Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

Chapter 302 Luo Xiao's Deep Vengeance!

Baidie felt relieved, but Qiu Wanli's heart was raised.Hu Jingqi has always been an important pawn that Qiu Wanli used to contain Xu Wenchuan, and it is very easy to use. It is almost becoming his trump card, and he is reluctant to give it up.

At first, when I saw Hu Jingqi and Xu Wenchuan walking together, I thought it was just a coincidence, but seeing that Hu Jingqi had been closely following Xu Wenchuan all the time, looking very close, Qiu Wanli immediately became vigilant .

"Could it be that Xu Wenchuan and Hu Jingqi made peace and became one?" This thought crossed Qiu Wanli's mind, making him feel terrified.But soon, he shook his head and rejected the idea.In his opinion, Hu Jingqi and Xu Wenchuan had a deep grievance, and it was impossible for the two to make peace and join forces.No matter how smart this person is, he will inevitably use his own heart to save the belly of a gentleman, and he will always be self-righteous. This seems to be the inferiority of human beings.

Xu Wenchuan, Sun Daobai, and Hu Jingqi are naturally not as arrogant and domineering as the father and son of the Chou family. They all respected Princess Baidie, even on the surface, which made Princess Baidie happy from the bottom of her heart, especially after passing After a comparison with the enemy's father and son.

After saluting to Princess Baidie, Xu Wenchuan ignored Qiu Wanli, but stared at Guichou suddenly, and said angrily, "What are you? How dare you play wild in the imperial study?"

"You..." Guichou was used to madness, only had eyes on the Qiu family and his son, and was not polite to Xu Wenchuan. He stared and was about to speak when Qiu Wanli hurriedly stood up and stopped him.

Xu Wenchuan is not a white butterfly, and he is definitely not so easy to bully.If you rush him to bi, you will definitely smash him to the end.Xu Tianlong's hundreds of thousands of cavalry are so powerful, with this support, even Qiu Wanli would not dare to overdo it.

"Aha, Brother Xu, don't come here unharmed."

Xu Wenchuan turned his head to look at Qiu Wanli impatiently, pointed at Guichou, and opened his mouth to ask, "Is this your dog?"

"Huh~~~" Guichou let out a heavy breath immediately, his nostrils shrinking and opening rapidly, like a galloping horse just now.The eyes staring at Xu Wenchuan were even more vicious!

Qiu Wanli coughed, and said with a smile, "Qiu is not strict with his command and offended the prince. Please also ask the prince to be more generous and don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Xu Wenchuan originally maintained a face-friendly attitude towards Qiu Wanli, but now that he has stood in line and is ready to fight Qiu Wanli to the end, with Xu Wenchuan's personality, he doesn't even bother to deal with Qiu Wanli's face anymore, so he snorted, just To say something ugly, Tang Xinyi suddenly exclaimed at this moment, "Luo Xiao!? did you get hurt like this?"

Luo Xiao liked Tang Xinyi, and had rescued Tang Xinyi and Feng Xiangwei several times. Although Tang Xinyi didn't like Luo Xiao, she wanted his affection.Therefore, even though she was cold towards Luo Xiao on the face, she still cared about him in her heart.Especially with Luo Xiao being injured so badly, Tang Xinyi couldn't remain indifferent.

While Xu Wenchuan was talking to Qiu Wanli, Wan Dong had seen Luo Xiao's injury clearly, and said with a gloomy expression, "Although his life is safe, all his cultivation has been destroyed."

Wan Dong didn't have any special feelings for Luo Xiao at first, even if he did, it was just a pity.He didn't want to see his talent all over, but he became Qiu Wanli's accomplice, and Mingzhu secretly cast him.But when he learned that Luo Xiao had a deep relationship with Wang Yangde and Liu Ke'er, Wan Dong's feelings changed.It is human nature to love the house and the crow!Seeing that Luo Xiao was injured so badly at this time, he was also very upset.

"Abandoned...abandoned?" Tang Xinyi couldn't help but exclaimed, with a look of disbelief in her eyes.

Luo Xiao's talent is by no means inferior to Wang Yangde's. Of course, his talent is more reflected in the strategy of commanding troops and fighting.This is really a young man with a bright future. It would be a great pity if he was abolished like this.

Sun Daobai was also taken aback when he heard the words, he hurried forward and gave Luo Xiao a detailed diagnosis, after a long while, he silently let go of his hand, obviously Wan Dong's judgment was correct.

"Who did this?" Tang Xinyi asked with a bit of anger.

Luo Xiao just lowered his head, his eyes were empty, and he was completely lifeless.His body is still alive, but maybe his heart is gone.

The moment he pounced on Qiu Wanli, he personally felt the terror of Qiu Wanli. That purple light was like the call of death, and he couldn't resist at all, and couldn't see the slightest hope.At that moment, he understood that he couldn't kill Qiu Wanli at all, even if his cultivation had not been abolished.Under extreme frustration, Luo Xiao was completely hopeless.

"Luo Xiao is bold and ungrateful. Regardless of my father's careful cultivation of him over the years, he actually assassinated my father. It's really a wolf's ambition. I destroyed his cultivation base. Not only that, but I also invite Her Royal Highness Issuing an edict to publicly punish him for treason!" Qiu Yunchong snorted coldly, and said arrogantly.

"But why? Luo Xiao is loyal to the national teacher, how could he assassinate the national teacher?" Tang Xinyi looked puzzled.

Seeing that Qiu Yunchong didn't make a sound, Baidie sneered, and replied, "That's because Master Guoshi is Luo Xiao's father-killing enemy!"

"Ah!?" Baidie's words immediately elicited exclamations.

Xu Wenchuan stared at Qiu Wanli and said, "That's not right! Back then, Luo Xiao's entire family was killed, and it was you who avenged him. Because of this, Luo Xiao was devoted to you wholeheartedly. Why now, you have become Luo Xiao?" Killing your father and enemy? Could it be that this was a conspiracy set up by you from the beginning to the end?"

Xu Wenchuan is an upright person, and what he hates the most is that someone is doing such despicable methods in secret. At this time, the eyes looking at Qiu Wanli are as sharp as knives, which puts a lot of pressure on Qiu Wanli.

Qiu Wanli waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "This kid is just talking nonsense, without evidence or evidence, how can he believe it?"

Without evidence?Everyone sneered in their hearts, Qiu Wanli's rebuttal was really feeble.Luo Xiao is not a fool, if he hadn't recognized all of this, how could he be so desperate?

Wan Donghuo cast his eyes on Guichou, and said coldly, "You were the murderer who killed Luo Xiao's family back then, right?"

"Nonsense! If you dare to slander me again, I'll slash you!" Guichou was furious and scolded angrily.

"Hmph! Would you like to give it a try?" Xu Wenchuan immediately stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Guichou fiercely, protecting Wan Dong more than usual.

"My lord, any accusation must have evidence. If there is no evidence, it will be slander and slander. No matter how magnanimous I am, I cannot tolerate others framing me arbitrarily! If Luo Xiao, there is evidence to prove that I killed Although he can show his parents, as long as it makes sense, I, Qiu Wanli, will definitely plead guilty!"

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