Everyone turned their heads to look at Luo Xiao in unison, only to see that Luo Xiao's eyes were blank, his soul seemed to have left his body, and only a useless skin remained here, completely unresponsive to everyone's gaze.

Tang Xinyi was a little anxious, stepped forward, grabbed Luo Xiao's lapel, shook it vigorously, and said, "Luo Xiao, cheer up! Bring out your evidence, there are King Dingshan, Mr. Sun and Mr. Hu, And Her Royal Highness, I will definitely make decisions for you! You should cheer up and talk!"

Tang Xinyi became more and more excited, and her strength continued to increase. If she continued to shake like this, Luo Xiao was still alive, and he would be shaken away by him. She hurriedly held her down, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, let him Slowly."


Tang Xinyi looked anxious, and was about to speak when Wan Dong shook her head again, interrupting her words.

Not to mention that Luo Xiao was already a little delirious at this time, even if he was sober, he might not be able to produce any strong evidence.This point can be seen from the look of Qiu Wanli's old god, not nervous at all.Qiu Wanli was deeply scheming and thoughtful, so he would never leave any convincing evidence, not to mention that after so many years, no matter how strong the evidence is, it will lose its color.

Taking a step back, Luo Xiao presented enough convincing evidence, would Qiu Wanli really admit it?Whoever thinks this way is simply naive to grandma's house.At that time, not only would Qiu Wanli not admit his debt, but he would take the opportunity to turn his back on him. At that time, how far the situation will develop is unpredictable.There is no way, Qiu Wanli's current power is simply too great.Therefore, this is destined to become a muddled account!

But muddled accounts also have the benefits of muddled accounts, whether it is square or round, it all depends on the winner to judge, it is easy!

Seeing this scene, Qiu Wanli let out a sneer, all of this was obviously within his expectation.He opened his mouth and said, "If Luo Xiao can't come up with strong evidence, it's an insult and slander to someone I hate. If I want to recover an explanation for this, you shouldn't have any objections?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qiu Wanli turned around, looked at Bai Die, and said with a sneer on his face, "Your Highness, it's getting late, please write down the edict now, I'm going back to rest too."

Qiu Wanli stared straight at Bai Die, clearly saying, "You think that with Xu Wenchuan backing you up, I can't do anything to you? Don't dream! You'd better admit it obediently, so as not to embarrass you even more!"

Bai Die's heart sank, she was very unwilling, could it be that no one can cure the enemy?

"What edict?" At this moment, Wan Dong asked with a puzzled expression.

Qiu Yunchong got angry when he saw Wan Dong, he sneered and said, "As I said before, it is an edict to publicly execute Luo Xiao for treason, are you deaf?"

"Treason? When did Luo Xiao commit treason?"

Qiu Yunchong snorted and said, "Isn't it treason to openly assassinate the current national teacher?"

"Oh, it turns out that assassinating the national teacher is considered treason... Then if you assassinate you, is it also considered treason?" Wan Dong asked Qiu Yunchong with a bewildered look.

Qiu Yunchong puffed out his chest proudly and replied, "Naturally!"

"Why, because you are the son of Master Guoshi?"

Qiu Yunchong is probably used to being arrogant, and he is even more proud of his father.Hearing Wan Dong's question, the already tall breasts were so straight that they were almost turning into chicken breasts.Proudly said, "Of course! Being my father's son is the greatest pride in my life!"

After hearing Qiu Yunchong's words, Qiu Wanli smiled, very pleased with himself.Who in the world doesn't want to be the pride of his son?This man's sense of accomplishment comes from many aspects, making contributions is just one of them. Becoming a hero in his son's mind is the success that many fathers dream of.

Although Qiu Yunchong's actions and words are a little nasty and arrogant, but what does that matter, the Qiu family is now powerful and has the capital to be arrogant!

Wan Dong nodded, and said with a smile: "General Qiu's filial piety is commendable. Master Qiu has no sons. It's really enviable. Since this is the case, I have nothing to say."

"Ah?" Wan Dong's words made Tang Xinyi and Bai Die's eyes widen at the same time. What's wrong, they have nothing to say?Could it be that Luo Xiao was charged with treason and died like this?Damn stuff!Since you have nothing to say, what kind of mouth is cha?

Qiu Yunchong snorted coldly, and said proudly, "Nonsense! Of course you have nothing to say!"

Wan Dong shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't hear Qiu Yunchong's words.

In Qiu Yunchong's heart, Xu Yaoting will always be a rascal and will never change. He gave Wan Dong a disdainful look, turned his head to look at Bai Die, and said, "Your Highness, Mo is going to do it. What are you doing?" How long are you going to dawdle?"

"Your Highness, since the rules have been set by Master Qiu and General Qiu, then you can write this edict! But, by the way, also write the name of that guy, so as not to waste another edict." Baidie was forced by Qiu Yun. Just in time, Wan Dong said leisurely suddenly, pointing at Guichou at the same time.

Seeing this, Bai Die's heart skipped a beat, and Tang Xinyi's eyes were filled with an unconcealable smile.I just wish I could give myself a slap.

She has always thought of herself as a smart person, but why does she always do stupid things? Even if she eats a thousand beans, she won't get the smell of beans. How cunning Xu Yaoting is, is it so easy to have nothing to say?

The expressions of Qiu Wanli and Qiu Yunchong changed at the same time, and Qiu Yunchong couldn't help frowning and asked, "What do you mean? Why did you add Guichou's name?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's because he committed treason!" Wan Dong glared at Qiu Yunchong with an expression of impatience.

"Bastard! When did I commit treason?" At this juncture, Guichou, of course, didn't want to die without knowing why, and immediately called out to Qu.

"You still don't admit it? How dare you assassinate the only grandson of King Dingshan in the current dynasty? If this is not treason, what is it?"


"What me? Do you dare deny it? On that day, if the young master hadn't shown his supernatural power, he would have died in your hands!" He said, turning his head to look at the Qiu family father and son solemnly: "Master Qiu, General Qiu, If you don’t believe me, I have witnesses! Wang Yangde and Miss Liu Ke’er can all testify for me!”

"Wang Yangde, the Liu family?" Qiu Wanli frowned immediately.

Wang Yangde is the number one genius of the Qingyun Empire. He is extremely popular and has a bright future. He is by no means an ordinary person.And the Liu family was even more serious, one of the two big families that Qiu Wanli feared the most, he had to be careful.

"Okay, you bastard! How dare you kill my grandson Xu Wenchuan? You'd better screw off your head and give it to me, otherwise I will let you die!" Xu Wenchuan didn't deliberately cooperate with Wan Dong, he Is really angry.Xu Yaoting, the only seedling of the Xu family, died, and the Xu family would become extinct. How could he not be angry?The entire imperial study room echoed with Xu Wenchuan's furious roar like thunder, which was very scary!

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