shop can get the treasure in your hands at the lowest price.

"Hey, hey, do you understand the rules? Just go in without looking?" the pawn shop boy shouted at Wan Dong.

Wan Dong was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Rules? What rules?"

Opening the door for business, where are the rules?It was nothing more than a pawnbroker's madness.

You can't blame the little guy, he's getting tired of the beautiful women here, you Wan Dong rushed in with his head down, disturbing his good affairs, of course he didn't have a good face and good words.

"Boy, do you know where this is?" the pawnshop boy asked Wandong arrogantly.In front of the goddess, *si had to pretend, not to mention the pawnbroker, you know, he works for the national teacher, so he is very arrogant!

"Jun Tian's pawnshop!" Wan Dong couldn't help but smile bitterly, he really didn't want to argue with this young man.

"Hmph! Since you know that this is the Juntian Pawnshop, you should also understand that our place is not a garbage collection station!"

Wan Dong nodded, "Understood, then what?"

The pawnbroker rolled his eyes. It seemed that the kid in front of him was not only down-and-out, but also had a bad brain.then what?Then fuck off!you still need to ask?

"Fuck off, take your rags and leave immediately, don't bother me here!" The pawn shop boy felt that if he continued to talk to Wan Dong, his IQ would be lowered, so he waved his hands again and again, as if chasing flies away Said.

Wan Dong smiled wryly, and said, "Little brother, you didn't even look at it, how do you know I'm a piece of shit?"

"It's still worth looking at? Let me tell you, observing words and expressions is the beginning of our profession. I have seen people like you a lot. Taking some broken copper and iron is like cheating us from Juntian's pawn shop." Qian, do you really think we are fools?"

The pawnbroker didn't want to talk so much with Wan Dong, but the impatience on his face became more and more obvious!

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