Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 198 One Pair of Strange Flowers!

"If you can do ten tricks under my hands, I will tell you!" The young guard scolded coldly, and pulled out his portable sword with a choking sound.

Seeing this, Wan Dong frowned. He was invited to meet the princess, not to fight, and this is the imperial palace with strict rules. He didn't think about himself, he had to think about the Xu family.What's more, just now, Tang Xinyi gave him thousands of warnings, telling him not to mess around.

"My little brother, you may have misunderstood me. It was really Her Royal Highness who summoned me..."

"There is no misunderstanding! Take the move!" The young guard was straightforward, without waiting for Wan Dong to finish speaking, he handed over the long sword in his hand, and a cold glow came roaring over immediately. Judging by his momentum, he was not weak.

***!Are all the people in Qingyun Empire sick?Yesterday, I had a fight with an inexplicable black-clothed woman who jumped out of nowhere. Today, the princess summoned her and was entangled by an equally inexplicable violent guard.Could it be that he, Wan Dong, is a persimmon, who just wants to pinch it for himself.

Facing the galloping sword edge of the young guard, Wan Dong stood still, and only waited for the sword edge to approach him before he slapped out a palm, and a dark force immediately rippled out, directly smashing the sword edge and the young guard together. They staggered to one side and retreated together.

"What!?" Such a situation was obviously beyond the expectation of the young guard, who looked into Wan Dong's eyes with obvious surprise.

Wan Dong said in a serious voice with a straight face, "You heard me clearly, I didn't come here today to fight with you, you better not ask for trouble!"

"Huh!" The young guard let out a cold snort when he heard it, and the long sword in his hand sharpened again. A daintily cold sword light, following his graceful figure, swept away, like a surging river, straight towards Wan Dong and go.

Wan Dong has to admit that this young guard's swordsmanship is very good, even exquisite. No wonder he can become Her Royal Highness's personal guard, but this indiscriminate temper of using the sword at every turn is really a bit arrogant, a bit ……asshole!

Wan Dong decided to teach him a little lesson and teach him to be humble.

But just as Wan Dong was about to make a move, a black shadow suddenly broke into the back garden.

"Assassin?" Wan Dong frowned, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

The young guard who was entangled with Wan Dong also stopped his attack and looked towards the assassin.

"It's you!?" The black-clothed assassin covered his face and couldn't see his face, but the assassin seemed to know Wan Dong. The moment he saw Wan Dong, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but let out a cry full of surprise. mean cry.

Wan Dong's brows tightened again, and he asked in surprise, "We know each other?"

"When..." the black-clothed assassin was about to answer, but suddenly stopped again. After pondering for a moment, he said in a rough voice, "Of course I know you, but you don't know me! How many don't you know?"

"What a bold assassin, dare to enter the palace to assassinate in broad daylight?" The appearance of the assassin immediately attracted the attention of the young guards. It was like seeing an assassin for the first time, and I thought it

"Why don't you dare? A small palace can stop me? Hey, kid, let me ask you, where is your princess?" the black-clothed assassin opened his mouth and asked, his attitude was very insolent.

"What are you looking for with our princess?" the young guard asked.

"Nonsense! Of course it's an assassination. Are you married to her?"

Looking at the black-clothed assassin and the young bodyguard who looked at each other, Wan Dong really couldn't laugh or cry. There seemed to be more wonders in this world all of a sudden.

"Just because you want to assassinate the princess? It's ridiculous! Look at the sword!"

The young guard didn't even shout for anyone, so he raised his sword and stabbed at the black-clothed assassin. Among other things, his courage was commendable.

The black-clothed assassin obviously came prepared, with a flash of cold light in his sleeve, he held a short dagger in his hand.With one short body and one long body, he avoided the sword edge of the young guard, and instead got into his arms.

Although the short dagger is short, it is very dangerous.Once snatched into his arms by him, the consequences cannot be underestimated.

It's a pity that the cultivation base of this black-clothed assassin is not very good, at least not comparable to that of the young guards.Before the black-clothed assassin could get close to the young guard, he was forced back by the young guard's anger.

"Ha! I didn't expect you to have two skills. It seems that I underestimated you." There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the black-clothed assassin.

On the face of the young guard, there was a look of color unconsciously, and he sneered, "Our princess Baidie is invincible, you want to assassinate her with this little ability? You are looking for death!"

"Self-seeking death? There's no reason for that!" The black-clothed assassin seemed to have been insulted, scolded coquettishly, and attacked again.

The young guard was also unambiguous, rubbing his body to meet him, pointing at the wheat awn everywhere, not giving an inch.

Wan Dong looked at it for a moment, then shook his head and let out a sigh.It seems that this weird assassin is going to lose to this weird guard. ,

Sure enough, the attack of the young guard instantly increased several times, and the long sword in his hand changed more and more complicated. One after another, the sword light was not only fierce in attack, but the key was to cooperate with each other, and the connection was seamless. Pressing down on the strange assassin, the situation of the strange assassin is obviously getting more and more difficult every moment.

"Hmph, I think you should surrender obediently!"

The strange flower guards had the upper hand, so they said in a leisurely manner.

"Surrender? Dreaming!"

The strange guard's words obviously angered the strange assassin.While sternly reprimanding, the strange assassin tried to turn around, the short dagger in his hand curled up with cold light, and cut towards the strange assassin.

"Overestimate one's strength!" Seeing that the Qipa assassin was going to do his best, the Qipa guard's face turned cold, and the violent sword energy swayed away, like sparkling waves, flickering non-stop, making people almost unable to open their eyes.

Such a sharp attack obviously surprised the strange assassin. Finally, panic flashed across his exposed eyes, and his movements became more and more stagnant, as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

"Where are you going?" Gaining the absolute upper hand, Qipa's guard yelled angrily, and the momentum of his sword rose again, as if he was going all out to obliterate the opponent.

Assassinating a princess is a deadly crime, Wan Dong shook his head, feeling sorry for this strange assassin.

"Boss, save me!"

Just as Wan Dong was shaking his head, that strange assassin suddenly let out a female voice, this voice...Wan Dong is very familiar!

"Boss? So you still have accomplices! However, even if you yelled out your throat today, no one can save you! Obediently, let's catch you!" Without giving the opponent the slightest chance to breathe, it is clear that he wants a quick victory!

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